
In Evolution - being more of you:

"You say you want a revolution?"   


It was the 1960's when the Beatles famously sang that line
and indeed, a revolution was at hand.

There's a lot of talk in our society right now about revolution. Unfortunately, most of those advocating for revolution are not
really fit revolutionaries. The inflammatory rhetoric coming from these personalities, pundits, and politicians is all about
dramatizing, criticizing, condemning, and converting. These so-called "leaders" are long on drama, emotional manipulation,
and fear-mongering...but short on constructive, instructive, innovative ideas and creative, tangible, and practical

Real revolution can be danger business; witness Iran, Burma, Tunisia, and the Sudan. Real revolution is best suited to
emotionally mature individuals willing to evolve themselves -
to actually become the change they are seeking in the
world - and then to engage in open, creative, innovative, communication and action.

In all honesty, I'm not advocating for a revolution of any kind;
not at this time. To be frank, we don't have our "house in order." Revolution created by the likes of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Julian Assange, and the Tea Party will be a direct reflection and projection of who these people are.

No thank you.

The behavior of these people isn't revolutionary; it's not even evolutionary. It's unhealthy, intellectually imbalanced and emotionally immature at best; dysfunctional and dangerous at worst. While I deeply respect everyone's right to free speech,
I reserve my right to focus my listening and attention on those
who represent innovation, transformation, and inspiration, not
those who perpetuate immaturity, misinformation, and manipulation.

However, I am advocating, whole-heartedly, for our evolution;
for all of us to take on our own personal evolution; whatever that looks like for each of us. As President Obama said in Tucson, "the forces that divide us are not as strong as the forces that
unite us."

It's time for us, as human beings, to evolve. I know that will
change the world.

How do I know our evolution will change the world?
Again, it's about energy.

More next time...

kelly grace smith signature


(For more about the concepts in this message, go to "words: Words have
" & "Energy: the science & spirit of you" & "Mastery: the quantum
path to your heart
" at


to learn more about being more of you...

kellygracesmith  �  being more of you™  �  making love to your money™