La Voce - The Voice
Italy notes from Villa Vita
A quarterly newsletter filled with random fun things regarding Italy. Please forward to friends using forward link, or if you prefer, use safe unsubscribe at bottom.      Grazie.

October  2008

  Here are some photos from our most recent trips!
 Al and Gelato
Al enjoying his Gelato!
Alicia sketches her view
Tuscan Colors
Tuscan Colors
Farm Lunch
Lunch on the Farm
Mt Amiata
Mt. Amiata
Val dOrcia
Val d'Orcia
At The Baptistry Doors
At the Baptistry Doors
Sant'Anna Camprena 
 Sant'Anna Camprena
(Where The English Patient was filmed)
Poppiano Door
Poppiano Door
Poppiano Street
Poppiano Street
Lunch with Liz
Buon Appetito!
Pomeriggio In Toscana
by Alan Arne

 Daydreams and shadows dance.
Grapes whisper back a thousand years,
Celebrating earth's spirit
Through summer light.
Turn fast wandering planet,
But relent as summer breathes
Songs about Tuscany and the Universe
July sways in this chance of time.
Tuscan wine pours warm perfect colors
Then pauses to tell afternoon love stories


Come si dice? 

Each issue we focus on translating some common words. Here we talk Wine, Wine Words  and other Drinks...
wine - vino
red wine - vino Rosso
 white wine - vino bianco
rose' - rosato
sparkling - frizzante
house wine - vino della casa
dry - secco
fruity - amabile
full bodied - corposo
cork - tappo
corkscrew - cavitappi
vintage - annata
vineyard - vigneto
grapes - uva
light - leggero
heavy - pesante
harvest - vendemmia
glass - bicchiere
botlle - bottiglia
half bottle - mezza bottiglia
barrel - barile
wine list - la lista dei vini
birra - beer
from the tap - alla spina
small - piccola
medium - media
grand - grande
light - chiara
dark - scura
cold - fredda
another - un altro
ice - ghiaccio
tipsy - brillo (a)
Bellini - Bellini
Sgroppino - Sgroppino
Cheers - Cin cin!
To Your Health - SALUTE!
Fine Wine from Arizona??
You Bet!
Alcantara Robin
Robin serves samples and smiles at Alcantara's Fall Harvest Festival
Our fine friends at Alcantara Vineyards located in Verde Valley just south of Sedona, Arizona, invited Villa Vita to join in on their Fall Harvest Festival. Fabulous local wines and foods and great live music were present amidst the beautiful vineyards framed by red rock canyon walls.
Owner Barbara Predmore has been hard at work successfully  pursuing her dream of producing fine wines and creating a harmonious environment where one can go to treat all senses. 
Please visit their website and vineyard. 
Lessons of Tuscany at Il Borgo

Il Borgo Pool
For one low price, enjoy beautiful villa accommodations, breakfast every morning delivered to your door- dinner each night at local family owned restaurants - and visits to surrounding towns such as Florence, Siena and Lucca each day - all included.  
Weekly classes also available on property such as watercolor painting, photography, ceramics painting, cooking, wine appreciation, Italian language and more.
The Road Ahead...
Tuscan Road
  These days more than ever, we continue to seek answers to the uncertainties that lie ahead both here and abroad.  One thought that rings very true is our need to stay on track with our internal compass.  Continue to follow the path of our aspirations. As the world grows smaller, people are finding ways to work together to keep our hopes and dreams alive.  Villa Vita has been very fortunate to have such good friends here in the U.S. and in Italy who work together to keep offering these life enriching experiences.  
Grazie Tutti.
Stay tuned for more!
Summer Reflections . . .


Sun drenched fields of wheat... the morning light casting long shadows... vines hanging heavy with fruit... richly colored buildings reflecting the warmth of the land and of the people... laundry hanging across alley-ways... windows graced by flower pots bursting with blossoms.  It never seems to let us down these visions we hold dear.  They were all here and so much more.  Foxes scooting across the road in the early morning light in search of breakfast... sunflowers bowing their heads to the end of summer...  children playing soccer in the piazza, a piano concerto sounding from a distant open window...  and my most favorite, the church bells ringing and swaying gracefully from their ancient towers echoing through villages and valleys.
It was a special summer spent with very special people.  Phoenix artists painting in the Tuscan countryside. Friends uniting from far away states celebrating birthdays and reunions together under the Tuscan sunshine and night sky.  Special moments shared with the local residents enjoying church suppers and local outdoor theaters, festivals and feasts.  Few places on earth continue to please the senses time after time like Tuscany. Come soon.
Gina in Pienza
Cari Saluti,  
Prosecco Anyone?
Here is a fine way to extend the summer season. Prosecco is a variety of white grape grown in the Veneto region of Italy, and also gives its name to the sparkling wine made from the grape.

Like other sparkling wines, Prosecco is served chilled. Most commonly it is served unmixed, but it also appears in several mixed drinks. It was the original main ingredient in the Bellini cocktail (see below) and it can also replace champagne in other cocktails such as the Mimosa. Prosecco also features in the Italian mixed drink Sgroppino (with vodka and lemon sorbet). I just enjoyed my first Sgroppino with a friend. It was soooo good, I just had  to include it in this issue!

1/3 cup lemon sorbet.
2 tbsps vodka or limoncello, chilled.Sgroppino
1/4 tbsp fresh mint leaves
1 cup Prosecco

Pour the Prosecco & vodka (or limoncello) into 2 champagne flutes, dividing equally.
Spoon a scoop of sorbet into each flute. Stir. Top with mint & serve. 

Bellini Cocktail

This drink was created 1943 at Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy in honor of the painter Geovani Bellini. Giuseppi Cipriani was the inventor. The original recipe was made with fresh pureed white peaches with a bit of raspberry or cherry juice to give the drink a pink glow.
Harry's Bar was a favorite haunt of Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis and Orson Welles. Later, the drink also became popular at the bar's New York counterpart. After an entrepreneurial Frenchman set up a business to ship fresh white peach pure� to both locations, it was a year-round favorite.

Original Version

2/3 cup white peach puree (use yellow peaches if white not available)
1 teaspoon raspberry puree
1 bottle chilled Italian sparkling wine such as Prosecco or Asti Spumante Brut

Raspberry puree: Puree fresh or frozen (thawed) berries in a food processor.
Peach puree:  Peel fresh peaches, cut up in pieces and blend in a food processor.
Place 1 1/2 tablespoons puree in the bottom of each flute and add 2 - 3 drops of the raspberry puree. Add sparkling wine, stir and serve.
Serving glass: Tall champagne flutes 
Here's to summer reflections all year long!


The Art of Tuscany 
August 17th - 24th - a group of artists from Phoenix Arizona took in the Chianti Countryside with their eyes, their paints and with their hearts. Please visit our Blog for a recap of this wonderful trip and more.  
"Painting on a hillside in Tuscany was a fairy tale to me. Only in movies have I seen such endless beauty. I felt free and alive....  a painter's paradise is an understatement." 
  Liz Kenyon, Pastel and Plein Air Artist, Tuscany, August 2008 



Liz in Volpaia

        Chianti cafe
Liz painting Poppiano Castle and fields above and
a Volpaia Cafe below.
For more information on the artwork of Liz Kenyon, please visit her beautiful website
and another very kind testimonial ...
Picture yourself sitting on a patio with a cool beverage in hand as you gaze out at panoramic hills of grape vines, olive trees and sun flower fields dotted with an occasional castle, church steeple or red tile roof farmhousemore...  


By Barb Hurley Peterson - Artist (and author) Italy - August 2008 
(painting from the grounds of Il Borgo di Villa Bossi-Pucci)  
"To view a land through an artist's eyes is to truly notice a land and all its splendid colors"      gina ruggiero VVI  

 Villa Vita International is proud to host workshops for independent artists and photographers, their students and fellow artists. If you would like to organize your own workshop, please contact Villa Vita International for more information 866-590-8181 or [email protected]

GiuseppeCome Cook With Giuseppe!
Chef Giuseppe Mazzocchi offers fabulous culinary adventures in his home region of Tuscany.  Born and raised on an olive farm near Montecatini Terme, he learned at an early age the importance of fine, simple and natural foods in the overall quality of life. 
See one of his recipes . . .
or contact Villa Vita for more information 866-590-8181 
Tuscany comes to Arizona!
Chef Giuseppe is coming to Arizona the first two weeks in February to offer classes and previews to his programs in Italy.  To find out more, please write to Karolyn McCain at Food Wine Travel Connection or visit ...  
Food Wine Travel Connection
 Under the Tuscan Sun Salutations
Podere Isabella
Villa Vita is proud to host Yoga Workshops based at the beautiful Aurora  Studio at Podere Isabella in Monticchiello.  Set amidst the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Val d'Orcia, Aurora is a unique and exceptional place for mind body and spirit renewal as well as an ideal place from which to explore and enjoy some of the best food, wines and landscapes of Tuscany.  For more information or if you would like to organize your own group retreat, please contact Villa Vita International or click link below for more details.  
Did you see our blog?  Click below and take a peak for more fun travels in Tuscany!


Villa Vita International is a full service travel provider for authentic and amazing holidays to Italy and beyond.
If you have contributions or suggestions for future issues of La Voce, or if you are not already on our list and would like to be,
please click below:
also see...
Call Toll Free  866-590- 8181 or
in Phoenix AZ  623-581-1062
Future Events, Tours, and Workshops
May 2009
 - Joel Wolfson Photography Tour  based at the beautiful Relais Chiostro in Pienza, Tuscany
May 2009 - Pilates, Yoga, Food, Wine and Fun  
July 2009 - Yoga Food Wine and Fun - Let's Take it to Tuscany with Erica Di Carlo
August 2009  -Plein Air Painting in Tuscany with Liz Kenyon
August 2009 - Food and Wine Tour of Tuscany
VARIOUS DATES -  The Tuscan Cook with Chef Giuseppe Mazzocchi
YEAR ROUND - Lessons of Tuscany  - Weekly programs in Chianti at the beautiful Il Borgo di Villa Bossi Pucci
Coming soon - updates on our 2009 season including cooking holidays, yoga retreats, art and photography worksops and more!  

Contact Info
Gina Ruggiero, President
Villa Vita International