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Lake Country Property Owners Association, Inc.
Table of Contents
Palo Petroleum, Inc
Old fashioned Boy Scout Picnic
Lost & Found Pets
Golf Carts - Don't get a Ticket
Lake Country Drainage - Grassland Ct
It's Springtime in Lake Country
Looking for a Local Area Club?
Upcoming LCPOA Events
Next LCPOA Board Meeting

July 1st @ 7pm
Fullness in Christ Church
Community Center

8895 Random Rd
Fort Worth TX 76179

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Sed a Message to the Communication Committee
Call (817) 566-2963 x706
Lake Country Property Owners Association
7105 Golf Club Dr
Ste 1102, PMB 110
Fort Worth, TX  76179

Are You Wondering Who is Palo Petroleum, Inc.

And What is this Offer for my Royalties?

(06/05/10) - Many residents of Lake Country have received letters from Palo Petroleum, Inc. offering to buy your royalties to the lease with XTO for the "TRWD/Marine Quest Unit 1H".

What is Palo Petroleum offering?

As best we can understand, they wish to buy your ROYALTY rights, which you have via the lease agreement with XTO.  Palo Petroleum is apparently gambling the well will be a big producer.  If you agree to their proposal, you are accepting their amount in lieu of any further (perhaps larger) royalties over the life of the lease.

Additionally the amount offered in the letter is for 100% of the royalties of which Amon Carter Foundation owns 50% and you own the other 50%. In other words divide the amount offered in half. So if the offer is for $1,600 then you would receive $800 payment for your royalties. This was overlooked in the letter and may have been corrected in future letters, so pay close attention to the language used in any contracts you are considering.

Some consider the offer a very low price for our lease which could produce for over 20 years.

Where we are now with XTO?

Our lease with XTO will remain in force and effect for as long as there is production, which means if anyone drills a well to a different formation and establishes production, the royalty from the new formation would be theirs also since they are buying all of the royalty on that specific lease.

Our lease agreement with XTO states that the primary term of the lease is for 3 years from the date of agreement which is from whenever you signed your lease (most were signed late 2008, early 2009 timeframe) to drill the first well which XTO has done. Thereafter the lease will be in force for as long as the lease produces (other caveats apply, read you lease).

1)      The first TRWD/Marine Quest Unit 1H well began operating 2/8/2010.

2)      XTO has 120 days from that date to verify accurate information as to who owns the leases.  (Some properties might have exchanged hands).

3)      When ownership is verified, they will send each lease owner a DIVISION ORDER to sign & return.

4)      When XTO receives the signed form, they will calculate our royalties retroactive to 2/8/10, (plus interest if applicable) and we will receive our first check.

5)      Royalty payments may take MORE than 120 days.

6)      Thereafter, checks will be sent on the 20th or 25th of each month in which the royalties are $100 or more.  If less than $100, the money will carry over to the next month.

7)      March 2010 production averaged approximately 2.8 MCFPD (million cubic feet per day) which appears to be a relatively average output for a new Barnett Shale gas well.

Some personal items to consider whether to accept the offer:

1)      Do I need the money offered now?

2)      Do I have any heirs that I wish to bequeath my lease to?

3)      Will I pass away before I receive the amount offered by Palo Petroleum?

4)      How will the royalties impact my personal tax situation?

Should you decide to accept their offer, look very closely at the contract to insure the royalties are only from the Barnett Shale "TRWD/Marine Quest Unit 1H".

In the final analysis it's what's best for you.

Your decision will not affect anybody else to a significant degree in the leased area if you should decide to accept their offer.


(The LCPOA wishes to thank CrestPoint Home Owners Association and Bill Kunter, an Oil and Gas Landman, for their contributions to the article.)

Click here to view the Gas Lease the Greater Lake Country Gas Leasing Task Force accepted. Your lease may differ from the one accepted by the Task Force as each mineral rights owner was free to negotiate their own best deal.


Kid's Fishing Tournament

4th Annual LCPOA

Kid's Fishing Tournament

This Saturday, June 12, 2010 10am-12pm


This Saturday June 12, 2010 10am-12pm

Children 12 and Under...Prizes for the Smallest, Largest, First and Most Fish.

Bring your own Rods, we provide hooks, line sinkers and worms

courtesy of Pioneer Grocery.

Meet to Texas Parks & Wildlife Game Warden.

Click here for a map to 9033 Crosswind Dr.

and check out the photos from last year.

LCPOA Lost & Found Pets
Lost or Found a Pet?

If you have lost or found a pet in the Lake Country Area, post on the LCPOA "Lost & Found Pets" web page.
Crime Report - Neighborhood Patrol Officer

Officer Darlow
Officer Darlow
(06/07/10) Here is this week's report. I am happy to see the numbers drop from 11 to 5, most of which were easily preventable.

One was committed by an angry ex-girlfriend, and that kind of offense, I suspect, will always take place.  We have the information on that offense because a witness called it in and reported it.

Two of the vehicle burglaries were items taken out of open truck beds. Easy solution is to remove the items and put them in a garage, or park in a garage, or lock them in the bed with a heavy cable, etc.  Of course, I'd be real happy if such actions were not necessary, but it does highlight the need to keep your property secure.  I can't do it, but you can.

Talk to your friends and neighbors, and discuss these issues. The solutions are really in your hands.

This Week's Crime Report
This Weeks Crime Report Spreadsheet

Golf Carts

Yesterday (06/03/10), I stopped a golf cart on Crosswind or Random Rd, stopped the same cart twice.  Each time it was being driven by kids.

Operation of a golf cart is authorized if the speed limit is 35mph or less, during daylight hours, and if it is within 2 miles of a golf course and is going to or from that golf course.  Please pass this to your residents.  This does not allow for kids to drive all through a neighborhood having fun.

I will be more than happy to write citations to kids and parents and let them explain it all to the judge in traffic court.

Officer Dan Darlow #2769
Neighborhood Patrol Officer
FWPD - D512

Lake Country Drainage - Grassland Ct.
City To Spend $1.6 Million On Lake Country Drainage

(5/13/10) Several homes at the end of Grasslands Court have flooded numerous times over the years and LCPOA requested that the City of Fort Worth remedy the problem. The City called a community meeting at Boswell High School on 8/29/07 and agreed to develop an engineering plan to remedy the problem. They also did some rather extensive interim grading to reduce the flooding risk that same year.

LCPOA meet with the City to review the engineering plan on 11/11/08. At that time the plan was to replace the existing culverts that run under Crosswind and install larger culverts to prevent the water from going over the street and endangering the homes near that location. They also planned to install concrete drain pipe from just above Grasslands Court all the way to Crosswinds to prevent flooding at Grassland Court and get rid of all the stagnant water in the existing creek. The two drain pipes that empty water from Westwind Dr. and Woodside Hill on to the greenbelt were to be connected to the new pipe that runs all the way to the lake. The cost was estimated at $500,000. This project was approved by the City and was in the final design stage.

On 6/11/09 a severe rain occurred and we documented water from Westwind Dr and Woodside Hill over running the street drains into the yards along Skylake Dr. We also documented that this was contributing to the flooding at Grassland Court and the water over running the culvert at Crosswind Dr and endangering the homes at that location. This caused the City to halt the Grassland Project and expand the plan to include additional street drainage along Skylake Dr into a new drain pipe that will run along Skylake Crosswind Dr, and tie into the previously planned larger culvert going under Crosswind Dr. This addition to the plan increased the cost to $1.6 million. The City has approved this funding.

The current status is that a survey has been accomplished and delivered to engineering and the design is being completed. The Project Manager is guessing that the design will go to the City for approval this July. The Final Design is scheduled at the end of this October. The City plans to have a public meeting with the community in the July to October time frame. The contractor bidding process will begin this December and the first ground breaking could begin in January or February of 2011.

To Contact the President, Bob Lynch, Click Here
Deed Restriction Committee
It's Springtime in Lake Country, the Deed Restriction Committee Wants You To Know:
  • All construction projects in Lake Country Estates or Lake Country Secret Harbor (remodeling, fencing, paving. etc..) require permission from the LCPOA.
  • Keep your Boats, RV's, Campers and Trailers out of sight of the street fronting your residence.
  • The grass is growing please keep your yards tidy.

The Committee thanks all Lake Country Estates and Lake Country Secret Harbor residents for maintaining our quality life and our property values.

Here are a few links to the committee's documents :

To send a message or report a violation of our deed restrictions Click Here or call (817) 566-2963 x707
Looking for a Local Area Club
Check out the LCPOA's "Lake Country Area Local Clubs & Organizations" web page

If you have a local area club let us know, we'll publish it on our website. Click here to send a message to the LCPOA Communications Committee.
Upcoming LCPOA Events

  • Kids Fishing Tournament - Boat Launch June 12th - 10am-12pm
  • Independence Day Parade and Celebration on the Boat Ramp - July 3rd - 10am-??

Brought to you by Your LCPOA,      Join, Make ADIFFERENCE


Promote Community Welfare and Pride

Secure Desirable Improvements

Promote Neighborhood Unity

Foster and Assist in Civic and Social Activities

Sustain Property Values

Enforce Deed Restrictions