September 27, 2012
Healing Powers News
September 27 edition 
In This Issue
Isis: Goddess of Fertility, Protection, and Manifesting
Readings in San Francisco
Day of Tikkun Oct 6th
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Phone Readings

Did you know that phone readings work just the same as in-person readings in the spirit world and are so convenient!  Message to schedule a phone reading today!

Ask Archangel Uriel for help with healing after emotional trauma or from old emotions that you are holding onto and would like to release.
Energy Healing?

If you feel stuck and would like some energy healing, I may be able to help you remove blocks in your energy field or remove any unwanted visitors you have tagging along with you.Email me at laura@healingpowers,net to schedule. 
We are living is such times of incredible times when what we think about is possible more easily, quickly, and on a larger scale than ever before!  If you have a dream, now is the time to start it.  Ask your angels for help and believe that is possible and get going!  Most of our limits are limits in our thoughts so just know that anything truly is possible with enough faith.  Hold on to your dreams and don't let others deter you.  Only you can determine what is possible for you!. Sending you lots of love as you embark on your dream quest.  Below are some tidbits you might find helpful including a great consciousness event in San Francisco, helpful info about Isis, and other fun stuff.  What you can do!
Isis - Goddess of Fertility, Protection, and Manifesting

Isis is very active and supportive right now.  She is a goddess that presides over many life areas and therefore can help you with many things from your domestic life to manifesting, and protection.  She is a strong female deity who balances her strength with family concerns.  Call on her for support for anything in your domestic life or when you are trying to make a life change.  You can also call on her simply for strength and support.  
Laura in San Francisco through October 15
Book your reading today!


Laura is in town the end of September and will continue to do phone readings or you can schedule an in-person reading in the bay area. Email or call 303-800-4478 to book your session today!.


Day of Tikun in San Francisco

Saturday, October 6


Day if Tikkun

Laura will be participating in Day of Tikkun, a sacred day or learning, ceremony,  and transcendent learning. There will be many incredible speakers including Marianne Williamson, the Q'ero Shamans of Peru, and many other speakers.  If you are in the Bay Area, join me!  It is by donation only so can pay what you can or feel guided to.  Here is a link to more information:



Here is a quote about love that is just lovely:


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.




Sending you love and light,


Laura Powers

Founder and President

Healing Powers