Natural Paths
September 14, 2009
Herb of the Week
Oregon Grape - Mahonia aquifolium 
Oregon Grape is an herb that can be used as a substitute for the over-harvested Goldenseal. Both are "herbal anti-biotics" and contain the alkaloids hydrastine and berberine. The berries of Oregon Grape are used to reduce fevers and are made into jelly, but the Root is the medicinal part. I make Oregon Grape Root Tincture by placing 4 tablespoons root (dried/cut and sifted) into 8 ounces of pure water and 8 ounces of pure ingestible alcohol (Vodka). I place the bottle in a warm spot, sealed (it needs to be a glass container with tight seal). Several times daily I shake the mixture. After 2 weeks, I strain it into dark bottles, squeezing the liquid out of the herbs.
Tinctures last for many years. You can put the drops into a cup of very warm water to evaporate the alcohol for animals and children. Use 30 drops of tincture twice daily for adult humans; 10 drops for children with approval from a practitioner; 5 to 10 drops for a dog and brew a decoction with a handful of herb in water, strain and put the "tea" into a bran mash for a horse.
Oregon Grape Root as a tincture or simmered in water as a decoction will cleanse and strengthen the LIVER, SPLEEN and GALL BLADDER (horses do not have gall bladders, but they have spleens and livers. The equine liver secretes bile directly into the digestive system).
For people it can heal the liver "chi" imbalances such as anger, headaches, poor digestion and blood toxins. Oregon Grape is a good blood purifier. We often use this herb when an infection has set in, systemically, to boost the immune-system response and "fight" the bacteria or even virus. For gall bladder "attacks" in people, we have used the decoction, sipped all through the day during a water fast (nothing else but pure water) for 3 days, then the tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with lemon juice taken each morning as easily digested foods are added.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and we do not prescribe or diagnose.
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Oregon Grape Root is an important, accessible herb to have on hand.
We keep it sealed in a container in our office with other dry herbs and make tincture from it when it's been around for 6 months.
Want more herbal information for all animals?
Katharine Chrisley & Jerry Crenshaw
Holistic Health Practitioners
Natural Paths
P O Box 1882
Mesilla Park, New Mexico 88047