Shabbat Pinchas
July 21st, 2012 - 2nd of Av 5772
BJC Logo - Purple
BJC photo
Candlelighting 8:34 pm

Havdalah 9:34 pm


Dear Beth Jacob Members:


Ben CernyWe are excited to share with you that Ben Cerny has been hired as our new youth director. He will begin work on August 20th after he completes his summer job staffing the USY on Wheels Mission Mitzvah program.


Ben grew up in Virginia and comes to us as a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh where he studied art history and business. He has extensive experience with USY in the Herndon, VA area where he served as social action vice president for three years on both the local and regional levels. In Pittsburgh Ben worked as a youth counselor for three USY groups and staffed regional and international conventions.


Ben will be working as our USY youth director and supervising Kadima advisor Rachel Sher as well as coordinating informal programming for our younger ages.  We are excited about Ben and Rachel working together along with USY President Sage Kohnstamm and the USY board to make it another great year for USY and Kadima!


We would like to once again thank Heather Kantrowitz for the amazing work she has done for BJUSY and Kadima during the past two years and to wish her well during her upcoming year in Israel.



Rabbi Morris J. Allen, Head Rabbi
Rabbi Lynn Liberman, Director of Congregational Learning
Jeff Skochil and Eric Pasternak - Board Co-presidents
Carol Altshuler and Laura Honan - Youth Committee Co-chairs

Beth Gendler, Wendy Schwartz and Laura Honan - Search Committee Co-chairs


Tisha_Bav_2012 The Fourteenth Annual Communal Observance of
Tisha B'Av 
Saturday, July 28 / 9 Av
at Mount Zion Temple

  • 9:30 p.m. When it Rains it Pours: Jeremiah's Outlook on Life - Teaching by Rabbi Jeremy Fine, (new) Assistant Rabbi, Temple of Aaron  
  • 9:45 p.m. Maariv Service by Candlelight including the chanting of Eicha / Lamentations 
Sponsored by Saint Paul Board of Rabbis and
Beth Jacob, Mount Zion Temple, & Temple of Aaron

RA_tragediesRabbinical Assembly Banner
A Meditation on the Tragedies of Recent Days
from RA President Gerry Skolnik

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The month of Av has come upon us in a manner true to historical form. Mishenikhnas Av, m'ma'atin b'simhah... When the month of Av begins, we are told, we are instructed to diminish our joy. Sadly, a week of violence and tragedy all over the world has done it for us.

With our heads still bowed low in sorrow over the murder of innocent Israeli tourists in Bulgaria earlier this week, we learned of yet another episode of horrific violence, this time in Aurora, Colorado. For reasons still unknown - are there ever reasons for something like this? - a gunman walked into a crowded movie theater, sprayed tear gas and opened fire on the stunned patrons. At least 12 are reported dead, some 50 wounded, and countless others traumatized. 

It is not Aurora alone that has suffered this attack. We are all citizens of Aurora. We are all stunned and dismayed by the senseless violence, and the raging hatred that generated it. And, once again, we are reminded of the fragility of the fundamental social contract that binds us to each other in a civil society. Each and every assault on that unwritten contract erodes our sense of security, and in so doing, threatens to make us that much less trusting, and less compassionate. 

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this most recent episode and with their families. There are no words that can adequately convey the depth of our dismay and 
sadness at this senseless tragedy. We pray for strength and comfort for those who so desperately need it, and resilience of spirit to all of us who grieve along with them. 

May the month of Av yet live up to its fuller, more hopeful name of Menaheim Av; may it bring comfort where there is now pain, and joy where there is sorrow ...

Note: The RA recently posted a prayer by Menachem Creditor in response to the terror attack in Bulgaria,
which is available in English and Hebrew.
Time to Recarpet!

Carpet Rolls Thanks to a generous donation from Harold & Pat Kaplan, several rooms are getting much needed new carpeting, including the Saide Chapel and office spaces. On Sunday, July 29th, we need volunteers to help us completely clear out several rooms so they are ready for carpet to be replaced on Monday and Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday, August 1st, we need volunteers to come again to help move everything back in to the offices. 
The office will be closed for business Monday, July 30th, through Wednesday, August 1st. Morning minyan Monday through Wednesday will be held in the Schechter Sanctuary, as will Monday evening minyan. Please contact Sean in the office (651-452-2226) or by email ( to volunteer!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Join with fellow Beth Jacob members for a day of paddling starting above Ford Dam and ending below Snelling Park.

Our trip will include going through the lock and dam system at Ford Dam (Dam #1), paddling through the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers and a stop-over on Pike Island for lunch.


Because of the higher than usual water flow this year, participants need to have prior experience paddling.


For questions or information, contact Rabbi Liberman at

or Bruce Kessler at


There is no cost, but please register here by Thursday, August 3 to let us know you'll be there!


 Click to add this event to your calendar

After Kiddush Learning
July 21st & August 4th


Marriage Amendment
The Social Justice Committee continues to focus its work on the amendments that will be before the voters in the November 2012 election. During the next few months we will concentrate our learning and action on defeating the Marriage Amendment and the Voter ID Amendment in order that Minnesota does not begin a tradition of legislating through constitutional amendment and using the constitutional amendment to limit rather than broaden human rights.


July 21: Voter ID Amendment
August 4: Marriage Amendment 
Tidy_upShul Tidy-Up Morning
10am - 1pm, Sunday, August 12th
Mop and Bucket 
Help us tidy up our community in preparation for Yom Tov.
Everyone invited!
RSVP to Suzanne Bring,,
Emtza Turns 60!
USY at 60 Dear  Friends,
Over the years, many of you  were active in USY, and I  wanted you to know that Emtza Region USY is having a 60th Anniversary Celebration on October 14, 2012.  I want to make sure that you receive all the information about the event, so could you go to the following web site and fill out a very short survey to get you added to our alumni list?
Even if you cannot go to the event in October, it would be great to get you on our list to share with other past Emtza Region USYers. I hope to see your name on our list soon!
Rabbi  Morris J. Allen
(Emtza region USY 1969-1973 - Tifereth Israel Synagogue Lincoln, Nebraska)

Hebrew Reading Crash Course
Aug. 5, 19, 26 & Sep. 9 (+ one more class TBA)

This Rosh Hashanah, read in the original!


Hebrew Alphabet
Join our Hebrew Crash Course for beginners (or for the very rusty) with instructor Lisa Hoff, an experienced student of Hebrew who has successfully taught this course on other occasions.


$40.00 per student (includes all materials);
Scholarships available.
Please register here by Aug. 1
to ensure we have enough materials.
For more information, contact Lisa at

Beth Jacob Info



Service Sheet 

In This Issue:
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Directly to Article
Mitzvah Opportunity
Beth Jacob has been granted a wonderful opportunity to do a mitzvah at the end of July. Project Home, an emergency overflow shelter for families, is looking for volunteers on July 30-31 from 5:30pm-9pm. We will be welcoming families into First Presbyterian for the evening and distributing snacks, playing with kids, and making sure everyone gets settled. Just a few hours of your time and lots of your smiles will go a long way; please contact Heather to sign up or for more information. See you there!

Summer Shabbat morning

Program for K - 5th grade

10:30 - 11:30 am


Join together with your friends making Shabbat morning a fun and prayerful time! 


June 2 - Aug. 4

Minyank_KatanMinyan Katan 

10:45 - 11:30 am


in the Nursery Care Room

 (for families with children 0 - 4 years of age)


Next Meetings: 

August 18, September 8


Click to add the next Minyan Katan to your Calendar

Click_to_addClick to Add!
Now, when you see this calendar icon, click the link next to it to add that event directly to your calendar program!  It should work for all common (and probably uncommon) calendar programs (or web-based calendar, if that's your default calendar) on desktop, laptop, and mobile devices!

Shir_ShachritMusic Notes
Shir Shacha
Services for the entire shul will start in the Saide Chapel with its close, intimate setting, allowing the room to be filled with our prayerful voices. As we conclude both Pesuke D'zimra and Shacharit, we will make our way to the main sanctuary for Torah reading and the remainder of Shabbat davening and learning. The Shlichai Tzibur will be Miryam Kabakov & Mara Benjamin.
If you have questions, please contact Ann Silver.
August 11th - Rabbi Shosh Dworsky
Adult Jewish Learning


Monday Night Limud 

7:00 Pre-learning Schmooze and Munch

7:15 Class Begins

Talmud Class
With Rabbi Allen

Study the words and thoughts of Rabbinic tradition as a living text in our modern world.  





Open Torah

Parashat HaShavuah: Tuesday Afternoons

With Rabbi Allen - 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Study of this week's Torah portion.   


Bracha and Bagel: Wednesday Mornings
With Rabbi Liberman - after Minyan
 Study short passages from our rabbinic tradition, including the Mishna and the Talmud.
Join together for a 10 minute Shiur and light breakfast. 
Shabbat Learning


For the Jew in the Pew 

With Rabbi Liberman

9:15-9:55 am Saturdays

A Shabbat Morning Torah Conversation

Community Events
Kikar_Bair_7-12Ramah Kikar Bair



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