cupcakeMotivation, Passion & Cupcakes
Inspirational Get Togethers

November, 2010
"Nobody's last words were "I ate too many cupcakes."." Evelyn Beilenson 

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It was such a pleasure to meet each and everyone one of you at the wonderful astrology chart get together at the lovely Violet Door.

(f you didn't attend and you are getting this it is because you have attended one of our get togethers or on the Psychic Cottage newsletter list.)

It was a great success! I can't believe so many people showed up. I want to thank each one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come.

Thank you so much Carolyn for helping me out. Just a reminder that Carolyn (Sands of Time Tarot)  is also doing tarot readings out of the Violet Door.

For the people who did attend, I realize that astrology is a very complicated subject so I am hoping that when you receive your profile that it will clarify some of the things for you. They will be going out in a few days.

I'm hoping you will join us on November 18th for the Anastasia book get together. I'm so excited about this.

If you are coming and haven't had a chance to read the book make sure you pick it up from The Violet Door.

Joanne is selling them like hotcakes so I know lots of people are interested in this book.
Let's create some magic together!
I look forward to seeing everyone again.

Cupcake Blessings, Sharon

The Psychic Cottage

Anastasia - Vladimir Megre - November 18th, 2010

The Violet Door

If you haven't read the book Anastasia yet make sure you do so you can join us at the next get together.

(Books are available at The Violet Door.)

I'm so excited.

Anastasia is a book that was written with the intent of changing your life.

I'll save my story for you at the get together but I can tell you that this Motivation, Passion & Cupcake idea actually came from the book.

Are you ready to have some fun and invite magic into your life? If so come join us for this great time on November 18th, 2010 from 7 - 9pm at The Violet Door in Bowmanville.

Abundant Blessings to you and yours, Sharon

About The Psychic Cottage

The Psychic Cottage
Bowmanville, Ontario

Listen to The Psychic Cottage Radio Show every Wednesday at 9pm EST on 

Psychic Readings available at The Violet Door

me young

Astrological Profiles 
Whoever attended your Astrological Chart made easy on October 28th, 2010 will get one astrological profile free. If you have completed the information and gave it to me at the get together your profiles will be sent out in one week's time.

If you would like additional profiles you can purchase them at a reduced price of just $5.00 each for the month of November, 2010 only. After that they will go up to the normal price of $20 as indicated on my website.

This reduced price is available to everyone getting this newsletter.

These profiles are sent by email. You must provide your birhdate, birth time, and place of birth and indicate if you would like a child's chart or a women's chart. Just email once you have made your purchase through pay pal and allow me one weeks time to prepare.

Buy Now One Astrological Profile - Only $5.00 - November, 2010 Only


Passionate Cupcakes


I wanted to have at the end of my newsletters people that have found their passion and want to share with the other people at Motivation, Passion & Cupcakes. If you want to be part of this just let me know and I will add you to the next newsletter.

I'll go first


My name is Sharon and I am a psychic with over 20 years experience and operate under the name of The Psychic Cottage. I am a radio and television personality and do my personal psychic readings out of The Violet Door in Bowmanville. I love what I do. It is truly an honour to share in people's lives the way I do. My website is and I do a weekly radio show in which I offer free psychic readings to people at  I have a wonderful blog in which I talk about my adventures I hope you join me.


See its easy.


