Easter Traditions QuickMix. What would we do without our traditions? These 8 pages will help you capture the memories your children will keep for the rest of their lives and pass on to their children.
Jelly Bean Alphabet Pack. This colorful alphabet set is just bursting with personality. Set includes both upper and lower case letters with duplicate of key letters, puntuation and some funky symbols. Wow! Paired with the Blue Skies Embellishment Pack, Blue Skies SHAPES Embellishment Pack, Blue Skies Solid Paper Pack and Blue Skies Patterned Paper Paper Pack you have one sweet pack!
Blue Skies QuickMix. I've got "Blue skies smilin' at me . . ." and they'll be smilin' at you when you see how easy it is to scrap with a QuickMix! 8 pages to scrap those beautiful spring moments when everything is so fresh and new again!
Blue Skies Embellishment Pack. This pack is so big it's bustin' at the seams! We couldn't fit all of the embellishments into the preview! Don't forget to check out the Blue Skies SHAPES Embellishment Pack, Blue Skies Patterned Paper Pack and Blue Skies Solid Paper Pack. There's so much you'll be dancin' in the rain!
Blue Skies Shapes Embellishment Pack is PERFECT for your journaling spots, or you can dress 'em up with a flower! It's all up to you! They will be so cute when combined with the Blue Skies Embellishment Pack, Blue Skies Solid Paper Pack and Blue Skies Patterned Paper Pack. Things are really "shaping up"! LOL!
Blue Skies Patterned Paper Pack. Just look at the 12 papers you get in this pack! Together with the Blue Skies Solid Paper Pack you'll have a huge MEGA pack of paper! Don't forget to pick up the Blue Skies Embellishment Pack and Blue Skies SHAPES Embellish Pack. This is HUGE! And just when you thought it couldn't get any bigger, there's the Jelly Bean Alphabet Pack for added sweetness! I think I'm getting a sugar rush!
Blue Skies Solid Paper Pack. WooHoo! Do you see how many papers come in this one pack?!?!?! 14 papers in all! Combine it with the Blue Skies Patterned Paper Pack and you'll have a TON of papers to work with! Life is good! These papers all coordinate with the Blue Skies Embellshment Pack and Blue Skies SHAPES Embellishment Pack, too!
Child of My Child Boy QuickMix is straight from heaven! This adorable boys album contains 6 darling pages to scrapbook the moments of your precious baby's life. This is so soft and sweet! Square format.
Child of My Child Boy Embellishment Pack. Tiny fingers, tiny toes . . . it's all in this pack, so here you go! There are so many embellishments in this pack that we couldn't put them all on the preview! You'll be in heaven when you see them! Coordinates with the Child of My Child Boy Paper Pack.
Child of My Child Boy Paper Pack is so soft and sweet! You'll find yourself coming back to these 12 papers again and again for other projects! Don't forget to pick up the Child of My Child Boy Embellishment pack, too!
Child of My Child Girl QuickMix. I have "Love At First Sight" syndrome! This 6 page square QuickMix is so cute that you'll be wanting to scrapbook the neighbors kids! LOL! So soft and sweet!
Child of My Child Girl Embellishment Pack has so many embellishments in it that we couldn't stuff everything into the preview! You'll think you're dreaming when you see everything this one has! Float on over on your little cloud and pick up the Child of My Child Paper Pack, too!
Child of My Child Girl Paper Pack. Pinks, pinks and more pinks! (With a little brown and green thrown in for good measure!) These 12 papers are so adorable and you'll find they're not just for babies! You'll be able to use these square papers ALOT! Don't forget the Child of My Child Embellishment Pack, too!
Child of My Child Blue Alphabet Pack includes lower case letters, numbers and some symbols. Coordinates with the Child of My Child Boy QuickMix, Paper Pack and Embellishment Pack.
Child of My Child Teal Alphabet Pack includes lower case letters, numbers and some symbols. Coordinates with the Child of My Child Boy QuickMix, Paper Pack and Embellishment Pack.
Child of My Child Coral Alphabet Pack includes lower case letters, numbers and some symbols. Coordinates with the Child of My Child Girl QuickMix, Paper Pack and Embellishment Pack.
Child of My Child Pink Alphabet Pack includes lower case letters, numbers and some symbols. Coordinates with the Child of My Child Girl QuickMix, Paper Pack and Embellishment Pack.
Child of My Child Green Alphabet Pack includes lower case letters, numbers and some symbols. Coordinates with both of the Child of My Child Boy or Girl QuickMixes, Paper Packs and Embellishment Packs.
Child of My Child Muddy Alphabet Pack includes lower case letters, numbers and some symbols. Coordinates with both of the Child of My Child Boy or Girl QuickMixes, Paper Packs and Embellishment Packs.