

As the Lord continues to provide resources and labor, Grace Babies' Home has become yet another testimony of His faithfulness to the fatherless. You are reading the first copy of Baby Talk; a means of keeping you informed of all God is doing at GBH and how you can stay involved. As you read, may you be encouraged that your prayers are being answered, your talents utilized, and your gifts multiplied to accomplish His work in the lives of orphans and widows. May God bless you.

Juan Strutton

Director, Grace Babies' Home 

Construction Update

In the last month all the drywall has been installed; much has been taped and mudded and some has been textured, primed and painted. Special flooring was installed upstairs to inhibit sound transfer between floors. Work has continued on our septic system and we've begun building cabinetry in the upstairs residence. Also, many of our interior doors have been installed. Perhaps the greatest hurdle in the last few months has been


finding a crew to stucco the outside of the building. Praise the Lord; in just the last week, the stucco process has begun.   

Please Remember To Pray

The LORD will keep you from all harm, he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:7,8


 - Pray for protection for the ministry of GBH, the leadership, and those coming to serve.


For your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Matthew 6:8


 -  Pray that the Father would provide for GBH, as He knows what is needed.


'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6


 - Pray that GBH would not be a work of might or power, but of the Spirit of God.  

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

On Wednesday, March 16th we will begin forty days of prayer and fasting for the future of GBH and the babies that the Lord will entrust to our care. Please join us in the forty days leading up to Easter morning, as we give-up something (ex: a meal or coffee) and donate that savings back to the ministry of GBH via email or text. Each day, for forty days, we will post Scripture and prayer requests to the GBH blog. To learn more about this important, spiritual endeavor and how to partner with us in it, visit the GBH blog.


Most Frequently Asked Questions
1.     When will GBH be operational? We predict that construction will wind down this summer. While we hope to open our doors in the fall, we trust the Lord completely for His timing.


2.     How many babies will you be able to care for? The facility is designed to care for twenty babies. We will start with a few and increase in numbers as we train staff, create policies and procedures, and raise operational funding.


3.     At what age will the babies grow out of GBH? Where will they go?  We will evaluate each case individually and decide what is best for that child. Ideally a child would be potty trained and able to dress itself before leaving. If there is space available they would likely transition over to the Children's Home.


4.     Will you have full-time staff or volunteers? Where will they come from? We hope to have other YUGO missionaries who will work in the home alongside us. We also plan to have YUGO interns; short-term volunteers who will spend 2-6 months serving at GBH. We will have full/part-time, paid, Mexican staff as well.

5.    Where do the babies come from? For different reasons, the Mexican Social Services (DIF) will remove a baby from the home or hospital. If no suitable relative is found, the DIF will then place the baby in an orphanage. The baby remains a ward of the state while in our care.


6.     Can babies be adopted? Mexican nationals can adopt Mexican babies through the DIF. As it stands now, international adoptions are rare and difficult. GBH has no control or influence over the adoption process governed by the state of Baja California.


7.    How are you funded? GBH is a ministry of YUGO Ministries, a NPO in the U.S. We receive no funding from the Mexican government. All our funding comes from the generous donations of individuals like you.


 8.  What is your current need? Based on information collected from other orphanages caring for babies, we anticipate a run rate of approximately $10K per month. Our current need is for consistent, monthly financial support, which will fund the operations of the home. 


How Can You Help?
  • Pray - Prayer is the unseen power behind every good work at GBH. The greatest contributions you can make to GBH are your prayers. Use the requests in this newsletter as well as those frequently posted on the GBH blog as a guide.
  • Serve - The construction of GBH is a volunteer effort. Individuals, families and groups from all over North America have come and given of their time and talents to see this facility built. To organize a group from your church or small group to come serve at GBH,  contact us.
  • Give - Visit the GBH Blog to set up your monthly scheduled gift. Your partnership will help feed, clothe and care for the needs of an orphaned baby while contributing to the monthly operations of the home.
  • Share - Encourage your friends, family, neighbors, and church to get involved in this incredible ministry. Share this newsletter and the link to the GBH blog. Invite us to come share the ministry of GBH with your church or home fellowship. Use the icons at the top to share this newsletter on your social networks or forward it to your friends and family.