HOW MUCH SALT? Americans as a group eat a lot of salt (sodium chloride). Sodium restriction lowers blood pressure in many, but not all, people. Since salt adversely impacts health, a modest salt reduction to recommended levels is reasonable. A switch to a vegetable and fruit-rich diet is even healthier and would obviate the need for cuts in salt.
HEALTH CARE REFORM HAS STARTED! The Affordable Care Act (ACA, a.k.a. Obamacare) has started, with seniors receiving $250 rebate checks for their Medicare "donut-hole" costs, government cracking down on health-care fraud, state-run Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans now available for people who can't get insurance elsewhere, and small businesses getting tax credits for providing employee health insurance. These benefits haven't received much publicity and have been under-utilized so far.
HEALTHY LEED BUILDINGS Workplace design, construction and operation exert a huge effect on our health and environment. Our home remodeling efforts have made this quite obvious to me. In this article I focus on aspects of building design that influence health. Please support businesses who have met the LEED standard.
HERB OF THE MONTH: DILL So far health claims come from animal studies and herbal medicine lore, without human scientific verification.