Inspired Life Design

Give Wings to Your Dreams®
Inspiration and Tools to Guide Your Journey
January 17, 2009
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I hope you are off to a great start in the New Year! If you are like many others, you may have set your expectation to make some big changes and may already be disappointed with your progress. It helps to remember that time is on your side.

Often the most gratifying change happens through slow but steady forward motion rather than the more dramatic attempts at overnight change! Below you will find a repeat of last New Year's email newsletter. I'm sending it again because it's a timeless message!

Change is Coming!

We are just a few days away from inaugurating our new U.S. President, Barack Obama, who promises to bring positive change, not only to our country, but also to the world. The excitement is palpable and we as a people are so ready for new hope and possibility.

I pledge to do my part to continue to facilitate positive change, in my own way, on a very personal level as a work/life choices coach, opening avenues to reduce stress, improve happiness and achieve inner peace, one man or woman at a time!

As such, I am pleased to present a special offer to my newsletter readers to kick-off 2009 with powerful focus and intention to improve the quality of your life.

$109 in 1/09 - Jumpstart Your Life in 2009

Though the end of January, 2009 I will be conducting 90-minute telephone coaching sessions for only $109.00, that's less than half the cost of my usual introductory session. And if you are in the continental U.S., I will call you so that you will not incur any long- distance phone charges.

In your 90-minute session, we'll take an inventory of the important areas of your life, first acknowledging what has worked well and what you have accomplished in 2008, and then take a good look at what's missing and what's not working very well that you would like to change.

You'll be amazed at how much clarity, inspiration and focus can be achieved in just one session and there is no expectation (and often no need!) to participate in any further sessions.

Click here to pay for your session via credit card online, or if you prefer to bypass the online system and pay by check or credit card directly, please reply to this email. Either way, I will contact you to make an appointment and we'll get you moving in a positive direction for 2009!

If you are interested, please take action now, as this offer is good for two weeks only. When you pay for your session by January 31, 2009 you'll be able to take advantage of this special price and schedule the session at your convenience.

The Gift of Time for Change
Slow down, you'll get there faster!

Many of us enter the New Year tired, overweight, out of shape, and generally out of control in the aftermath of the holiday frenzy. New Year's Resolutions are often a stern attempt at forcing ourselves into discipline and compliance with a long list of energy- draining "shoulds". That's why our resolutions tend to lose their steam well before the end of January!

It's so much more effective to approach change from a place of joyful vision and energizing, positive expectation. When you're tired, burned out and generally frustrated with your quality of life, how in the world do you get to a place of "joyful vision"?

If you attempt to jump into making a significant change when you are tired, gripped with fear and self- sabotaging behavior, or battling low self-esteem, your chances of succeeding are greatly diminished.

Desire for change and impatience are usually two sides of the same coin. Very often we expect ourselves to perform like a finely tuned racecar, accelerating from zero to 90-miles an hour in a matter of seconds. Nice idea, but we are all human and our expectations for overnight change are just a little out- of-whack!

I'm often heard saying to my clients, "Slow down, you'll get there faster!" And by "there" I mean the place you truly want to go and not some place you feel you "should" go.

When you allow yourself to slow down and really reflect on who you are and what's most important to you, the vague idea for change, and the rigid constructs of old and outdated expectations, give way to clarity of conviction - a place from which positive change flows with ease.

During the course of my own personal quest for change, I discovered a series of Seven Stepping Stones that led me to a very satisfying quality of life. Today, I'll share a bit about the first four stepping stones that are essential for building a strong foundation for change and will start you down a path towards an exciting new vision for your life.

One: Take time to refuel your tank and renew your spirit. By shoring up your energy for change you will increase your mental, physical and emotional stamina to go the distance necessary to achieve the change you desire. Give yourself a nurturing gift by making a conscious choice to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. Embarking on a big change when you are depleted of energy and enthusiasm may get you somewhere, but probably not where you really want to go.

Two: Get in touch with your deepest desires and resurrect the dreams you left behind. As we go through life, the treadmill we are on gets more relentless and harder to step away from. Making heart-felt changes requires taking some time to explore just exactly what it is your heart is asking for. The best way to do this is to spend some quality time alone with your thoughts and a journal, writing about your needs, your desires and your dreams. Getting away from it all for just a little while will do wonders for clearing the cobwebs that block your connection to what is really important to your happiness.

Three: Believe you can have what you want! Just as soon as you allow yourself to dream again and begin to acknowledge and honor your needs, the ugly inner critic starts to get really noisy. It wants to nip this "flight of fantasy" thing in the bud. Pay attention to the negative, critical messages of your inner critic because these are the limiting beliefs that will stop you from taking steps in a new direction. Become an observer of your inner dialog and decide who you want in charge of your life: your inner critic or your inner coach? Allow your inner coach to expand your belief in what is possible.

Four: Find joy in the journey. We tend to get caught up in the "I'll be happy when" cycle of thinking. Again, impatience is at work here. We can get so focused on the goal that we forget to enjoy the journey. And if that goal is a ways off in the future, we can get discouraged to the point of giving up. The secret to enjoying the journey is to choose to consciously dwell in positive thought and feeling. Positive feelings such as gratitude, appreciation, love, and compassion for yourself and others will energize you and make each day brighter as you continue to take steps toward your goals.

The four stepping stones I've just described are set to beautiful pictures and music in a 3-minute experience you can view at Enjoy your journey as you spread your wings and fly!

If you'd like to explore the entire Seven Stepping Stone journey and put yourself on a path to positive and permanent change, consider buying a copy of my book, Give Wings to Your Dreams, available at bookstores, on or at


Multiple Award-Winning Book!
Give Wings to Your Dreams: Reawaken Your Joy and Passion for Life
Give Wings Book Image

At this year's Book Expo America, Give Wings to Your Dreams received recognition as a Finalist in the category of Women's Issues in ForeWord Magazine's 2007 Book of the Year Awards; Winner in the Motivational category and Finalist in the Inspirational and Women's Issues categories in the 2008 Next Generation Indie Book Awards; Finalist in the category of Women's Issues in the National Indie Excellence 2008 Book Awards; and, Winner in the category of Women's Issues in the USA Book News National Best Books 2007 Awards.

Give Wings to Your Dreams ($14.95) offers inspiration and practical guidance, for women in midlife who are experiencing stress, burnout or blues, to design happier, more peaceful, and balanced lives. The book guides you step-by-step to gain the confidence, clarity and conviction to take charge and transform your lives.

There is also a 320-page companion workbook, Give Wings to Your Dreams: Personal Journal and Activity Guide ($24.95) to guide you, in-depth, through the Seven Stepping Stone process.

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Lauren Sullivan
Inspired Life Design

Phone: (805) 569-2564
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