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New Products


DigiKnow how easy it is to remove red eye from you photos?
Go from this....
DigiKnow before
to this...
in seconds by following this tutorial:

DigiKnow 1
1.  Click on the photo with red eye.  Click the "Remove Red Eye"  button from the "Edit Photo" menu.

DigiKnow 2
2.  The "Remove Red Eye" box will appear on your screen, along with the red eye photo.

DigiKnow 3
3.  Draw a small square over the red part of the eye with your mouse.

DigiKnow 4
4.  Adjust the sensitivity bar located on the left and click okay.  The red eye will immediately disappear. 

DigiKnow 5
5.  If you want to adjust the sensitivity more or less, click cancel and start again.  Correct one eye at a time.  Perfect!

6.  What a difference!!!  Try using red eye removal on your next page!

Great job to everyone who entered last week's Photo Background Challenge!  All the entries were great!
The winner this week is: Andrea Brackett!!  Congrats!!  Here is the winning page:

Great job, look for your free products in your account!! 

Here's this week's challenge:
This week it's all about finding inspiration from the world around you.  Your challenge is to create a page based on a webpage that inspires you!  Here is my example:


my page:

Got the idea?  Post your web inspired page in the User's Gallery by Sunday at midnight.  Include the tag "Web Challenge" along with the web address that inspired you.  The winner will be announced next week and win free products!  Have fun!!!
New Products

This sample layout was created using Karen Lewis' newest designs, Little Safari Embellishment and Paper Packs. Create your own adventure, the possibilities are endless. 

Here's what's new in the MemoryMixer store:

Little Safari From Karen Lewis:

Little Safari Paper Pack

This paper pack includes 12 Backgrounds. Click on image to see details.

Little Safari Embellishment Pack

This fun embellishment pack contains 50 separate pieces. Click on image to see more details.

Little Safari Alphabet Pack

From Amy Sumrall:

This sample layout was created using Amy Sumrall's new Love Monster paper and embellishment pack and the index card freebie. 

Celebrate the monsters in  your life with this new whimsical line.

Little Monster Paper Pack

This paper pack includes 9 backgrounds.  Click on image for more details.

Little Monster Embellishment Pack

This embellishment pack contains 19 pieces.  Click on image for additional details.  
ONE DAY SALE on Love Monster Embellishment Pack
1/2 off through Thursday, midnight.  Don't miss out!