January  2012

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Happy New Year
from ROCK'n & JAM'n
Ready or not... Here comes 2012!
According to Wikipedia, the 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs according to which cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012.

A New Age interpretation of this transition is that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world as we know it or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with a black hole, passing asteroid or a planet called "Nibiru".


I prefer to always look on the bright side of life and am therefore looking forward to a positive physical transformation by getting a lot of climbing in this year!! So, get your 12-month  memberships now to celebrate at least one more year of stellar climbing!


Happy New Year!
- Deb
Just to recap the benefits of having a ROCK'n & JAM'n Membership...
  • Free Guest Days the first and last day of each month. Bring a buddy in for free!
  • Free trade-out days with The Spot and Boulder Rock Club.
  • 15% discounts at ROCK'n & JAM'n and 10% discounts at The Bent Gate in Golden (www.bentgate.com) 
  • 2 locations to satisfy your indoor climbing needs.
  • Lowest possible rate locked in for life (your membership must be continuous).
  • 10% discount on 6-month or 12-month Paid in Full renewals (must be continuous Membership - NOT expired)
Winter Wonderland Results

WW lights

We would like to thank all the competitors and their family/friends who came out for the Winter Wonderland Comp in December! A big thanks to our sponsors: Hummingbird Mountain Gear, Wilderness Exchange, the American Alpine Club, Trango, Sharp End Publishing, Egrips, Jesse Crock, and Stonewear Designs!


Here are the top three finishers from each category:


Colin Duffy

Mikey Lowe

Aliza Nishke

Women's Recreational:

Jenna Park (Moonboard Climb-off)

Chelsea Battan

Men's Recreational:

Emilio Espinoza  

Women's Intermediate:

Charise Denavit  

Men's Intermediate:

Walter Wood  

Patrick Radecker  

Daniel Hayes  

Women's Advanced:

Jacinda Maurer  

Rochelle Rocha  

Men's Advanced:

Osiris Graves  

Kevin Rust  

Jamison Burt  

Women's Open:

Mercedes Pollmeier  

Men's Open:

Seth Lytton (Pullups Tie-breaker)

Asher Shay-Nemirow  

Jamie Emerson  


Silvia Luebben  

Gary DeGroat  

Hillary Nitshke  

We appreciate your business and welcome your comments!
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In This Issue
Membership has benefits!
Winter Wonderland Competition
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