Dabney Gentle Horsemanship
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Mounted Police Unit

City of Atlanta

Mounted Police 

Ed considers it a distinct privilege and honor to have been invited to conduct an on-going training program for the fine officers and horses of the City of Atlanta Mounted Police Unit.  Atlanta already has one of the best mounted police units in the nation but Ed was very impressed with the officers dedication and desire to become even better professional riders mounted on even more highly trained horses to make them even more effective for their very unique and important duty in serving and protecting the citizens of Atlanta.

Upcoming Events 
Sicilian Riding Holiday
Sicily Holiday
 June 8 - 15 2011
Cow Clinic
February 19th & 20th
GA Cattle Drive
Authentic Cattle Drive


Over 20 riders had lots of fun while greatly improving their horses' responses and their riding skills during our two day cross country cattle drive in early November.  Along with experiencing some authentic cowboy culture by driving a herd of cattle across a 5,000 acre ranch and camping out on the trail with the cattle, the riders were able to develop a better relationship and lighter responses with their horses by giving them some real life ranch work to do for two full days. We wish to congratulate all our riders on a job well done.  Even though most riders and their horses had no previous experience at handling cattle they successfully moved the herd across large open country and through some rough areas including swamps, underbrush, forests and creeks.  They faced every challenge with enthusiasm and never allowed the cattle to stray, scatter or turn back.  At the end of the weekend there were definitely better riders on better horses.  

Cattle Drive in Georgia 

Many thanks to all our crew of Dan Burle, Mike Harsh, Richard Boatwright, Janice Gardner, Paolo Cricchio, William Shaw and Colleen, Madeline and Elizabeth Dabney for all their hard work.  We also wish to thank Eddie and Susan Pritchett for hosting our cattle drive and for their excellent help along the trail.  We were especially pleased to have professional photographer, John Moon accompany us on the cattle drive taking photos for everyone. View John's Cattle Drive Photography


Cow ClinicFor more exciting cow work and a great experience

for yourself and your horse, please join us for our February 19 - 20 Cow Working, Beginner Roping and Ranch Horsemanship Clinic. 


Untamed Legacy Premier
Mustang Charlie
Mustang Charlie


In mid-November we were honored to be invited to the premier showing of the new PBS-Television documentary, "Untamed Legacy".  This important and beautifully produced film is a very moving and poignant story of the American Mustang.   The plight of the Mustang along with the many ways the Mustang benefits our modern society are portrayed in this timely film.  Part of the film follows the journey of Nevada Mustang, Charlie, through Ed's training to his competition in the Extreme Mustang Makeover event and finally to Charlie's new home with a loving owner, Janet Culley in Alabama.  Making a surprise appearance at the gala premier was Charlie "on the red carpet" enjoying all the attention.

 Our sincere congratulations to, Emmy award winning director, Jen Noble for her accomplishment, through this film, of truly revealing the heart and spirit of the American Mustang and the vital need to preserve this important part of our national heritage.  We also congratulate, extremely talented cinematographer, Alex Gazio for the exquisite artistic beauty of each scene of this film.  Ed truly enjoyed working with Jen and Alex during his part of "Untamed Legacy".  "Well done Jen and Alex.  Be prepared to step up and receive your next Emmy Award for "Untamed Legacy." 

"Untamed Legacy" has not yet been broadcast nationally on the PBS network but may be viewed in its entirety on the PBS web site.  DVDs may be purchased on the WTCI web site.

Dabney Recommendations 
Click image to view more

 McCall SaddleCSI Saddle Pads

 Good selection of saddles in stock now, ready to ride! 

McCall Saddle

          Complete Bridal

For individual photos of the saddles and many more high quality tack items please visit our our

shopping cart.

Ed Dabney DVDs


CORRECTION: We apologize for a mistake in our previous email.  We had a misspelling of the name of our good friend in Sweden and professional riding instructor, Lena Danius. Lena assisted us with the September clinic in Stockholm Sweden for the King's Royal Palace Guard Mounted Band.  Please visit Lena's web site  to learn more about her and to contact her to schedule riding lessons or clinics.

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