Newsletter #1
March 2012
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Voyages of Discovery Newsletter. This newsletter is all about you and your voyages of discovery of your genius, so read on.

In This Issue
The Steve Jobs Way
Your Voyages of Discovery
Next Issue
The Steve Jobs Way
Steve Jobs & Apple
Genius of the 21st Century
The late Steve Jobs was a genius of the twenty first century. And with good reason.


Epitome of Innovation & Creativity 

He epitomized innovation and creativity like no other and made pursuing one's passion his own personal patent (after all, he headed one of the most patented companies on the planet) and a life challenge.


His most famous quote (even among the very famous of all his sayings) was part of the soul stirring and inspirational commencement address (visit this link: to read the full address) he made to the Stanford University graduate students. He said: "Don't settle till you find your passion.  Take a job as a bus boy or some such thing.  Once you find your passion, go after it.  Be stupid, make mistakes."


Life Pursuit of Passion 

Indeed the most significant part of the legacy that Steve Jobs left for generations to come is that of following one's passion and loving what you are doing.  Every one of us has a passion for something or the other but most of us have fallen prey to the "No time for anything" disease. This is so pervasive that we have traded risk taking and adventure for a comfort zone and settled for the easier and more mundane path in life.  


There is no fire in the belly any more. If anything, there are mere embers from which sparking anything challenging and life changing is considered a chore and has long been given up.

Why does passion play such a key part of a fulfilling life? 


Have your ever asked yourself the following questions:

  1. What am I on this earth for?
  2. Does my existence serve a purpose or is it that I am just living to eat and drink and watch television and sleep and then one day pass away in anonymity?

Think about that!


My late father always said: "Become something worthwhile in life.  Don't just exist.  God meant for us to serve some purpose on this earth when he created us and accomplishing that is indeed the essence of a fulfilled life."


You need to have a greater mission in life than just to go to office every day, earn money (and spend it of course) and plan vacations. You need to think beyond just yourself.


Ask yourself:

  1. What is it that makes your heart beat faster?
  2. What is it that makes you lose track of time?
  3. What is it that makes a smile come on your face?
  4. What is it that makes you feel younger and full of energy?
  5. What is it that makes you feel like a genius?

Find that activity, pastime, crusade, interest or hobby and pursue it like your whole life depended on it and you will reach a state of mind that will go beyond the mundane.


Les Brown, the world renowned speaker and known for the passion he exudes in every thing that he says and does remarked: "Reach for the moon, if you miss, at least you will land among the stars."


I have asked myself time and again throughout my life these introspective questions and have now been able to zero in on the answers which were a revelation to me.  My passion is in sharing knowledge through writing, speaking, teaching and learning.  It gives me immense delight and pleasure when I am able to share anything which can assist somebody learn something or benefit from. A simple word of appreciation of how such sharing of knowledge really helped somebody is like being on an energy steroid.  it is breathtaking, galvanizing and inspiring.


But this whole process of discovering your passion is something very personal. You need to make a commitment internally and devote your life to it.  There are no prizes given for doing it nor will anybody punish you if you do not do it.  It is your calling that one is talking about.  You have to bell the cat yourself.  Nobody is going to do it for you.  It is your own voyage of discovery.


Let me leave with you a question for you to ponder over.


Do you know what your passion is?  


Your Voyages of Discovery

Discovering Yourself


You do not know yourself at all!


You would probably ignore a statement like that as made by somebody who was just out to get some attention.


Would your reaction be different, on the other hand, if I told you that I could prove it.


Now, you might just sit up and take notice since I have gone and stuck my neck out claiming proof of my statement.


Well, your voyages of discovery are going to do that job.


What are voyages of discovery, you might now well ask.


Voyages of Discovery are simple exercises of introspection which deliver deep insights into yourself, your motivations and why you do what you do. These are voyages of exploration of the self and a peep into your past, particularly childhood where most of today's preferences, likes, dislikes and obsessions were rooted.


Childhood - Voyage of Discovery

Your childhood laid the foundation for much of your today's thought processes, biases and prejudices.  


When you do find time to reflect and think about what you want from life (a difficult exercise in the frenetic lifestyle that you adopt), the sweetest nectar you will acquire will be from the Voyage of Discovery into your childhood. 


Everyone of us is born with certain talents and gifts and creative potential. During your childhood you gave full expression to this in everything you did. For instance, if you remember back to your childhood days, you will find that you indulged in so many activities like sport, games, sketching, painting, singing, listening to music, and so on and many of them simultaneously.  You also found that you were able to learn new hobbies, activities and skills effortlessly.  You participated in these hobbies and activities with all your energy and more importantly with a carefree attitude. Nothing much bothered you, you were afraid of nothing and stress was non existent. These were your most creative moments, times, years.  


What then happened since those beautiful childhood years? Is it that you now do not possess those gifts, talents anymore?

It may console you to know that you definitely have not lost those gifts, talents,you have just stopped using them.  


Your first Voyage of Discovery

Brain research has conclusively proven that every one of us are born with the same level of brain power as, say, Albert Einstein. However, during childhood almost all of us fully gave expression to and exercised our inherent talents and gifts and if we lacked in any area we simply learnt them along the way. 


The huge difference between that and our current lives is that we have "forgotten" to use most of our talents and gifts and in many instances we have started believing that we "never had those talents and gifts". This negative self talk just made the situation worse and we continued to lose more and more of our natural skills and abilities of childhood until we became pale shadows of our childhood versions. 

Well, it is not too late even now. All that is needed is first for us to believe that we are endowed with these talents and gifts. In a way, it is the belief system within us (learn more about a belief system here).  

Without further ado, it is time to go on your first voyage of discovery.
Since this is your first voyage of discovery, be patient and do not be hard on yourself if you find it difficult to get going. Persistence is everything.
Don't force yourself, let it emerge spontaneously. If you give yourself some quiet moments each day, (remember, reflection is key to focusing on something and focus brings action and achievement) very soon your sub-conscious will deliver it a-la-carte. 

Now transport yourself to your childhood (Marty in Back to the Future style!). Feel that carefree attitude, sense that dare devil approach, taste that appetite for anything new, become that individual who knew no bounds in their thinking. You are slowly getting into your most creative state and your mind is ready to absorb and accept this voyage of discovery. Now relax and answer this question:
What were your Most Favorite subjects in school? Why?

This is a very key part of the discovery process. Once you zero in on what your most favorite subject was, dig deeper and ask yourself the reason. Was it because you felt naturally interested in it and could not wait for that class to arrive. Maybe you felt a connection. It did not seem as if you were in school studying (which by itself may not be very motivating if you hated it), it felt more like you were enjoying an after school activity, a game or sport. 

Believe me, these are indications of something that is very close to your heart and for which you are ready to spend hours and hours without a thought for eating, sleeping or any other regular activity. These could be the signs for something you are passionate about

The other sure fire indication of passion is when you seem to have a greater mission in life than just knowing more about something or reading up for yourself. There was some crusade in the air. You felt like sharing, contributing, making a difference

It is worthwhile to spend some more time exploring this topic and over the next few days, concentrate on this until you are convinced that you have found your passion. You will be able to feel that energy inside you. It will lift you up, make you feel like singing, you will have a spring in your stride. Suddenly, you are able to hear birds chirping, the sky is brilliant blue, the breeze tingles with life, you are in high spirits. 
It is a state of mind and being that only the obsessed get. Remember reading about Albert Einstein's obsessive imagination of riding on a beam of light which later was to lead him into the Theory of Relativity. It is that focus. Even Bruce Lee said: "The greatest warrior is an ordinary person with a laser like focus." 

For example, if the chemistry lab was like your second home in school and you lingered long after school to be there surrounded by multi colored bottles of chemicals in beakers, the pipettes, flasks, the smell of pungency in the air, trying out experiments and just being engrossed in that, your passion could be science. May be you wanted to be a chemist or a scientist
Think about that. 
What was it that you had very much wanted to become when you grew up? Did you pursue that? Did you realize that dream? Where did you go with that passion? Did you allow it to die by getting into the rut and rigmarole of life
Well, you can kindle it straight back into your life if you wish to. Your voyage of discovery is all about that.

Next Issue (see you in April 2012)
Discover your Genius
The road to your passion

How to pursue your passion Steve Jobs style?


Are you a curious person? Why should you be curious?


Do you believe in your gut? What is gut anyway? 


and many more......

Feedback on the newsletter is welcome including any suggestions for improvement and may be sent to [email protected]

Believe in yourself and discover the genius in you.

Talk to you soon.
S Lakshmi Narasimhan
Author of the just released Book: Discover the Genius in the Mirror

About Ignite Insight LLC: I am the Founder of Ignite Insight LLC, a Consultancy specializing in providing Group/Executive Training & Coaching services to companies, business groups and individuals. We empower you to discover the genius in yourself!

Contact me at: 201-253-5000 
Discover the Genius in the Mirror Discover the Genius
in the Mirror Book
Your ticket to Genius!
 Are you the Pilot or just a passenger? Success is your choice. Find out how.
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