Natures Blessings
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Crown of Confidence Gift
Pisces New Moon and Audio
Solar Plexus Power

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Dear friend,


Last moon transmission (Full Moon in Leo) was filled with great messages and insight.


Few minutes before starting the moon transmission the energies were 'hot'. Leo is related to heart and fire energy, no wonder where the heat came from. I was sweating a lot during transmission. Thank you for your "hot" energies and cosmic participation, I truly appreciate it.



The circle of people was pretty large and a lot of feminine energy was channeled although the Moon was in Leo and usually Leo is more of a masculine energy.


We had assistance from sisters of the astral realm. Everything is Divine order and we were reminded to follow the cycles of life without skipping challenges or look for shortcuts. There is no such a thing as a magic pill that we take and everything is Bliss. Everything happens according to the Divine order rhythm. We were reminded to allow to go through cycles of growth.

Confidence was the main energy work theme in this transmission that apparently a lot are requesting subconsciously more than consciously.



For 10 continuous minutes blocks of confidence kept being cleared at the surface as well as deep subtle levels. There was a vortex of energy circulating cleansing blocks that prevent true confidence.


Apparently according to the spirit some headaches and migraines are created by confidence blocks. It all actually starts in the heart center and of course it's mostly related to childhood issues that are hidden in subconscious.




 Read all article:






Next New Moon Transmission is Tuesday Feb 21st at 8:00 pm PST.


Moon is in Pisces -a sign that is considered most imaginative and spiritual of the zodiac.

This transmission will be probably be a relaxed, very intuitive with psychic channels opening and being activated more than usual. Sensitivity will be triggered around this moon. Take time to relax and breath. As Pisces is a water sign would be a great idea to take a nice relaxing bath and instead of doing, focus more on being while enjoying renewal and deep relaxation so you can recharge batteries for the next full moon, getting ready for Aries fiery energies in March.



For people that are just started their spiritual awakening I have news: it is not an easy path, it is not about love and light only, it has some challenges and difficulties.


I have created an audio on spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis. Please understand that spiritual energies and openings can be intense.


In this audio show you will find out about spiritual awakening and challenges one can encounter on the spiritual path. Transformational crisis can have a big impact on your life. Spiritual awakening is a very powerful process and with power comes a tremendous energy. So one might experience unusual energies and 'weird phenomena' during spiritual awakening. Having the knowledge and knowing that you are not alone makes it easier. I also share ways to deal with spiritual crisis and transformation so you can make your life easier during spiritual opening.


Once those crises are faced and resolved it is easier to deal with life's tough situations, stress and predicaments.



Enjoy listening and looking forward to meet you in the ethers for the New Moon Transmission.

podcast spiritual crisis awakening



This month my solar returns and my birthday wish for you is that you get connected to your true self, know gratitude, accept and love yourself at the deepest levels of your being.









Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) " The city of Jewels"


Solar plexus chakra is the centerof personal power, EGO, will, self-esteem, spontaneity, concentration. The element associated with this chakra is fire: imagine a bright sun in the middle of your body.

When third chakra is weakened or imbalanced one might experience feelings of rejection, fear, fighting with yourself and others, depression, doubt and intense worry which can affect the nervous system.
Solar plexus chakra is attacked by negative thoughts.


When third chakra is balanced, it will empower one to grow in positive ways. It will help you digest and assimilate everything in a positive way "including digestion of thoughts". People with balanced third chakra tend to have healthy emotional lives.



 Solar Plexus chakra Orgone pendant is a powerful energy booster which is designed to help:

* remove fear and inhibition

* promote concentration

* increase energy levels and drive to succeed

* promote success and optimism, dissolving apathy


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Magical Healing



Contact Info
Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~

(702) 256 1960