The OperationsInc Navigator
October 7, 2008


The Navigator is published every other week and is filled with the latest HR related news, practical tips, answers to our reader's questions and a whole lot more! We welcome your participation in the makeup of this periodical. Send your feedback, ideas and input to:

In This Week's Edition...
  • Directing you to HR Solutions
  • Many Employers Not Acting on
    Employee Feedback
  • Spouse Remains Top Career Advisor
    for Executives
  • What's on Your Mind?
  • Searching for Inspiration? A Few Words of Wisdom...
  • Ask Yourself...
  • Legal Disclaimer

  • Many Employers Not Acting on
    Employee Feedback

    A recent study revealed that nearly half of employers fail to make changes following employee surveys. 44% of companies fail to carry out employee surveys and nearly 46% of those that did implement surveys neglected to make any changes as a result of this feedback. The survey also revealed that companies in the South were most likely to conduct employee surveys (57%) and organizations in the North Central region were least likely to take action following the surveys (52%).

    Spouse Remains Top Career Advisor
    for Executives

    A recent study indicated that 46% of Executives polled said they turn to a spouse or significant others for advice when evaluating a potential job change. 41% of respondents said they would consult their mentors for this advice. Other advisors for Executives included:

    • Coworker (4%)
    • Other Family Member (4%)
    • Friend (3%)

    What's on Your Mind?

    Because we want to best serve our readers, we feature a segment of our Newsletter where you can submit questions directly to our OperationsInc professionals. Do you have a question related to the management of the Human Resources function? Email it along to The best ones will make it into a future newsletter, along with the answer... and those that don't get published will still receive a response.

    This week's question:
    "If my company implements an internship program, what should we be prepared to provide in terms of workload to the Intern?"

    --- Office Manager, Public Services

    Internship programs when optimally designed should provide the student with a learning experience while offering the employer some value in terms of a resource that can contribute at the most basic and entry level possible. The workload depends on how many hours per week the student is able to offer. As for its make-up you should look to include the student in as many learning type of events as is possible. This could include having them attend meetings, shadow multiple members of the department they support to observe these folks in their roles, participation in projects and ongoing initiatives, etc. Giving them filing and more menial tasks is fine so long as there is balance.

    Searching for Inspiration? A Few Words of Wisdom...

    "The big shots are only the little shots who keep shooting."

    - Christopher Morley

    Ask Yourself...

    How Strong Is Your HR Backbone?

    Legal Disclaimer

    Information provided in The OperationsInc Navigator is researched and reviewed by the HR experts at OperationsInc. The information in every issue of The OperationsInc Navigator is in part gathered via information available in the public domain, as well as in part the original, copyrighted work of OperationsInc and is protected under U.S. copyright laws. As such, you may not reprint or publish in any format any article or portion of article The OperationsInc Navigator without the express permission of OperationsInc.

    OperationsInc provides the information in this e- newsletter for general guidance only. The information provided herein should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional human resources, legal, or other competent advisers. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult a professional adviser who has been provided with all pertinent facts relevant to your particular situation.

    We encourage you to pass along any issue of The OperationsInc Navigator by forwarding it to friends and colleagues.

    Directing you to HR Solutions


    Each Newsletter we will publish an interview question which hiring managers can utilize to better qualify candidates for hire, along with our analysis of the answers you may receive and their meaning.

    This Week's Question
    --Describe the worst customer or co-worker you have ever had and tell me how you dealt with him or her.

    How future potential hires have dealt with conflict, challenge and stress is information we want to learn in the interviewing process. With this question we can gain some greater insight into the candidate's view of what defines "worst" and how the candidate may then fit into our own organization. If you find parallels between what they see as "worst" and what you see as "the norm" for what they may encounter at your office then perhaps they won't be the best candidate for your need.

    HR Best Practices Tips

    --E-mail As A Communication Tool
    The use of email as a vehicle for communicating in the workplace is a critical tool in any business. That being said when it comes to HR matters one needs to be careful with when email is used in lieu of good old fashion live dialogue. The sharing of static factual information that predictably would not result in much in the way of questions, give and take, challenges or alike (e.g. holiday schedule deployment, where forms can be found for a new service) is fine. Communicating things like new benefits, a change in organizational structure or even performance concerns beg for live conversation. Further, using email to avoid the confrontation usually serves to enhance the confrontation. Our advice - Use email wisely and with the perspective of the recipient always in mind.

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