Barton Child Law and Policy Center Newsletter
Dear Child Advocates, this update contains:
Your Help Needed: Tax Reform is in Danger of Reducing Revenue
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Tax Reform is in Danger of Reducing Revenue

The Georgia General Assembly has been working hard to come up with a comprehensive tax reform package that will modernize Georgia's tax structure to better meet our growing state's needs.  Until recently, the Special Joint Committee on Georgia Revenue Reform's commitment has been to keep any reform revenue-neutral.  Adjustments to the proposed tax reform bill are still being made. The AJC is now reporting that the current version of the bill could actually reduce state revenues, in a time when the state is already facing an unprecedented budget crisis.


House Speaker David Ralston seemed unconcerned about an unbalanced approach.  "I'm always fine with cutting taxes," he said. "If the plan attracts new jobs to the state, tax revenue will not be a problem," he said.

Agencies serving children and their families have already taken dramatic cuts that reduce their ability to meet critical needs.  Further revenue loss would place the lives and wellbeing of Georgia's children at risk. 


Please call House Leadership today and ask them to reject any proposal that could reduce critical funding for Georgia's most vulnerable citizens: 

  •  Speaker David Ralston: 404-656-5020
  • Speaker Pro Tempore Jan Jones: 404-656-5072
  • Majority Leader Larry O'Neal:  404-656-5052  

Tell these members: "I support tax reform, but only if it meets the needs of Georgians. I do not support tax reform that means less revenues when our needs are growing."


Thank you!



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  • Status of juvenile court-related legislation;
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Learn more about our educational opportunites for law students and other graduate students at the Barton Center at Emory Law Website.

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