We Are Winners

logoA "Win - Win" situation... I hear that often. It is a truly profound statement when it is used. Most times our society is equating winning with being higher, better, stronger, smarter than others who must, therefor, lose.

And it is dramatic when a rider is told to "show him who's boss"; "you must win the battle with your horse"; etc.

Battle? If a battle ensues within a relationship with a horse, the human is 99% of the time the instigator. A battle can demoralize one of the parties and it invariably ends up being the horse.

So, this "Win - Win" situation sounds like the best way to approach relationships and dialog with horses... heck, with all beings! I have personally found my way there through decades of experience and relationships with Appaloosas. Oh, I have owned and schooled Arabians, Thoroughbreds, Warmbloods, Mules, Quarter Horses... you name it! But the time I have spent with Appaloosas has honed my skills as a proponent of "The Middle Way" and brought me to a place of thoughtful consideration of the other party in each relationship. Appaloosas have an acute sense of what is fair and the ability to know if you are honest and mean what you "say". They will hold you to task. And I appreciate that.

If we seek that "Middle Way" of partnership with our horses (and family and coworkers and neighbors, etc.), with respect for the other's feelings - knowing that there are always reasons for how we all respond to life - we will All Be Winners. No One has to lose!

I once was told that my ideas were too "simplistic"; that the way I lived was "idealistic". How COOL! I will gladly fly the SIMPLE flag and hold myself to the idealistic standards of compassion and trust. If we all just cave in to the idea that struggle, brutality and force are the normal aspects of life and relationships... well, what sort of life and relationships will we experience?

Love is the active promotion of the well-being of the love object - at Dharmahorse we love horses!


Where we can find the best satisfaction is in being our unique selves within a group while also recognizing the unique aspects of the other group members. We can simply listen to each other!

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"I'm a Winner"!

Say it. It helps. See your horse as a winner. I'm not talking horse shows here, but life experiences as simple as posting the correct diagonal, opening the jar of olives or parallel parking. There is a thing called "Kineseology" or "muscle testing" in which we use the response of the muscles (weakened or strengthened) to determine certain protocol in health or life choices and it is based upon how we can make ourselves weak or make ourselves strong with our thoughts.

Choose to make yourself strong with thoughts that support who you truly are. Choose to see your horse (or others) as cooperative, intelligent, compliant and compassionate, too. It can make a big difference.

healthWe have many helpful publications and even clothing products that express our SIMPLE, NATURAL calling. Check out our Dharmahorse Store.