Conservatory Lab
Charter School
In This Issue
Learning Through Music Exhibitions!
Process to Perfect Pasta
Early Pickups
El Sistema Highlights
Girl's Basketball
Upcoming Events

Dec 6
K2 performance at Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony,
Brighton Center
5:30 pm

Dec 10
Chamber orchestra performance at Faneuil St. Library
4:00 pm

December 15

-Parent Advisory Committee meeting
5:30 pm

Deceember  17
-Winter Concert:

Edison School
60 Glenmont
Brighton, MA 02135

*Note time change

Conservatory Lab
25 Arlington Street
Brighton, MA 02315
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Family Notes
December 3, 2010
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Dear Families, 


As we enter the season of Learning Through Music Exhibitions, holiday serenades, and the Winter Concert, each of our performers has adopted the intensity of one about to unveil months of work to the joy and critique of an expectant audience.  Performance provides focus for our work and brings us together as a community.  It is one of the five foundational processes of our Learning Through Music curriculum.


The anticipation of a performance encourages us to see ourselves in the mirror of our audience.  We must examine ourselves from the perspective of those who will see our product for the first time without full knowledge of our process.  A performance needs no explanation; it speaks for itself.


Yet as we examine ourselves in this mirror, we also see that we are not alone on stage.  We stand surrounded by an orchestra of friends, family, teachers, and students who share the credit, the anticipation, and the thrill that comes with sharing ourselves out loud with the world.  We are inspired by one another, we are validated by our audience, and in that moment of performance we are truly alive.


This is what we offer our children when we put an instrument in their hands and invite them to join an orchestra.  Whether or not we are performing musicians, our lives are full of moments when we must share who we are and what we have done without knowing ahead of time how we will be received.  In our ensembles, we learn to treasure these moments as opportunities to rejoice with our community in all we have accomplished.






Diana Lam

Head of School

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Learning Through Music Exhibitions!
This month, each class will present a performance and exhibition of their Learning Through Music project.

Family and friends are invited to any of these events:

K1: "Building a Community through Music and Cooking"
December 10
K2: "Heroes"
December 6

1st Grade:  "This Land is Your Land"
December 22

2nd Grade: "Don't Be S-s-s-cared: Snakes"  
 December 21

3rd Grade "Waterworks: The Charles River"
December 10

4th Grade  "Here We Come: Immigrant Voices"
December 13

5th Grade   "Stand Up, Speak Up: A New Nation"
December 8
9:15am to 10:00am

*please join us afterward in Brighton Center for our choral performance at Brighton Christmas tree lighting
**please join us at school-wide assembly afterward
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Process to Perfect Pasta:
K1 welcomed culinary experts Doris and Andy into their class to demonstrate the importance of teamwork in the preparation of pasta, for their Learning Through Music unit, "Building Community Through Music and Cooking."
"Each of these tools has an important job.  It takes many steps to make delicious pasta!"
"First, we mix the dough."

"It looks really gooey..."
"As we knead it, the dough forms a ball."
Cutting Dough
"It's too big to fit through the wringer all at once, so we cut it into pieces."
"Now we can take turns kneading..."
"...while others put the dough through the wringer.

"Once it is cooked, it is ready to eat!"

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Early Pickups
If you must pick your child up early during El Sistema time, please remember to let Joyce Mendez know you are taking them.

To avoid interrupting classes, plan to meet your child during these transition times:
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Basses Practicing

This week in El Sistema:

  • A new chamber orchestra is gearing up for a performance.  Friends and family are invited to their concert at the Faneuil St. Library at 4:00 pm next Friday.
  • Selected volunteers from grades 3-5 have been visiting the K2 class over several days to share their instrument expertise.  Under the older students' guidance, K2 students have made observations, created ven diagrams, and sketched drawings of the orchestral instruments, as they prepare to select the instruments they will play.
  • Our ensembles are hard at work preparing for the Winter Concert!  Each student will play a unique and important part in this performance.

Questions? Write to

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Girl's Basketball:

The Conservatory Lab Girl's Basketball team will play against other Playworks schools on Tuesday evenings at the Jackson Mann Community Center.  Come support our team!

For more information, e-mail Coach April at
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