Natures Blessings
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Peace In, Peace Out
Two places of Ego in the energetic body
Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras

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Lovely spirit,



You know what Ego is, right? Ego is mind based. It has many different guises; it is a social mask we wear. Ego can move around from subconscious to conscious mind, it can be all over the place, looking for some cheap drama and lousy entertainment.

Is Ego good or bad? Ego just is... You need to be in control over own ego so it doesn't become your enemy.


Getting rid of ego? Hmmm... unless you ar a saint... maybe.. but in the mean time we chose this timing, this body so we still have to deal with own ego...


I love those moon transmissions!!! As much as they help you they help me. I always get new insight, counsel and advice and guidance from spirits that vibrate at a high rate in order to make better decisions.



During the last full moon transmission I was given by my guidance a very powerful meditation technique to keep ego under control. It was in preparation for this new coming moon in Leo that will bring to the surface ego and pride. I have sent it out to all that have participated and some of you received it well.  The transmission that I sent out remotely has a huge impact on our chaotic energies of our invisible ego. It involves two main energy centers where ego resides: solar plexus chakra and third eye chakra. These two powerful energy centers need to be in perfect harmony and balance to keep the ego under control. Work and meditate on those two energy centers to open yourself to balance and peace within.


Most of the moon transmissions I hold in my backyard where I have created a sacred sanctuary: a medicine wheel.


 Medicine Wheel



The medicine wheel has the power of Nature and radiates vital power including personal powers. It symbolizes energy, power, wisdom, knowledge and helps one achieve self realization and become whole. Tune into my medicine wheel that is made of shamanic rocks, gems and crystals and powerful orgone creations.


Take a look at the medicine wheel picture for a few moments absorbing its energy into your third eye (between your eye brows). Then close your eyes and keep the image active in your mind's eye and sit in meditation for the duration of the moon transmission or for how long you need. Keep breathing deeply in and out through the nose.  If that is not possible (you might sleep during the transmission) then set intention to tune into the vibration of the moon transmission via my medicine wheel.


This particular New Moon is in Leo and the energies are quite strong.  It highlights Leo qualities: charismatic, courageous and confident. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting the same results. This new moon will be focusing on new beginnings, creating new habits and patterns or renew, readjust the old ones. Stay open to whatever comes your way. Remember spirit is always around... you are never alone. Allow yourself to be open to new moon's energies. Would love to hear your experiences with the energies of moon transmissions.

New Moon Transmission (blessings) will start at 8:30 am PST on Sat July 30.


As Leo is ruled by the Sun, would be a great opportunity to add solar energy to the transmission working with the golden light.


Moon Blessings,












Solar plexus chakra is the center of personal power, EGO, will, self-esteem, spontaneity, concentration. The element associated with this chakra is fire: imagine a bright sun in the middle of your body.

When third chakra is weakened or imbalanced one might experience feelings of rejection, fear, fighting with yourself and others, depression, doubt and intense worry which can affect the nervous system.
Solar plexus chakra is attacked by negative thoughts.


When third chakra is balanced, it will empower one to grow in positive ways. It will help you digest and assimilate everything in a positive way "including digestion of thoughts". People with balanced third chakra tend to have healthy emotional lives.




Solar Plexus Chakra Orgone Pendant 
Solar Plexus chakra Orgone pendant is a powerful energy booster which is designed to help:

* remove fear and inhibition

* promote concentration

* increase energy levels and drive to succeed

* promote success and optimism, dissolving apathy

* facilitate personal empowerment and will power, increasing motivation

* encourage confidence, stability, truth and spiritual growth

* reduce depression and stress


 Read More about solar plexus chakra orgone pendant








 Third Eye chakra - The place of meditation


Third Eye (Ajna or Brow) Chakra, the master chakra, the destroyer of illusion - is located between the eyebrows. This psychic center is associated with realms of subtle energy, intuition, telepathy, sight, hearing, wisdom, clear thinking, knowledge, the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. duality.


When sixth chakra is weakened or imbalanced one might experience over sensitivity, indecision and confusion in understanding. It can become locked in ego and seriousness.


When sixth (brow) chakra is balanced one will develop the ability to understand the world, to "see the big picture", see everything sacred, helping in discover the true self. It will open one to intelligence and simplicity by shedding all kinds of ego.



Third Eye Chakra Orgone Pendant 



Third eye chakra Orgone pendant is a POWERFUL energy booster which is designed to help :

* stimulate, opens and balance the third-eye

* enhance psychic skills, insight, telepathy, creativity, meditation

* encourage psychic dreaming, prophecy, truth

* ground spiritual energies

* protect against psychic attacks

* offer psychic protection

* increase understanding, inspiration, wisdom

* increase creativity, confidence, help expanding awareness




 Read more here




Contact Info
Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~
(702) 256 1960