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Pit Bulls on PBS - Friday Jan 21

We're happy to announce a special feature on PBS that will introduce some of our favorite dogs to the television audience. The show is called 'Need to Know' and it's airing Friday, January 21st. 
Journalist William Brangham came to us with a lot of questions about the status of the surviving dogs trom the Vick case. He and his crew spent many hours filming dogs including Jonny Justice, Audie, Frodo, and Hector. You'll hear from the owners of the dogs as well as Jim Gorant, author of 'The Lost Dogs,' several members of BADRAP and Steve Zawistowski of the ASPCA. 
We haven't viewed it yet, but are happy to report that there will no gruesome dog fighting footage or members from Peta in this show. 

We expect this to be a sensitive, intelligent piece. Enjoy!
Thank you for your ongoing support as we work to meet our mission: Securing the future of the American Pit Bull Terrier as a cherished family companion.