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Be Well
Natural Path
There are many paths we find before us.
Choosing Nature brings Balance.
Balance brings Peace.
Peace allows Healing.
Natural Path
Issue 01     WINTER 2008 
Welcome to Natural Paths, Natural Health for All. We are commited to providing Compassionate Care and Holistic, Nature Based Healing Methods for you and your animals.  

Winter Care
Snow Road  
With colder weather, your horse may not drink enough water (the water may be very cold, even frozen), may not move around/exercise enough and not have access to succulent foods. This can really slow down gut motility and be a colic waiting to happen. Prevent this by warming his drinking water when possible; keep ice out of the water (provide enough water always); feed warm, wet, wheat bran mashes often with added flaxseed jelly (see recipe); soak hay with water; provide exercise with turn-out/longeing/riding/ponying; feed probiotics (plain yogurt works in the bran mash) and fresh food like carrots (they add enzymes) or sprouts (alfalfa, fenugreek and barley are great - avoid gas producers like broccolli) and provide access to shelter. Remember, slow digestion of roughage is what keeps your horse warm and healthy.
In Winter, your dog must have shelter and be kept warm enough. In extreme cold he needs to come indoors. His exercise may decrease so extra walks can do you both a lot of good. The flaxseed jelly (see recipe) is an excellent supplement to his diet, adding factors that support heart, lung, skin and eye health. If you travel with your dog in cold weather, provide a sweater or blankets for him if left in the cold car; it can be just as hard on him as if left outside unprotected. Carnivores process food quickly and meat passes through the gut without producing much heat. The dog's coat keeps him warm and in Nature he has a protective den. Provide a proper diet and give him the choice of a comfortable den-like bed.
Add moisture to the air in your house with a humidifier or just simmer some water on the stove each morning with a slice of lemon in it to lift your spirits. Put chunks of Himilayan Rock Salt into a paper bag and breathe from it to purify your lungs and sinuses. Keep drafts off of your neck - wear a scarf, neck gaitor or grow your hair - and put a little cayenne powder in your socks to keep your feet warm.
Health Care 
First Do No Harm
Place one handful of whole flaxseeds into two quarts of water in a non-metal pot (enameled works) and soak over night. Boil lightly, uncovered for one full hour, stirring with a wooden spoon and watching it constantly because it will boil over if you look away. It will be slimey. You can refridgerate it for several days. Feed 1/2 the mixture to one horse in his bran mash. Feed 1 tablespoon per 10 pounds of his weight to your dog in a meal. Do not strain it, the seeds are safe after boiling (for horses especially).
BRAN MASH for horses
Place 2 quarts wheat bran (2-1 lb. coffee cans) into a sturdy bucket, cover with hot water, add herbs (garlic, fenugreek, anise, flaxseed jelly, echinacea, etc. as needed) and let it "steam" under a towel until cool enough to eat. It should be very moist, not at all dry (which could cause a choke)

Love is the active pomotion of the Wellbeing of the love object

We wish you a safe and healthy season. Look to Naturalpaths for information to support the wellbeing of all of your animals.

Katharine Chrisley
Natural Paths