October 4, 2011
Healing Powers News
October 4 edition
In This Issue
11-11-11 events
HP TV: Regression Therapy with Dr. Backman
New Testimonials
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy

Have you heard of ISSSEEM?

The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicines provides great resources for energy practitioners. 






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Angel Readings
Would you like to connect with your angels?  Contact Laura for a reading today!
Production Work

Interested in having your own DVD to sell or a youtube video to promote your work?  Email us at video@healingpowers.net to find out more! 

Happy Fall!

 fall scene

The fall is one of my favorite and most colorful times of year! Here is a beautiful fall image I thought I'd share.  Stay warm and bundle up to enjoy the beautiful fall colors!

Upcoming 11-11-11 events   


There has been a lot of talk about 11-11-11 events11-11-11 all over the world including in such far flung places as Peru to locally here in Denver and Boulder.  11-11-11 provides a great opportunity to come together and celebrate the shifts that we are all going through right now.  There are at least two coming up here in Colorado.  Check out the events calendar for more info!


Healing Powers TV Episode with  

Dr. Linda Backman on Regression Therapy


Dr. Linda BackmanIn this fascinating episode, Dr. Backman shares the knowledge she has gained throughout the years doing past life and between lives regressions.  For more information and to watch the episode, go to the video pagePart two of this episode features the questions from the live studio audience. 

New Testimonials


If you've been thinking about getting a reading, you might want to check out some recent testimonials from recent clients!  Go to the readings page to read them and for more info on readings.Thanks so much to everyone who shared about their experiences.  For questions or to schedule a reading, email laura@healingpowers.net 


How to Eat, Drink and Be Healthy without Going Crazy with Lisa Keyes , October 28th 8:30-10:30 am in Arvada 


Learn some great tips on how to eat, drink aLisa Keyesnd be healthy from Lisa Keyes.  We are working with her to produce a DVD on this topic and we'd love your feedback on the content before we start shooting!  Limited space available so email us at laura@healing.net to reserve your space!

Whenever we approach life from a loving place, things just turn out better!  Love this quote:


"Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence."


Henry David Thoreau














































































Sending you love and light,


Laura Powers

Founder and President

Healing Powers
