Natural Paths
2/22/10 Herb of the Week - Beetroot, Beta vulgaris
Maintain the body's resistance when lowered by infection!

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Used for centuries all over the world, BEETS are still the herbalist's choice to de-tox and support the body.
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Red beets are used to increase the body's resistance to disease and to "anti-dote" toxins as well as support clearing of the liver (nature's filter). We can drink the liquid from a can of plain beets as a quick "fix" or dose it to our horse orally as soon as we know of exposure to a toxin. Of COURSE, call a poison control center for emergencies! But when you accidentally spill a mild contaminant on your hands (like gasoline at the pump, simple things that happen, but add up when we absorb them over time) or have to use strong remedies for thrush in a hoof or your dog walks over the just waxed floor - eating red beets or drinking the juice (or both) can help the liver clear the toxic properties that pass through the skin!
I feed horses raw, red beets, chopped up and added (2 big roots per horse) to a mash once daily for 3 to 7 days. Cooked roots and greens (steamed is best) are excellent additions to our own diets and can be fed to dogs (one to four large spoons ful according to weight) once a week.
White beets are used to aid the liver when assaulted by alcohol/drug abuse. Sugarbeet pulp is a highly digestible food for horses that provides needed roughage for malnourished, elderly or ill equines. ALWAYS soak beet pulp in cold water for several hours before feeding and add a vitamin / mineral supplement, source of protein (alfalfa or flaxseed meal) and source of fat (safflower oil, flaxseed or even olive oil - corn oil can be inflammatory...).
Beetroot is used in Europe to treat cancers. Beets enhance the immune system, nourish tissues and restore the liver. Red beets are used to add red color in a safe, natural way to dog biscuits, cookies, etc. Feeding beets can darken the stool.
The FDA has not evaluated these statements and we never diagnose or prescribe for you or your animals.
Just think of beets as a nourishing addition to our meals.
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