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We're coming to CALIFORNIA If you want to see MemoryMixer v3 in action, come visit us at the Quilt Craft & Sewing Festival in Pomona or Sacramento.
If you love MemoryMixer, and live in the Sacramento or Pamona area, we would love to talk with you. Please give us a call at 800-936-2677.
Pomona, CA March 19, 20 & 21 10 - 5 pm Fairplex
We'll be teaching an introductory class everday at 2pm

Print this coupon & enjoy 1/2 off the reg $8 admission.
We'll also be having an introductory evening class:
Thursday, March 19 Bring your friend for a FREE Gift Sheraton Fairplex 601 West McKinley Avenue Pomona 7 pm
CALL TODAY to Register for evening class, space is limited 800-936-2677
Sacramento, CA
March 26, 27, & 28 10 - 5 pm CAL Expo Buildings C & D
We'll be teaching an introductory class everday at 2pm

Print this coupon & enjoy 1/2 off the reg $8 admission.
We'll also be having an introductory evening class:
Friday, March 27 Bring a friend for a FREE Gift
Capitol City Hotel 2600 Auburn Blvd Sacramento
7 pm
CALL TODAY to Register for evening class, space is limited 800-936-2677 ___________________________________________________