Natures Blessings
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In This Issue
Peace In, Peace Out
Winter Solstice, Full Moon Ritual Manifest

Mother Earth

Peace in, Peace out!


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New Moon Blessings 



*** The Winter Solstice on Dec. 21, 2010 on the Northern Hemisphere will coincide with a total lunar eclipse of the full moon. It is extremely rare and auspicious! Take advantage of this potent timing!***


Lovely Soul,

Are you ready to welcome the light and the sun after the last pieces of darkness dissolve into the new beginning - Dec 21, 2009?


I will start the moon transmission preparing the space and invoke the guidance on Dec 20, 2010 at 10:30 pm PST. As usual your higher selves are invited to participate.


If you cannot participate "live" to the Moon Transmission that I will hold space for don't worry, as moon transmissions are received about 12 hours prior and after. Just make sure you do your work in the 12 hours period before and after.

For this particular transmission this is what I suggest to do:

* Clean:

Clean your inner and outer space before the Night of Dec 21st

This particular moon transmission is about working deep with our darkness and purge. Clean your thoughts, clean your drawers, closet, declutter etc.


My suggestion is to do a fast, not a food fast if you live in a cold climate: a meditative fast or even a personal silent retreat, or fast on anything that has to do with technology (take a break from using computers, cell phone, TV etc for a day or half day). Fast by going in the nature, on a hike, if weather permits. Even a music fast will be appropriate, go deep into reflection taking an inward journey.

* Choose the right type of exercise that's good for you this time: (avoid exercising in a gym with many TV's and distractions, instead choose yoga, chi gong or hiking)

* On the night of Dec 20th:-

 the night of the full moon/eclipse before you go to bed look for a particular message in your dreams. The ancients believed that the dreams on this night brought important messages in the coming year. If you have an orgone dream enhancer place it under your pillow, or if you have feet chakra balancers meditate with them before you go to bed instructing to bring you powerful messages.

* Create own ritual altar

Creating your own ritual altar might be more sophisticated (watch the video where you can see my altar created for you) or it can be just a simple candle that you can decorate, placing prayers around it.

* Meditate:

it brings you into a heightened awareness and fortifies your life essence

* Gaze at the moon. Let her bath you in her nourishing rays (very powerful)

* Ask your angels that have been with you since birth to guide you into making fast and the right decisions

* Initiate a deeper reflection: go in the nature and reflect (hiking)


During the moon transmission will try to go deep into the darkness and clean even deeper layers. This particular transmission reminds me of this past year Ayahuasca sacred journey in Peru where I went so deep into my own essence and cleansed karmic clutter that later transformed into so much good and spiritual development, psychic awareness and abundance in my life.

The goal is to really go deep and cut the energetic ties that keep us enslaved in the same stagnant behavioral patterns. Once these patterns are purged we can progress with spiritual advancement, healing, financial issues, relationships etc.


What do you want to release, heal?

Intention is key.

Before you start your own meditation/prayer I invite you to write no more then 10 "things" that you want to release and then burn them. On the Full Moon transmission night I will burn negative patterns and behaviors for all of us.

Be aware that you may feel raw, vulnerable and exposed during this period. A lot might surface, (some of you that have Mercury retrograde in the natal chart might feel the Retrograde even deeper) so just notice the feelings and take time for reflection, appreciation and renewal. It is very potent time to clear karmic clutter that resides at cellular level. Past emotional trauma that are embedded in subconscious are stored deeply in the cells and unless are cleared you will never be able to move further in life.

Staying in the love vibration will help you to connect with the Spirit and will definitely overcome any challenge.


The next few days after The Winter Solstice I invite you write down with fresh renewal energy what would you like to accomplish in the New Year to come.


You are here on this dimension with a unique and special purpose: ask yourself what your passion/purpose is. What will you choose in the next years is up to you: to stay in fear of choose Love. Choose your response to daily or life challenges based on love and compassion.

Surround yourself with people that support your higher level of excellence and advancement and "clean the closet" if you are surrounded by negative people, however do it with compassion and don't forget to send them blessings on their path and understand and respect them for who they are and decisions they made. God bless their souls, however it's time for you to shine even brighter into the world when surrounded by true authentic, loving souls.

What will happen 2 years for now, 2012 - depends on our collective consciousness, I invite you to choose LOVE!

Looking forward to the Full Moon- Winter Solstice transmission and connecting with you into etheric space.

Moon Blessings,




Testimonials about  Feet chakra balancers - Orgone

"Hello Lilly, WOW!  Those feet chakra balancers are awesome!  When I first got them,
the energy level was pretty intense - in fact they made me a bit queasy when I first
handled them. About 2 hrs later, I was able to handle them for much longer periods
and slept with them on that night.  I did not start noticing anything until about the
3rd night, but my dog sure did like them from the beginning.  She nestles down in my
 bed to sleep the day away when I go to work and I leave the balancers strategically
 placed around the edges of the bed - when I come back they are always moved to
the area where she has been sleeping.  So, on your website I was reading about a
fellow named George who said he used them for yoga. 
I tried it and he sure is correct!  Greater rhythm, greater breath capacity, more ability
 to stretch - I feel kind of euphoric after yoga now when using these balancers.
I am also able to go to a deeper spot when I meditate.  I have just been meditating
 since the beginning of the year.  I have been sleeping much better also lately
and really hate to have them off my person.  Nice job on these!!! 
Do they keep their energy for some time or do they need to be recharged occasionally? 
I will probably contact you in the near future to have you take a peek at my aurabalance
 it out.  I had been debating on what orgone pendant to get and finally settled on the
 on the balancers.  I am sure it was a great choice!  I really love them.
Thanks so much, Rosemary S"

"Lilly, I love people's reaction when I let them wear the feet chakra balancers here

to relax for a reiki/healing session, it gets them started into the power stuff!! so they

 wear the feet chakra balancers and I put the orgone & set of 7 chakra balancers and they

 go into a deep relaxation when I do a healing they sleep and wake up totally refreshed,

 its so great I do less work too, because its not such a load on me. X X"

"Something funny :) is happening-while wearing the FCB (feet chakra balancers) in socks
 at night, all of a sudden my husband-who is the WORST sleeper in the world-is sleeping
 like a baby.  I have to WAKE him.
I presume it is the FCB? And that even though he isn't wearing them they are close enough
 to him to benefit his sleep? This is awesome."~ LL

Contact Info
Lilly ~Natures' Blessings~
(702) 256 1960