in this issue
May Kit
Upcoming June Kit
Father's Day Special
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M A Y  K IT 
Simple Sentiments of Spring

L9480-flower with circle frame
2-8.5x11 sheets of the following: seashore collection/sea spray, seashore collection/summer showers, sea shore collection/smooth sailing, hyacinth solid, hyacinth wash, hyacinth dots, limeade solid
1-ScrappyRubs-SRINBL Inspire-Black
1-kiwi ribbon (includes stitched, velvet, and grosgrain)
1-matte finished buttons-lilac
1-paper scuffer-fine

$19.95 per kit
(original value of $25.60)
Wedding Wishes

L1037-double heart with rose
L9584-special pair
L9590-wedding cake
1-8.5x11 sheet of the following:
limeade solid, limeade dots, limeade checks, powdered sugar, fudge solid, lemon tart wash, lemon tart dots, dandelion green, grasshoppers, vanilla checks
2-8.5x11 sheets of the following: vanilla dots
  -Silver ($6.50)

1-Lengthy Notes-Banana Cream($7.50)
1-paper scuffer-fine ($3.00)

$29.95 per kit
(original value of $42.80)
Father's Day Special
It's not too late to give Dad the perfect Father's Day gift! We have made it so easy to give a gift he'll never forget. This package includes a 28 page professionally designed QuickMix, 1 coordinating designer card, and 1 8X8 photobook. We have also given this package a special price, $29.95 (valued at $39.95.) Just drop in your favorite photos and you're ready to go. This package deal will only be available for a limited time. (instructions and package code will be emailed after purchase.) Send us your finished Father's Day QuickMix pages by June 2, to receive the PhotoBook and card in time for Father's Day. V2 QUICKMIX only While supplies last.

Add more options to your Father's Day PhotoBook by adding this Grandfather embellishment. Thanks for reading!

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