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                                in this issue:
Welcome Tara
New Products

DigiKnow how to use MemoryMixer project patterns?  They are so fun and easy to use.  Look at the Halloween project we created, and follow the tutorial to find out how to make one yourself! 

1.  Open a new page,  then insert a project pattern using the "Add Embellishment" icon.  There are lots of great designs to chose from - we selected the Pillow Box project.

2.  The project will appear on your page, ready to be customized.  Simply add any backgrounds, embellishments, and text you'd like right on top of the design.

3.  When you are done, simply print the page from your own printer!

4.  After printed, simply follow the fold and score as instructed by the pattern.

4.  Easy as that!  Add some yummy treats, and you have the perfect party favor!  Project patterns are so fun to use, give them a try!

Thanks so much to everyone who contributed to our last challenge!  Great text ideas!  The winner this week is: Jamie Pershing!  Congrats!  Here is Jamie's winning page:

This week's challenge:  Use the tutorial above to create a project using a project pattern.  Submit a photo of your project to the User's Gallery by Sunday the 18th with the tag "Project Challenge"  The winner will be announced next week and win free digital designs!  Good luck and have fun!
Welcome Tara!!!

We are so excited to welcome designer Tara Reed to the MemoryMixer design team.  We love her designs and know you
will too. Here is more about Tara:
Artist Tara Reed followed a twisting and turning path to where she is today:  a mom, a licensed artist and a teacher who teaches other artists what licensing is all about.   An artist by passion and not education - Tara has a degree in Marketing and sold college textbooks after graduating from Penn State University and before starting her family and becoming a 10 year stay-at-home mom to her wonderful son.  
4.2001 - Scrapbooking Design  
Tara Reed "went pro" as an artist, which to her means she made her first dollar, when she began designing in the scrapbooking industry as a Creative Alliance Partner with EK Success. Starting her design career in scrapbooking influenced the way Tara approaches her art and builds her collections.
1.2003 - Simple Scrapbooks™ Magazine 
Working as a contributing Editor for Simple Scrapbooks™ Magazine gave Tara experience designing and teaching classes for large groups, writing and collaborating on different projects for the magazine. She resigned in 2005 to pursue licensing her art full time.
6.2004 - Exhibits at her first art licensing trade show.
Tara Reed Designs made her debut in the licensing world at the Licensing International Expo in June of 2004. At the same time, she was going through a divorce and had to make a decision:  take the safer route and get a traditional job with a boss and benefits or continue with her desire to build her own business on her terms. She is thrilled that she kept the faith and kept on painting!  
7.2008 - Teaching and speaking is added back into the business.
Missing teaching and regularly asked for advice by artists Tara Reed added teaching through eBooks, coaching, classes, teleseminars and more by creating the website: In 2009 artist Paul Brent, a major force in the industry having more than $67 million dollars of product sold featuring his art in 2008 alone, joined Tara by sharing his knowledge of the industry through calls, coaching and eBooks as well.

Check out these designs by Tara, and look for much more to come:

New Products

The MemoryMixer store is full of new Halloween products waiting for you! Here's a sampling of what's new this week:














Thanks to Karen Lewis for this week's freebie!  Embellishment coordinates with Karen's Spookie Dookie designs, new this week.