The OperationsInc Navigator
March 17, 2009


The Navigator is published every other week and is filled with the latest HR related news, practical tips, answers to our reader's questions and a whole lot more! We welcome your participation in the makeup of this periodical. Send your feedback, ideas and input to:

In This Week's Edition...
  • Directing you to HR Solutions
  • Project Work Appealing Option in Competitive Job Market
  • Non-Verbal Communication Can Provide Winning Advantage in Job Interview
  • What's on Your Mind?
  • Searching for Inspiration? A Few Words of Wisdom...
  • Ask Yourself...
  • Legal Disclaimer

  • Project Work Appealing Option in Competitive Job Market

    A recent study revealed that companies are unable to add full-time employees during periods of economic uncertainty often bring in professionals on a temporary basis. The following are the ten most prevalent project roles in the current economy:

    • Credit and collections specialists
    • Staff and senior accountants
    • Mortgage specialists
    • Help desk and desktop support professionals
    • Development/programmer analysts
    • Web Developers
    • Bankruptcy/foreclosure attorneys
    • Litigation paralegals
    • Customer service representatives
    • Administrative healthcare positions

    Non-Verbal Communication Can Provide Winning Advantage in Job Interview

    According to body language experts, 85% of what you communicate is not with words, but rather through the tone of your voice, the way you sit and a wealth of other messages that your body involuntarily sends. With that in mind, the experts recommend these Dos and Don'ts on the art of non-verbal communication to benefit you in a job interview:

    • Be real from the start - When you greet your interviewer, smile a real smile that engages your eyes, and offer a firm handshake.
    • Watch the excess energy - Excess energy can get dissipated into fidgeting / a sign that you are nervous.
    • What to do with those hands and arms - to come across as confident and unguarded, have your hands open and relaxed on the table.

    What's on Your Mind?

    Because we want to best serve our readers, we feature a segment of our Newsletter where you can submit questions directly to our OperationsInc professionals. Do you have a question related to the management of the Human Resources function? Email it along to The best ones will make it into a future newsletter, along with the answer... and those that don't get published will still receive a response.

    This week's question:
    "What items are generally included in an HR Audit?"

    --- Office Manager, Public Services

    To start any good audit will focus on Compliance and then move to HR Best Practices. A mix of Federal and State laws dictate much of the compliance review, including insuring Labor Law Postings exist, are up to date and posted properly. A review of the employee files and their content tells a great deal about compliance and practices, as does a look at the Employee Handbook or what passes for a Policy and Procedure Manual. Lastly a good look at how the HR process works for new hires, terminations, performance management, payroll and administration is key.

    Searching for Inspiration? A Few Words of Wisdom...

    "The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist."

    - Harold Wilkins

    Ask Yourself...

    How Strong Is Your HR Backbone?

    Legal Disclaimer

    Information provided in The OperationsInc Navigator is researched and reviewed by the HR experts at OperationsInc. The information in every issue of The OperationsInc Navigator is in part gathered via information available in the public domain, as well as in part the original, copyrighted work of OperationsInc and is protected under U.S. copyright laws. As such, you may not reprint or publish in any format any article or portion of article The OperationsInc Navigator without the express permission of OperationsInc.

    OperationsInc provides the information in this e- newsletter for general guidance only. The information provided herein should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional human resources, legal, or other competent advisers. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult a professional adviser who has been provided with all pertinent facts relevant to your particular situation.

    We encourage you to pass along any issue of The OperationsInc Navigator by forwarding it to friends and colleagues.

    Directing you to HR Solutions


    Each Newsletter we will publish an interview question which hiring managers can utilize to better qualify candidates for hire, along with our analysis of the answers you may receive and their meaning.

    This Week's Question
    -- What are the three most important things to you when considering a new job?

    Understanding what will motivate your prospective employee is critical in the assessment phase. By asking for this information you force the candidate to share their priorities, maybe even their concerns. It's worth listening carefully to the order that this list is provide. It is equally important to ask about the items offered up, and even perhaps those that were not on the list. Great info no matter what you secure.

    HR Best Practices Tips

    --Best practices Reference Requests
    In a world where HR is under constant assault by the local lawyer the area of Reference Checking is rapidly becoming extinct, not because we are no longer asked but because most firms, seeing the writing on the wall (or in the form of a lawsuit filed) are establishing policies that forbid the delivery of a reference. I have to agree with that approach. More bad than good these days can come out of providing references, in part because of how inconsistent we are in what we say and what we don't about good and bad employees. In short provide title, dates of employment and if you choose compensation. Nothing more.

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