GumTree LLC, DBA The Whole Life Coach
We interrupt your busy life to bring you  a poem...
By Jamie K. Reaser (c)
Do you hear yourself being called
to places that are far away,
beckoned by landscapes
intimately known and unimaginable?

Does it feel as if only strangers
can speak your name?

You must leave home.

You must leave HOME!

Escape the walls of your
upbringing any way you

Caterpillars do it.

Travel far and wide,
get lost,
be robbed,
over and over again,
realize that the world is big,
you are small.

Forget who you believed
yourself to be,
who you thought
others thought you were.

Become someone who can't
answer simple questions like,
"What do you do?"


Totally and completely fail
to reach your intended destination,
though carrying a map and compass.

You are where you need to be
the moment after you
give up on all the landmarks.

Sit down and cry out
all of your laments.

Cry out the laments
all your ancestors
feared to cry.

You are indeed walking
in circles,
along a path marked
"Grief and Despair"
that leads directly
to Soul.

You have arrived.

Arrived at the place
you began
that it killed you to leave.

There is no entrance,
nor exit.
Never was.

When people ask you to tell the
story of your travels,
your journey,
of the road you have taken,
do so by living your Life,


Now you are human.

~ Jamie K. Reaser*

If you feel yourself being called to places far away from your everyday routine, there is no need to fear - this does not mean you are ready to walk away permanently!  This is a natural cycle and only means there is a message from within trying to get your attention. The urge to 'leave home', as Jamie states in her poem above, is a sacred call and one which must be heeded in order to thrive in today's frenetic world. With the constant chatter and chaos of daily life, how is one supposed to hear the quiet wisdom that whispers and speaks in symbols?

If you are eager to 'leave home' and spend a weekend with other women courageous enough to listen to that small still voice from within, I have a solution for you.  This July 30, take solace in the Women's Refresh Retreat and find out just how valuable a weekend of rejuvenation and reconnection to what most matters to you can be. Those that you leave 'at home' will thank you for it when you return, but their gratitude is nothing compared to what you will feel when you become reunited with the most powerful person in your entire life -YOU!
Women's Refresh Retreat
White Haven, PA 18661
The Country Place Retreat & Conference Center
July 30 - August 1, 2010

Reserve your space now!

If you aren't sure if this is for you or you have questions,  please feel free to EMAIL STEPHANIE and we can address whatever is on your mind.

*For more of Jamie K. Reaser's work, visit her blog or her Facebook page.
Bring a Friend
& You EACH
SAVE $25!
If you are giving yourself the transformational gift of retreat, why not share it with a friend and both save some money while you're at it? 

Between May 15- May 31
, if you and a friend sign up together for the REFRESH RETREAT by either paying the registration deposit of $100 or sending in your first 3-pay option of $230 on the same day, you each will receive $25 off your next payment. 

It's that easy!

Offer Expires: May 31, 2010