Shabbat Vayechi
January 7th, 2012 - 12th of Tevet 5772
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BJC photo
Candlelighting 4:29

Havdalah 5:32

New Kol Ya'kov
The January/February Kol Ya'akov is available!
Blood Drive 
Sunday Jan. 15 9:30 am - 2:30 pm

Blood Drive
Beth Jacob's annual Blood Drive is almost upon us; give the gift of life! 
Click here to sign up for a time slot to donate.
To volunteer, contact
We need your help!
New Jewish Learning Opportunities
January brings a couple new options to the roster of Adult Jewish Learning; Kiddush and Kibbutz, during Kiddush on Shabbat, and Feminist Liturgy- Learning and Lab: Liturgical Words, Sounds, and Movements on three Mondays in January and February.
Rabbi Allen's Talmud Class continues on Monday nights, as do Parshat HaShavua on Tuesday and Bracha and Bagels on Wednesday. Rabbi Liberman's class about the Matriarchs takes on Leah and Rebecca as it moves from Mondays to Shabbat after Kiddush, and For the Jew in the Pew resumes it's regular schedule this week at 9:15 on Shabbat morning.
New students welcome in all classes!
Click here or see Adult Jewish Learning below for dates, times, and more details about all offerings!
Shir_ShachritMusic Notes
Shir Shacharit
Jan 21st will be the next
Shir Shacharit Shabbat!
Services for the entire shul will start in the Saide Chapel with its close, intimate setting, allowing the room to be filled with our prayerful voices. As we conclude both Pesuke D'zimra and Shacharit, we will make our way to the main sanctuary for Torah reading and the remainder of Shabbat davenning and learning. The Shlichat Tzibur will be Sara Lynn Newberger.
If you have questions, please contact Ann Silver.
Future Dates:
Feb 18: Jonathan Erlich
March 17: Rabbi Shosh Dworsky
April 21: TBA

A Shul-Wide Conversation:

The Marriage Amendment


 Sat., Jan. 21, 2012

After Kiddush

at Beth Jacob


Please plan to attend to learn more about the amendment, the important reasons to work for its defeat and to commit to voting "No", its ramifications for everyone, and the campaign within the Jewish community to defeat it.


This event is sponsored by Beth Jacob's Social Justice Committee in collaboration with JCA. 

    • This is a "B" BET week for Shabbat Enrichment
    • There IS 8th-grade Shalshelet class this Shabbat 
Jewish Star
Nativ logo

Nativ is a challenging academic year program for 18-year-olds after high school that is dedicated to creating and inspiring the Conservative Jewish leaders of tomorrow. Nativ, which means "path" in Hebrew, provides a unique opportunity to explore new directions on the journey to becoming a Jewish adult.

Check out this video featuring Beth Jacob's own Sidney Usem, who is on Nativ and blogging about it!


Minyan Katan

Minyan Katan
  10:45 - 11:10 am in the Nursery Care Room

 (for families with children 0 - 4 years of age)


Upcoming Meetings:

Jan. 14      Feb. 18      March 10

In This Issue:
(Click Link to Jump Directly to Article)

More details about calender items can be found by clicking the links.


Minyan @ 7:15  weekdays.

All events at Beth Jacob unless noted.


This Week



Kabbalat Shabbat

5:30 pm






For the Jew in the Pew
9:15 am 


Kiddush and Kibbutz

12:30 pm






9 am


6th Grade Family Life Cycle Workshop

9 am


7th Grade Family Life Cycle Workshop

at Rabbi Allen's

5:30 pm




Monday Night Limud

7 pm





Parashat HaShavuah

4-5 pm




Bracha and Bagel

After Minyan 




Caregivers' Support Group 7 pm


Next Friday


Kabbalat Shabbat

5:30 pm


Beth Jacob Info

Service Sheet 

Caregivers Support Group


7:00 pm Thurs., Jan. 12 

Communicating our experiences, our worries, questions and frustrations about people for whom we care can be very difficult; sharing, education and support makes our effort a little easier.  Our subjects vary and are appropriate for caregivers.


For further information, contact Esther Winthrop at

JFS, St Paul: 





Adult Jewish Learning


Monday Night Limud 

7:00 Pre-learning Schmooze and Munch

7:15 Class Begins

Talmud Class
With Rabbi Allen

Study the words and thoughts of Rabbinic tradition as a living text in our modern world.





Feminist Liturgy: Learning and Lab

Liturgical words, sounds, and movements

Facilitated by Sharon Jaffe

Each session begins with a short discussion of feminist liturgy and a focus on words, sounds, or movement. Experiential Education style. Come to all or just one!


Mon., January 23:

Liturgical Words


Mon., February 13:

Liturgical Sounds: niggunim, chants, melodies


Mon., February 27:

Liturgical Body: movement, meditations, mikvah, Torah Yoga



Open Torah

Parashah HaShavuah: Tuesday Afternoons

With Rabbi Allen - 4:00 - 5:00 pm


Bracha and Bagel: Wednesday Mornings
With Rabbi Liberman - after Minyan
Shabbat Learning


Kiddush & Kibbutz

A community parasha study over Shabbat Kiddush

Join together with fellow congregants in the Social Hall,

enjoying your Kiddush lunch and engaging in study

of the following week's Torah portion.

Begins this week!


Jew in the Pew

With Rabbi Liberman

9:15-9:55 am Saturdays

A Shabbat Morning Torah Conversation 

Regular schedule resumes this week!  




A Bible Shiur: Our Final two Matriarchs, Leah and Rebecca

With Rabbi Liberman

In the Library after Kiddush

Join us for a close look at these two sisters and their ancestral roles, and how they continue to inform our own lives today. The Women's Torah Commentary will be used as a primary source. New students always welcome!

Jan. 14, 28; Feb. 4, 25; March 10; April 14, 28; May 5, 26

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