Kingdom Foundation, Mulago Foundation and YOU.
West Sumatra
April 2008
Yarnida Family"Our worries will be less after the construction is finished because we are confident about inputs and assistance from Build Change."  Hj. Yarnida, Guguk, Agam Regency, West Sumatra
Thanks to the generous support of the Kingdom Foundation, the Mulago Foundation, and people like YOU, we are expanding our program in Indonesia to provide technical assistance and training to over 600 families this year. 
Hj. Yarnida told us about his harrowing experience during the earthquake last March.  He tried to run out of his house but the kitchen door was stuck.  His house collapsed around him but fortunately he survived with only minor cuts and bruises. 
But the following months were filled with uncertainty, stress and despair for both him and his wife - staying in tents or cramped quarters with neighbors, unable to work, unable to sleep, and constantly worried about safety when they entered the part of their house that was not already in pieces. 
Now, with the hands-on technical assistance provided by Build Change's Indonesian construction professionals, Hj. Yarnida is rebuilding a confined masonry house with simple, low-cost improvements that will make a big difference in the next earthquake.  With Build Change's guidance, so far over 80 homeowners in West Sumatra like Hj. Yarnida are incorporating earthquake-resistant features in their new construction. 
HOMEOWNER-DRIVEN RECONSTRUCTION WORKS.  Homeowners are safe, satisfied, and the process is sustainable. 
Kingdom Foundation
is chaired by HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Alsaud.  Prince Alwaleed is an entrepreneur and international investor who is highly involved in charitable activities around the world.

Mulago Foundation works like a social impact venture fund to find and grow the most promising solutions in health, development and conservation in the developing world.

Position Opening in West Sumatra
We're Hiring!  Seeking a Program Manager/Structural Engineer to expand our owner-driven reconstruction programs in West Sumatra and Bengkulu, Indonesia.  The successful candidate will combine proven management and coordination skills with structural/earthquake engineering design expertise and hands-on construction experience.  For more details click here.  To apply send cover letter and CV to by May 7, 2008. 
Confined Masonry for the Common Man
Technical High School Student Training
Build Change Joins the Confined Masonry Network
In response to the growing prevalence of confined masonry construction in the developing world, the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, National Information Center for Earthquake Engineering, and the World Seismic Safety Initiative have teamed up with implementing organizations like Build Change, academic institutions, government officials, and practicing engineers and architects from around the globe to promote and implement better design and construction of confined masonry. 
The kickoff meeting was held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in January.  Build Change's technical high school student training program was featured in the closing ceremony (photo above).  The next meeting happens at the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering in Beijing in October.  For more information, visit the World Housing Encyclopedia website. 
To download Build Change's Earthquake-Resistant Design and Construction Guideline For Single Story Confined Masonry Houses, visit our website.  A simple construction guideline for homeowners and builders will be released in English and Bahasa Indonesia soon. 
Earthquake-resistant construction is within the reach of homeowners in developing countries.  Minor, low or no-cost changes to existing ways of building and a little knowledge, go a long way toward safe, culturally appropriate and sustainable construction.  Your contributions continue to make this possible.  Stay tuned for more details about our upcoming expansion to earthquake-devastated Pisco, Peru. 
Thank you and best wishes,

Elizabeth Hausler
Founder and CEO
Build Change
Build Change Logo
Through our site on  Universal Giving.  Use your credit card or Paypal account.  Note that a service fee is charged by Paypal. 
Send your check, payable to Build Change, to:
M. Timothy Louis
169 Throckmorton Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Upgraded to a higher resolution digital camera, and not sure what to do with your old one?  Reuse by donating your durable digital camera to Build Change.  Reply to this e-mail for more information. 
Offset our travel costs by donating your frequent flyer miles.  Reply to this e-mail for more information. 
Sorry if we missed you with our 2007 Holiday Newsletter. For a summary of our post-tsunami housing reconstruction program in Aceh, Click Here.
See the Global X Interview Video on Social Edge.   Click Here and scroll down to January 7, 2008. 
About Build Change

Build Change is a 501(c)3 status non-profit social enterprise incorporated in the State of California on September 2, 2004.  Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.