Natures Blessings
Newsletter Title
In This Issue
Spring Time! Vernal Equinox, New Moon in Aries
The Healing Power of Flowers and OM chanting
Life Force Experiences

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Mother Earth










Dear friend,


Happy Spring to you!!!


This week's energies are quite powerful, we have the Vernal (Spring) Equinox where night is equal to the day. It's a day of balance and equanimity. Spring is here and it is fresh. Sun enters Aries, the Warrior sign of the zodiac. Happy Solar return to all Aries!


We are also still in Mercury Retrograde - Mercury - the planet that represents communication: time to contemplate your feelings and emotions observe your moods and pick up where you left old projects. Focus more on things that need closure in your life, like completing projects.


Here is where you can listen to a show about Mercury Retrograde and learn to transform chaotic energies into positive vibrations.



Thursday March 22 we have the New Moon in Aries (first sign of the zodiac), so we have fresh new beginnings! Time to refresh your spirit time to celebrate your life passionately!


Our New Moon Transmission will take place on Thursday March 22 at 6:00 am PST.


Do not miss this one: it is fresh and powerful raw cosmic energies.







What happened in the last Full Moon Transmission?


Grandma Moon (Virgo Full Moon) gifted us with a long healing session. It was a nite of deep healing that carried on for a few more days after the transmission.


The session started with deep grounding through our feet.

I saw doors being closed and than opening for more people to come into our spiritual circle of healing. The healing took place in a temple of healing. Opening the doors representing welcoming people's spirits in the temple of healing and closing doors representing time for healing and silence.



Healers from all traditions, dolphins, whales and other animal spirits were present in spirit form. Healing also came from the invisible realm of angels and spirit guides.


There was a small circle at first and the doors continued to open welcoming more people, as higher selves were more opened and attracted to the energy of the circle of healing.


"Healing starts with Grounding" was the first message at the beginning of transsmission. Everyone that was present in spirit was asked to ground/earth themselves first.



The healing started with floral essences and also fresh flowers being absorbed into our energy field.

A beautiful young woman was delegated to burn lavender around the entire circle of healing to attune us to the magical energy of lavender: healing, health, conscious mind, spiritual love and peace. Lavender is known to control stormy emotional states.


Burn some lavender incense or add some lavender oil into your bath if you feel "under the weather".


Than a potpourri of fresh flowers was presented to us. The scent was magical. We were attuned to the healing energy of plants and in particular flowers. The spirit of the flowers was absorbed by our spirit.


We were reminded of the power of floral healing and encouraged to buy fresh flowers to speed up the healing process this spring.


Than a visualization (meditation) was given to us:

Imagine flowers that you like, different colors and fragrances and place them in the area that needs healing. It might be any chakra or any part of your body that requires healing energy. Breath in and out, take your time to absorb the energy of flowers into your body and psyche.


 Mother Earth



The healing power of floral baths:

The next step we were immersed for a while in magical floral baths, to cleanse and rejuvenate.


In Peru Floral baths are used as shamanic healing to calm the nerves, remove and wash away unhelpful spirits or emotions that are preventing healing so balance can be attained. When one is bathed in a floral bath, the energies of plants are absorbed by the spirit and also by the body through the skin. It is such a powerful and pleasant cleanse. And when birds visit you during the bath than that's definitely a good omen.


The moon transmission progressed with even more deeper healing energies and the power of OM chanting was awakened in all. Om-ing lasted for quite sometime and I strongly suggest to try its power.


For each condition, physical or emotional an OM (AUM) was released into the ethers.


I have seen 4 people at first that needed special attention: lung problems, ulcer, stomach problems, heart problems. Then other people's higher selves showed up being opened to receive healing: people with cancer, leukemia, arthritis blood problem, overweight, thyroid problems, teeth, sinus, bones, asthma, as well as emotional problems: love, abandonment, self esteem, frustration and a lot more...


I wish all could be healed in an instant. However when we go through deep suffering and pain we open to a new level of understanding and compassion. This session helped more with this kind of understanding, acceptance and surrender to the healer within.


Angels of Healing were present, accompanied by dolphin and whale spirits.


I hope you enjoyed Grandma's Moon healing gift. We deserve it. Some of us felt the benefits immediately some after a few days, some didn't feel as it was more subtle, some opened up more to the powers of healing...


Session was continued autonomous (healing energies running without conscious awareness) quite intensely until midnight and then continued more subtle for a few more days.


Some of the powerful healing energy also went to our lovely planet.



Deep gratitude to all healer spirits.






"On the night of the crest of the full moon I had intense dreams and was awakened with the sensation of resonating energy - a transmission. I felt as if my entire framework of existence had been redefined with a new program, a new level of thought, a new level of perspective on what is.

All I can say is I woke in the morning with strong clarity to the fact of what I explained. I then sought out your latest newsletter and realized in the evening my moment of clarity occurred a day before the full moon.

Intense emotions is quite accurate.

Thank you for the clarity and perspective your work provides.









I keep getting questions form people that acquired orgone pendants from


Mother Earth

Kamala asks about the chakra system orgone pendant:


"Dear Lilly,

I would like to know how and why the LIFE FORCE energy feels like a cool breeze or warm sensation when I wear the chakra system orgone pendant.

Can you please explain this to me?

Thank you,




"Dear Kamala,

The chakra system orgone pendant is a powerful energy booster, life generating force created in many layers of subtle energy that help purify, cleanse and balance the chakras, subtle bodies and the physical body.

Life force can manifest in different ways depending on many factors: how aligned with the life force you are, what energy you need in that particular moment in time. For example people that feel a warm sensation might go through a period of healing, or intense awakening in your energy centers, cool energy might mean more relaxed laid back energy, tingling might be amping up your energy etc.


Sometimes energies might be felt more intense sometimes more subtle, it also depends on your astrological chart and where you are emotionally at the time.

Sometimes you might feel nothing and that doesn't mean life force has died, it might simply mean your energy field is saturated with life force and energy operates subtle in the background of your consciousness or it might mean something else.


Most of the time analytical mind wants to know "WHY" to give you a translation of your feelings but sometimes feelings have to just be experienced and understood by your heart's intelligence rather than your mind.


It is so interesting to observe how energies of orgone affect our growth. "





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Contact Info
Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~

(702) 256 1960