Providing Impoverished Guatemalans With Sustainable Access to Medical & Surgical Care.

partner for surgery

Improving Health. Empowering Communities.

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The Arts for Healing,
a Partner for Surgery fundraiser

A stunning night of art, literature, music and charity.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
7:00 p.m - 9:00 p.m.
Home of
Richard and Mary Kelly
Great Falls, VA
Visit us on the Web at:
Partner For Surgery
Google Donations
Volunteer Opportunities available to lead surgical teams
More Info at:
Operation Giving Back
Partner For Surgery
Board of Directors
James Ahlgren, MD
Carylann Assante
Edward Butler
George Evans, DD
Joseph Giordano, MD
Robert Hahne
Marybeth Haneline
Frank Peterson
Todd Peterson
Patricia Van Scoyoc
H.E. Francisco Villagrán de León
Mark Weischedel

Partner for Surgery In the News - April 2011

Frank Peterson, President and Co-Founder of Partner for Surgery, was awarded the Rotary International's highest honor-- Service Above Self Award.   

Rotary is a worldwide organization of over 1.2 million members. While many Rotarians distinguish themselves through service; the Service Above Self Award recognizes those outstanding few who have indeed made service a way of life.   Only 150 or fewer individuals receive the Service Above Self Award each year.


Frank (right) with the Service Above Self honorees from previous years in the Rotary district that is home to Partner for Surgery. In the 20 year-history of this award, there have only been six honorees from District 7610 (covering 25 counties in Virginia).

Partner for Surgery has a long history of partnership with Rotary Clubs in the United States and Guatemala to provide grants to support the need for sustainable healthcare in Guatemala.  These grants acquired surgical supplies and equipment used by more than 55 North American medical teams that have gone to Guatemala to triage and treat over 40,000 patients from the rural, native Mayan population.


During the most recent triage this April, Frank with Dr. Peter Ulland follow-up on Jonathan (shown above with grateful father) who received life-saving surgery through the work of Partner for Surgery.



Rotary, District 7610 (p. 8)