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        Newsletter of the American College of Medical Quality

In This Issue
Quality Scholars' Winning Essays
Quality Organizations Looking for Input
Emerging Issues in Telemedicine
The ACMQ History Project
Editorial: Quality Across Systems
2010 Quality Scholars' Essays
This year's eight quality scholars joined conference attendees for Medical Quality 2010 in February. The Student and Resident Section of ACMQ elected new officers from this new group of scholars. You can read here the essays submitted by the new SR Section leaders; Maureen Murphy-Ryan, Student President, and Akindele Majekodunmi, MD, MBA, Resident President with the following topics:
National Quality Forum 
Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
National Committee for Quality Assurance
Quality Groups Looking for ACMQ Members' Input
ACMQ's involvement with other quality organizations gives us, and therefore you, the members, opportunities to give these groups the benefits of your expertise. Check out the websites to find out what's going on at the NQF, PCPI and NCQA. We will from time to time send you notices about their requests for comments.
Emerging Issues in Telemedicine: Remote Prescribing
Paul A. Deeringer, Hooper, Lundy & Bookman
     National health reform may dramatically increase the number of insured Americans, and some proponents of reform assert that increases in coverage will decrease unnecessary emergency room visits from the uninsured... In 2006, Americans spent $37.5 billion on emergency room visits... a 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers study found that Americans spend $14 billion on unnecessary emergency room visits, with the average visit costing roughly $1,050, compared with roughly $150 for a physician office visit.
     In the face of these cost pressures, patients, providers, and payors are striving to develop more cost-effective care delivery models...  Continue reading
Members Only!
More ACMQ news and announcements will be sent via separate e-mail.  Watch for our next message!   
The ACMQ History Project
Donald E. Fetterolf, MD, MBA, President, ACMQ
...We are in the process of writing a history of the College, and the National Library of Medicine has expressed an interest in some of the early historical documents. I am looking for members, or former members, who could supply early documents or recollections from the early days of the College, as many of the documents from that time are no longer available. The plan is to create a history of the College with verbal and written histories supplementing a backbone of board meeting minutes, newsletters, and other hard archival documents. If you would like to help or could donate old books or papers, let us know. 
The predecessor of ACMQ, the American College of Utilization Review Physicians, or ACURP, was first conceived around 1972, and was formed by about 15 physicians working in the new field of utilization review in the fall of 1973...  Continue reading
Health Care Reform: Where Do We Go From Here?
Neil R. West, MD

The hard-to-believe has finally happened in the United States after almost a century of effort on behalf of many administrations, both Republican and Democratic, to establish a mechanism for healthcare coverage for the citizens of this country. It is the first and necessary step to begin addressing the task of 'bending the cost curve'! One could certainly say that this is a glass half full or half empty scenario. However, the constant distortions and robocalls here in my home state of Arizona were a distraction. 

The challenge for everyone (including consumers) will be to improve the delivery of health care that leads to better outcomes, fewer errors, and lower costs... Continue reading