Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. -- Jackson Pollock



Fresh Pics: Contemporary Art in CT
Jan 23 - Feb 20

Feb 27 - March 27
0pening: Feb 27, 4-6pm
April 10 - April 25
Opening: April 10, 6-8pm
May 1 - May 28
Opening: May 1, 7-11pm
June 6 - 27
Opening: June 6, 2-4pm

Kindred Spirits
Jan 15 - Feb 14
Sholeh Janati

Feb 15 - March 14
Christopher Staples &  Sharon Nakazato
15 - April 14
pening: March 21

by Christopher Staples

by Sharon Nakazato

ne Ashley
April 15 - May 14
Eve Compton

May 15 - June 14


Come out &
bi-annual FUNraiser.
Sat, May 1

hors d'oeuvres, live music, energetic company
Tickets: $65 per person

More details to come!


In January, Randy & Elizabeth Carboni donated a chunk of time and work to the betterment of the Guild Barn. Randy installed new tile in the downstairs bathrooms, and Els painted both restrooms from top to bottom as well as beautifying the Guilds outside planter!! This was a lot of effort, and we applaud their hard work. Thanks to you both!

Also, just before the Fresh Pics opening, one of the contributing artists, Derek Uhlman built a simple cover for the radiator in the main gallery. Painted white, it looks just great and hides the old radiator without blocking the heat. Thanks for making this small but important upgrade!

If you have skill and a bit of time, the list of improvements and renovations that need doing at the Guild is always available. Please contact Mary Louise O'Connell at if you can donate your time for special projects, small and large. In some cases, no experience or muscle is necessary, and RGA can always use the help. If you see something that needs to be done, let us know, too, so we can figure out a way of making our space even better.


Is your membership up-to-
Call the Guild at 203/438-8863 to renew.
  Thank you for your support! 

The Guild's
Ridgefield Guild of Artists is a regional and community-based art organization that promotes the visual arts and arts education by providing:  (1) high quality gallery space for exhibitions, (2) art classes for children and adults, (3) opportunities for artist-in-residency programs, (4) and art lectures on-site and in collaboration with other cultural organization.

Greetings RGA Members:

The new year has kicked off with the well-received Fresh Pics curated by Camilla Cook. If you haven't had a chance t
o see the show, please try to stop by and check it out.  Featuring multi-media works, the exhibition captures the contemporary directions of over 50 artists.  Following Fresh Pics is Radius--our collaboration with the Aldrich.  The Radius opening always reflects the high energy of these emerging artists, so be sure to put February 27 down on your calenders.

Two back-to-back member shows begin in April.  We start with the second annual Bedlam. This is an unthemed show where everyone hangs their own art during the two days of receiving.  The Guild reduces their traditional 40% commission down to 10% for this show and it is a good opportunity to reflect that reduction in your artwork prices.  Hanging fees for work measuring (horizontally or vertically including frame) under 36" is $10 per piece; anything over 36" is $15 per piece.  Up to three works may be brought in.  A member/opening party will take place the final day of hanging on Saturday, April 10 from 6-8pm.   This show will run through April 24.  I will be chairing this show along with Guild member Michelle Brewster.  

A special contest for the BEDLAM postcard image will be run.  The winner's work will appear on postcards and graphic outreach as well as the website.  The postcard winner will be chosen by the Bedlam committee.  Submissions of jpegs should be submitted to  Please reference Bedlam on the subject line.

Initially, our May show had been scheduled as a Paint-the-Town themed show with a major fundraiser attached to the opening. However, given the recovering economy, we have decided to tone down the planned gala event and change the theme of the show.  Our Creative Director, Kim Hanna, has proposed a show with the theme of PLAY and we have decided to try it out.  Works should reference the act or thought of play--abstract or representational.  All medias are welcome.  Again, hanging fees are $10 per piece for works under 36" and $15 per piece over 36" with a three- piece maximum.  The traditional 40% commission for the Guild will be in effect for this show.  We are also planning a  "FUNraiser" on May 1 with a band, light fare and cocktails.  More information will be forthcoming.  Special Events Chair, Pam Stoddart will be planning the party and we are looking for one or two co-chairs to help organize the show.  Assistance will be provided by the board and other member volunteers.  

A cash prize for Best in Show ($100) will be awarded by an outside juror after the show is installed.  Three additional non-monetary awards for excellence will also be presented.

Our second annual JURIED Cameraworks exhibition follows in June.  We are honored to have Harvey Stein of ICP, SVA and Umbrella Arts Gallery in New York as our juror.  Pertinent details will be announced in the next few weeks.  Board member Mary Harold is chairing this show with guild member Camilla Cook as assistant chair.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone of the availability of the Upstairs Gallery.  As a member, you can rent the space for $250.  Board members are available to help guide the process of installation, publicity and hospitality.  Joan Isaac has prepared a very helpful timeline.  This space is great for either a first time show, a group show or exhibiting some experimental work.  If you are interested, we are booking now for 2011--just let Joan know at 203.438.8863.

In addition to the above, some major new member opportunities are currently being reviewed by the board and we hope to have some exciting information to share soon.  So get out those artists materials and get to work!

I hope to see you all soon.

Rachel Volpone

                                                                               photo by Mary Harold
Fresh Pics Opening Reception:  Shown from L to R Ridgefield artists Jane Ingram, Roy Weinstein, art consultant Camilla Cook & Nature's Temptations chef Liz Gagnon.

                                                                       photo by Mary Harold
Fresh Pics Exhibition
Jan 15 - Feb 14


Annual Juried Exhibition

Feb 27 - March 27
Opening Reception: Feb 27, 4 - 6 pm

The twelfth annual juried Radius exhibition, held in conjunction with the Aldrich, will feature the work of seven talented, dedicated, and soon-to-be-recognized regional artists. Each selected artist has received a one-on-one exchange with a curator, through a review of his/her portfolio and original work, with a focus on professional development. An illustrated brochure featuring the work of each artist will accompany the exhibition.  The artists participating are Mia Brownell, Geoffrey Detrani, Thomas Doyle, Brad Guarino, The Ladies' Auxiliary, Sabrina Marques, and Blake Shirley.

For more information about the Radius Exhibition contact The Aldrich at
203.438.4519 or The Guild at 203.438.8863.

Member artists exhibiting around Ridgefield

Attention Guild Members:  The Guild's Satellite Gallery Program is going strong and is looking for more artists.  If you are interested, please send 2-4 pages of images showing your art.  Include your name, email, sizes of pieces, medium, and price.  These image pages will be placed in a book that is shown to the business owners, who then select the artist.  All art should be for sale.

Galleries around town include:  CELLAR XV (88 Danbury Road); NATURE'S TEMPTATIONS (32 Prospect Street); RODIER FLOWERS (447 Main Street); SUSI LAURA MASSAGE THERAPY (20 Prospect Street)

Please contact Cindi Mullins at for more information on the Guild's Satellite Gallery.


                                               Kindred Spirits by Lucy Whitehouse
 kindred spirits
Jan 15 - Feb 14, 2009
Paintings & photos by Lucy Hanna Whitehouse,
Constance Hanna & Kim Hannate Sun, Jan 24)


Paintings by Westport artist Sholeh Janati 
Feb 15 - March 14
Opening Reception: Sun, Feb 28, 1 - 3:30pm
Artist Talk: 2pmt
Sun, Jan 24)



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