(06/05/10) - Many residents of Lake Country have
received letters from Palo
Petroleum, Inc. offering to buy your royalties to the lease with XTO
for the "TRWD/Marine Quest Unit 1H".
What is
Palo Petroleum offering?
As best
we can understand, they wish to buy your ROYALTY rights, which you have via
the lease agreement with XTO. Palo Petroleum is apparently gambling the
well will be a big producer. If you agree to their proposal, you are
accepting their amount in lieu of any further (perhaps larger) royalties over
the life of the lease.
the amount offered in the letter is for 100% of the royalties of which Amon
Carter Foundation owns 50% and you own the other 50%. In other words divide
the amount offered in half. So if the offer is for $1,600 then you would
receive $800 payment for your royalties. This was overlooked in the letter
and may have been corrected in future letters, so pay close attention to the language
used in any contracts you are considering.
Some consider the offer a very low price for our lease
which could produce for over 20 years.
we are now with XTO?
Our lease with XTO will remain in force and
effect for as long as there is production, which means if anyone drills a
well to a different formation and establishes production, the royalty from
the new formation would be theirs also since they are buying all of the royalty
on that specific lease.
lease agreement with XTO states that the primary term of the lease is for 3
years from the date of agreement which is from whenever you signed your lease
(most were signed late 2008, early 2009 timeframe) to drill the first well
which XTO has done. Thereafter the lease will be in force for as long as the
lease produces (other caveats apply, read you lease).
The first TRWD/Marine
Quest Unit 1H well
began operating 2/8/2010.
XTO has 120 days from that date to verify
accurate information as to who owns the leases. (Some properties might
have exchanged hands).
When ownership is verified, they will send each lease
owner a DIVISION ORDER to sign & return.
When XTO receives the signed form, they will
calculate our royalties retroactive to 2/8/10, (plus interest if
applicable) and we will receive our first check.
Royalty payments may take MORE than 120 days.
Thereafter, checks will be sent on the 20th or
25th of each month in which the royalties are $100 or more. If less
than $100, the money will carry over to the next month.
March 2010 production averaged approximately 2.8
MCFPD (million cubic feet per day) which appears to be a relatively
average output for a new Barnett Shale gas well.
Some personal
items to consider whether to accept the offer:
Do I need the money offered now?
Do I have any heirs that I wish to bequeath my
lease to?
Will I pass away before I receive the amount
offered by Palo Petroleum?
How will the royalties impact my personal tax
Should you decide to accept their offer, look
very closely at the contract to insure the royalties are only from the
Barnett Shale "TRWD/Marine Quest Unit 1H".
In the final analysis it's what's
best for you.
Your decision will not affect
anybody else to a significant degree in the leased area if you should decide
to accept their offer.
(The LCPOA wishes to thank CrestPoint
Home Owners Association and Bill Kunter, an Oil and Gas Landman, for their contributions
to the article.)
Click here
to view the Gas Lease the Greater Lake Country Gas Leasing Task Force accepted.
Your lease may differ from the one accepted by the Task Force as each mineral
rights owner was free to negotiate their own best deal.