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DigiKnow? Challenge New Products Freebie
Great job to everyone who entered last week's Photo Tinting Challenge! It was so fun to look at all the pages, good job! The winner this week is: Ruth Osborne!!! Congrats!! Here is Ruth's winning page: 
 Great job Ruth!! Here is how Ruth achieved her color tinting look: To tint it, I used a piece of BG paper that has pink around the outside
and a soft yellow in the middle. It softened the picture and added some
color to the grassy area. I added some color to her face and dress
using colored shapes and reducing the opacity. I also added a tiny
white dot to her eyes and reduced the opacity to 30. Check your MemoryMixer account for your free products!
Here's this week's challenge: Scrap your favorite things about fall. That's right, create a page all about fall. Be as creative as you can, and show us your best! Post your page in the User's Gallery by Sunday night and add the tag "Fall Favorites Challenge". The winner will receive free products and will be featured in next week's newsletter. Have fun and good luck!
