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                                in this issue:
Welcome Melissa
New Products


DigiKnow how to use the "Favorites" feature when using embellishments in MemoryMixer?  Follow this simple tutorial to find out how:

1.  Click the "Add Embellishment" button on the Embellishmnet sidebar.

2.  Select the embellishment you would like to add to your favorites folder and click "Add to Favorites"

3.  When you are ready to use favorite embellishments, simply click favorites, and watch all your most used embellishments appear!  Using favorites is a great way to keep your favorite elements ready for any page or project!

Congratulations to last week's challenge winner: Amanda Sanchez!
Here is her winning page - great job using text shapes! 

This week's challenge is all about back to school.  Here are the details:  Create your own page about this time of year: back to school.  What does back to school mean to you?  Be as creative as you can.  Post your page in the gallery by Sunday at midnight with the tag:  School Challenge.

The winner will be chosen next week and receive free digital product!  Have fun and good luck!

Welcome Melissa!

We are so excited to welcome designer Melissa Nutall to the MemoryMixer team.  Here is a little about her:

Hi!  My name is Melissa!  I am a stay at home mom with 3 beautiful children & one on the way.  I love to document every part of their lives & do so through scrapbooking, photography, & of course blogging.  I have been scrapbooking for over the last 12 years, and this past year I decided to try digital scrapbooking.  I am hooked!  I started designing in February of this year and have loved it ever since.  I love to design when my kids are sleeping or watching their favorite movie of the week, that's when it's my time to relax & let my creative juices flow.  I have the biggest sweet-tooth & am a hopeless romantic.

Here are some of Melissa's fabulous designs, and look for lots more to come!

New Products

The MemoryMixer store is FULL of brand new designs perfect for your pages and projects!  Here's a look at a few our new things, but check the store to see everything!