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The Little Things

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Show opened TODAY:
San Mateo, CA    February 18-20

the winner is.......

New Products
from Karen Lewis

New Products from Angela Woo

New Products from Tara Reed

New Products from Julie Klaus

the little things...that is what life is made of

Sometimes "perfect" gets in the way...

I almost blew it, in an effort to create the "perfect" Valentine book for my daughter I almost missed the deadline to have it printed.  

First...I thought I had to create it from Scratch to be the "perfect" Valentine.  Luckily I saw your books come through using the Kiss & Tell QuickMix.  They were absolutely inspiring and I quickly changed my mind. I soon realized what a time saver QuickMixes are.  I only made a few changes to better fit my needs. was almost finished, but thought it might need a few finishing touches and one more proofing to make sure it would receive the "perfect" award.  I didn't know what the few final touches were so I saved it for another day.  By the time I got around to it again, it was almost too late. Sometimes I have to remind myself, it is better to finish the project than to miss it because  I was trying too hard for the "perfect" award. 

You'll never believe what happened... I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.  Luckily I received the book Friday afternoon, I was so excited and then I opened the book.   At the last minute I decided to add the year to the title page and to the back cover...I added 2009.  I quickly realized, in 10 years she will have forgotten what year I gave it to her any way.  We all had a good laugh on Valentine's Day when she opened it.

Valentine Photo Book

Once again, I am reminded it's not about the "perfect" gift, but the memories and love that we want to share. 

                                             - Kerry 


the winner is...  Emily Laurel
digital scrapbooking challenge winner
This is such a clever idea.  I can't wait to try it.  Check your account for some new goodies.   Way to go!

We're in San Mateo, CA 
and can't wait to see you.  Print the coupon below and save 50%.    For more information about the show, click on the graphic below. 

Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival

Stop by the MemoryMixer Booth and say Hi for a FREE Gift, supplies limited.

New Releases from Karen Lewis
Mini Pack for Digital Scrapbooking

New Products from Angela Woo
Go Fish Elements for MemoryMixer

Go Gish Alphabet for Digital Scrapbooking

Go Fish Digital Scrapbooking Papers
New Products from Tara Reed


New Products from Julie Klaus
Digital Scrapbooking



Andrew Digital  Paper Pack

It's not too late to start,
at the end of the year you'll be glad you did.

Don't forget to notice
"the little things"

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(at least week days)
for updates, inspiration, and ideas.