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Suzette de Araujo, Editor  


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 September 1/2012

Kathy Fritz, President
Jackie Malaska, Executive Director


It's almost here...
The 2012/13 school year...Suzette de Araujo Headshot
Are you ready? What new ideas are you planning to implement? What great activities and games have you discovered over the summer? How will you make this year better than last? What are you goals for yourself and your students? How will you assess your success? How will you share your success with your students, your administration and your parents?

Hopefully, you will find some great tips and information in this edition. Welcome back!



NJAHPERD Events2012-13 Professional Development Plans
As you begin to prepare your Professional Development Plan for the 2012-13 school year, NJAHPERD recommends that you include participation in content specific professional development to ensure that you will have the opportunity to attend a NJAHPERD sponsored professional development event. NJAHPERD Events
Call for Program Proposals for the 2013 NJAHPERD Annual Convention
Deadline: September 30, 2012
Call for Program Proposals for the 2013 NJAHPERD Annual Convention, February 24-26, Ocean Resort and Spa, Long Branch, NJ. A great way to share your ideas with other professionals.
NJAHPERD is the leading state organization that offers high quality professional development for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance professionals teaching in the P-12 schools. If you have a great program to share, a new activity, innovative method of teaching, or new content that can contribute to helping other professionals, consider submitting a proposal for a convention session. Go to and click on Events, Annual Convention to submit a proposal or click here.
The due date is September 30, 2012. Contact Theresa Purcell Cone, Convention Manager, if you have any questions, [email protected].

Weekend Professional Development Event
Lake Conference
Lake Conference...Register Now!

The Lake Conference will be held September 28-30, 2012. Set aside some time to join the fun for this action-packed activity weekend featuring Jean Blaydes (Texas), Amy Gagnon (Connecticut), Kerry Lubin (Pennsylvania) and our own Chip Candy, Jim Ross, John Smith, Shawn Bennett, Arvin Arjona, (New Jersey) and Eric Eder 2010 NJAHPERD Elementary Teacher of the Year. Check out the tentative schedule and the session descriptions on the NJAHPERD web site. See the Lake Conference page listed under Our Professional Events and check out the speaker page for more information about our presenters. MORE

Have further questions? Contact Gregg Montgomery, NJAHPERD Lake Chair, 973-927-4862 home, 201-841-1059 cell or the NJAHPERD office.

NJAHPERD Adapted Conference "Believing is Achieving"
Wednesday October 10, 2012
 Registration now open on NJAHPERD website!

For more program details visit our website

Lunch included with registration!

Featured presenters include:
Opening Session EDA-AAHPERD past president Gene White
NJAHPERD 2012 Adapted Teacher of the Year Diane Glover
NJAHPERD 2011 Adapted Teacher of the Year John Gagliano
FlagHouse Educational Consultant John Smith to unvail FlagHouse's new Anti-Bullying in PE program

To register, click here.

Barclays Tickets Fore Charity thank you...!

Thank you!

Joann at Barclays
Exec Board Member, JoAnn Doherty
and sister, Debbie! 


NJAHPERD is grateful to all members who purchased tickets, volunteered at the event and promoted ticket sales to their friends and family. Special thanks to our Future Professionals and our NYSAHPERD colleagues and especially JoAnn Doherty for her tremendous dedication to this event as "Will Call" chair.   

The Tournament returns to NJ in 2013!  On to Liberty National in Jersey City!


TFC is a unique fundraising initiative designed to improve the quality of life for children and families in the communities where PGA TOUR and Champions Tour tournaments are held. Through TFC, NJAHPERD (a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) has the opportunity to raise significant charitable funds while becoming aligned with one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world.The Barclays is the first event in the PGA Tour Playoffs for the FedExCup and regularly attracts the biggest names in professional golf. The best part is 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of these tickets go to charity. NJAHPERD receives 75% of the proceeds with the remaining 25% donated to The First Tee of Metropolitan NY.  Funds are raised by promoting ticket sales.



Working out doesn't just make you stronger, it makes you smarter
We already know the facts: Our country is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Few American adults exercise enough, and that poor lifestyle choice is getting handed down to our children, who are getting fat at record levels. And all that obesity is affecting our health, causing heart disease, diabetes, and untold other health consequences. But what if the effects aren't only mental? MORE
Physical Education Must Be A Priority
Atlantic Highlands Herald

 The obesity rate has skyrocketed among adults and children in New Jersey and across the country. Today, about one in three American children and teens is overweight or obese, nearly triple the rate in 1963.

     Physical education class is an important part of a student's education. It provides an opportunity to be active during the day, but more important it teaches students how to pursue physical fitness in a safe and healthy manner.

     Among children today, obesity is causing a broad range of health problems that previously weren't seen until adulthood. These include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association reports obese children have an 80 percent chance of staying obese their entire lives. It is important that children learn how to be physically active and lead a healthy lifestyle into adulthood to avoid these life-threatening diseases.

There is more to physical education than sport
girl playing cricket
The Independent
Far too many children and adults do not get enough exercise to remain healthy. You can see the evidence in every high street and classroom. And the statistics for obesity related illnesses such as type 2 diabetes are terrifying. So half a cheer for Cameron and co for jumping on the Olympics euphoria bandwagon and recognizing that something has to be done to get people, especially school children, off their bottoms. MORE
Teens texting sex questions to educators
EdNews Colorado
Teenagers - or sometimes their parents - feel free to ask Rebecca Engel the most potentially embarrassing and personal questions. She gets questions about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. She gets angst-filled questions about puberty and about whether what some youngster is going through is normal or freakish. MORE 
The school day just got healthier toolkit
school day healthier
Students can expect benefits from healthier and more nutritiousfood in school.  Thanks to the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act, major improvements are being made across the country to transform school food and to promote better nutrition and reduce obesity. Learn more about the changes, take action within your schools and community, get onboard with this exciting time in school meals!" 
The School Day Just Got Healthier Toolkit  is a collection of resources including brochures, fact sheets, FAQs, fliers, school lessons, templates and much more, to help prepare everyone for the changes to school meals this school year. 
Five New Jersey Districts Join Healthy Schools Program!
Healthy Schools Program
The Healthy Schools program provides support to more than 14,500 schools across the nation at no-cost. In New Jersey, we have more than 250 schools in 19 school districts participating in the Healthy Schools Program. We are happy to announce that the program has expanded to the following school districts for the 2012-13 school year:
Atlantic City
Jersey City
The following schools districts will continue receiving hands-on technical assistance this year:
Perth Amboy
Many of these districts are making great strides in promoting healthy eating and physical activity and we are delighted to be part of their extended community of supporters!
We would like to extend a special THANK YOU to our stakeholders across the state who have helped build support to create healthy school environments that promote better learning.
Our 2012 Healthy Schools Program State Report provides more information on progress in New Jersey.
Healthy Schools Program School Spotlight
Spotlight on Garfield, New Jersey
Teachers and students at James Madison School #10 are using the Paul Pierce fitness breaks to increase physical activity during the school day. Read more here: Success Story
Spotlight on Millville, New Jersey
Staff at Holly Heights Elementary School have recruited a diverse group of members to their School Wellness Council. They are working together to offer employee wellness programs and healthier school meal options. Read more here: Success Story 



JAM World Record 2012...with Let's Move In School...REGISTER NOW!!!

JAM World Record
Thursday, September 27, 10:00am local time

The country's first national movement led by children to get everyone moving, JAM World Record 2012 with Let's Move in School will take place on Thursday, September 27 at 10 am local time. 


This inaugural national initiative has been created to raise awareness about the importance of everyone making good health choices and physical activity a daily habit.   JAM World Record 2012 with Let's Move in School urges everyone to support our schools where every student has the opportunity to learn healthy habits and participate in a quality physical education program. 


Signup your school today!


People of all ages and abilities are invited to pause and join in, wherever you are at 10 am your local time, to do a fun, easy one-minute fitness routine and participate in creating a world record.


In the spirit of friendly fun, there is a state competition and the state that recruits the most people to participate will be awarded the National JAM Title. To be counted in our state's total and learn the easy routine, go to  NJ has registered 1,658 participants as of August 20 and is currently in 7th place. 


Let's spread the news and get your school involved! MORE

Let's Move in School NJ
Let's Move in School logo
Let's Move is School (LMIS) is an AAHPERD initiative to provide resources for a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program in all schools. NJAHPERD supports the initiative and has taken the lead to "spread the word" through our ShapingNJ partners. The goal of Let's Move in School  is to ensure that every school provides a comprehensive school physical activity program with quality physical education as the foundation so that youth will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.
NJAHPERD has purchased a limited number of toolkits to be distributed to our members who register as a Let's Move in School advocate. Toolkits include a CD of resources, poster and more. LMIS registration is FREE and available HERE. Once you register, please contact the NJAHPERD office and we will send you a free toolkit.
Already registered? We are seeking members who have already had success with improving physical activity time in their school and would like to highlight the activities. Send us an email and we will contact you to find out more about your advocacy efforts.
Committee Members Needed


Sue Toth, has been appointed Chair of the newly created Let's Move in School NJ Committee and is seeking members to assist in formulating a statewide plan of action to involve as many schools as possible in the initiative. If you are interested in "getting involved" please contact the NJAHPERD office.



Activity breaks a promising strategy for keeping children physically active at school 
Bridging the Gap
Almost one-third of children ages 6-11 - those typically in elementary school - are overweight or obese and lack of physical activity contributes to the epidemic. Regular physical activity promotes health and has been shown to improve students' academic performance as well as their ability to concentrate and focus on classroom tasks. Many leading public health organizations recognize the important role schools play in helping children be active and suggest that children engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity - or half of the recommended 60 minutes per day - during the school day. These organizations recommend a variety of strategies to support physical activity in schools, including physical education, recess, classroom breaks and after-school programs. MORE
Obesity rates by state: New CDC data looks at weight across the country
Huffington Post 
By now, America's weight problem is well established: more than 35 percent of adults across the country are considered obese, with a BMI greater than or equal to 30. That's more than 78 million people. But how do those numbers shake out by state? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently mapped out the percentage of obese Americans by state using 2011 data, finding that greater percentages of obese people tend to reside in the south. In fact, 34.9 percent of Mississippi residents were considered to be obese in 2011, making it the most obese state in America. Colorado, on the other hand, had the lowest percentage of obese citizens, at 20.7 percent. MORE 
Study: Junk food laws may help curb kids' obesity
The associated Press via KIII-TV
Laws strictly curbing school sales of junk food and sweetened drinks may play a role in slowing childhood obesity, according to a study that seems to offer the first evidence such efforts could pay off. The results come from the first large national look at the effectiveness of the state laws over time. They are not a slam-dunk and even obesity experts who praised the study acknowledge the measures are a political hot potato, smacking of a "nanny state" and opposed by industry and cash-strapped schools relying on food processors' money. MORE 
New insight into children's physical activity behaviors

The SPEEDY (Sport, Physical Activity and Eating Behaviour: Environmental Determinants in Young People) (PDF) study is observing U.K. children ages 4-10 to provide new insight into children's physical activity behaviors and their fluctuations over time. MORE


The 2013 AAHPERD Jump Rope For Heart & Hoops For Heart Grant
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2012

If your school completed a Jump Rope For Heart (JRFH) or Hoops For Heart (HFH) event this past school year, you could earn rewards and national recognition for your school's physical education program! 

Every year AAHPERD awards ten grants to physical educators who demonstrate passion, creativity and dedication to the Jump Rope For Heart and Hoops For Heart programs. The AAHPERD Jump Rope For Heart & Hoops For Heart Grant is available only to individuals who have completed a JRFH or HFH event in the prior school year.

Recipients of the AAHPERD Jump Rope For Heart & Hoops For Heart Grant enjoy the following benefits:

  • Complimentary AAHPERD membership for one year
  • Complimentary registration to attend the 2013 AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition in Charlotte
  • A stipend to cover travel and hotel fees to attend the convention
  • A gift voucher for physical education equipment worth $1,200 from US Games
  • Special recognition at the 2013 AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition in Charlotte

Applying is easy...CLICK HERE!

Applications are due to AAHPERD headquarters by October 15, 2012.

OPEN CALL for 2013 AAHPERD National Educator of the Year Awards
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2012

All AAHPERD members have the privilege of submitting nominees for the following 2013 National Association Awards. Nominations are due by October 15:

Any AAHPERD member who has not previously received one of these National Awards is eligible to apply or be nominated. Candidates do not have to have been selected as their state winner in order to apply or be nominated.


State Associations may follow a process of selection and forwarding to the national pool providing that all candidates are submitted to AAHPERD by October 15.


All applicants or nominators will submit application materials using national association forms [available on the National Association websites] to the Programs Office at AAHPERD headquarters, postmarked by October 15: AAHPERD Programs Office, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191. For more information call 703-476-3400.


NJAHPERD Actively Monitors Legislation
Did you know that NJAHPERD pays a legislative consultant to monitor bills that come forward that affect our profession? We also work closely and seek advice from the AHA Government Relations Director on Health and Physical Education, NJEA and our ShapingNJ partners.



Advocacy Tip of the Month
Your members of Congress will be at home in their states and districts until September 7, and they need hear from advocates like you about the importance of physical education and health education.

Visit the AAHPERD Legislative Action Center to:

* Locate your Congressmen to request a meeting, ask them to visit your school, or to view a schedule of town hall meetings,
* Locate your local media contacts to submit an op-ed or letter to the editor about the importance of physical education and health education in your community,
* Continue to support physical education and health education by using the action alerts available on the AAHPERD Legislative Action Center


Need ideas, lesson plans, assemblies and more?
Get the Latest Resources...
From NJAHPERD's Teacher Resources page.

Click HERE!
Youth coaching resources a running start...the video resource for coaching youth runners 
New York Road Runners
 With 22 activities for elementary age students, 51 for middle school and 51 for high school, this website has short video clips that highlight skill development as well as how to cultivate enjoyment in running. MORE  
HHS/CDC launches Heads Up PSA with Kurt Warner 
US Dept. of Health & Human Services

Check out the new U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Heads Up public service announcements (PSAs) with Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner - just one of the professional athletes who are volunteering their time to help keep kids and teens safe from concussion, and more serious brain injuries. The new CDC Heads Up PSAs will air nationwide to help educate parents, kids, and teens about this injury both on and off the sports field.

View the PSA with Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner. 

Through the Heads Up program, CDC provides information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to concussion, and more serious brain injuries. MORE

Free Healthy Highway Poster
Healthy Highway

Go to the website and click on the poster icon at the bottom of the home page for a free Healthy Highway poster for the beginning of your year.

The smarter lunchroom movement
Brian Wansink, Ph.D.
The Smarter Lunchroom Movement, started by Brian Wansink, PhD., Cornell University.  You may have received some references to his work in the past from Elaine Suehnholz.  Wansink was on leave from Cornell from 2007-2009 to assume the role of the Executive Director of the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, the Federal Agency in charge of developing the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.  His work around the smarter lunchroom focuses on the use of  applied behavioral psychology to get kids to eat healthier.  MORE  
NASPE Position Statement
Availability & Access to Automated External Defibrillators in Schools During Participation in Physical Activity


Protecting your children from tobacco use
To coincide with the start of the school session, CDC's Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) has developed communications products and resources that not only remind parents about the harms of tobacco use but also provide tips on how to help prevent initiation and keep children tobacco-free. We hope your organization can use these materials to support parents and other caregivers in your community. We encourage you to share this E-mail with your tobacco control partners so that they, too, can utilize this information.

Protecting Your Children From Tobacco Use
This article:

Describes how tobacco products are designed for addiction and how young people are especially susceptible 

  • Shares information about why youth smoke, what influences them, and what health harms can result
  • Identifies what parents can do to protect their children from tobacco's harms and help keep them tobacco-free
  • Provides helpful resources about the health consequences of tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke as well as quitting resources for a variety of audiences

    Information on OSH's Web Site
    Continue accessing CDC's Smoking & Tobacco Use Web site for helpful resources and the latest information. The OSH August Media Calendar page contains links to the CDC feature article, information for parents, quitting resources, and social media tools.

    Social Media Engagement
    Take advantage of all the activities OSH has planned on its social media profiles by liking and following @CDCTobaccoFree on Facebook and Twitter and subscribing to the Smoking & Tobacco Use playlist on YouTube. That way you can receive and share status updates and profile updates as they are posted.

    Another means of engagement that has been developed for this feature is a button: A Tobacco-Free Life Starts Now.  Support CDC's tobacco control and prevention efforts by posting this button on your Web site, blog, or social networking site.

    Digital Media
    Now that all Smoking & Tobacco Use and Tips From Former Smokers Web site pages are social media optimized, we encourage you to share your favorite pages on your social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Redesign of
US Department of the Interior

The redesign of is an initial step in a multi-year strategy to engage visitors with enhanced interactive content and more multimedia, mobile, trip-planning tools. The seven million visitors who use the web site every year will be able to make reservations, see ready-made itineraries for destination cities, and search for activities on interactive maps.

Active Living Research

Active Living Research Research Briefs and Syntheses: 49 Titles Available

Teacher evaluation resources

Learning Sciences Marzano Center Sharing Expertise website-online property to focus on two of the most discussed topics among educators today: teacher evaluation and student achievement.



Report Outlines States' Teacher-Policy Shifts


Bellwether Report: Recent State Action on Teacher Effectiveness: What's in State Laws and Regulations?


How Do State Teacher Evaluation Laws Stack Up?


CA: Bill to revamp teacher evaluations in California headed for final vote in state Senate


MI: 14 Michigan districts to try out national models for evaluating teacher 


Great story about Michigan's pilot and how it is being conducted


NY: Teacher evaluation plans OK'd for 10 New York districts

Teacher Evaluation Plans Story from NY State; gives a good description of the requirements and how the program is being rolled out


MA-Local districts still working on teacher evaluation deals


MD-Some Frederick teachers to get graded in pilot program


IL: New Evaluation System for Illinois Teachers.  New teacher evaluation system begins


MS: Teacher evaluation talk skips detail of Miss. plan


TN: Organization faults state's new teacher evaluation system


NJ: Red Bank Leads Evolving Evaluation Program

Collective impact
Article Subheading

Collective Impact MORE


Collective impact and what this trend means for your organization


Stanford Social Innovation Review Q&A Roundtable on Collective Impact, Fall 2012


Short on $$ and equipment?
Check out available grants and awards on NJAHPERD's Awards & Grants page.

Click HERE!
Bringing activity back into our children's lives
Partnerships for a Healthier America/BCBS, Play Streets
Announcement of a new funding opportunity for increasing physical activity among children, which happens to be the theme for our Fall conference on October 25th. We know many of you are registered to attend, and for which we have a waiting list of 25.  Enjoy the video as well as get information about the funding:  Partnership for a Healthier America and Blue Cross Blue Shield have teamed up to support Play Streets. MORE
Aug 1-Sept. 14, 2012

NFL PLAY 60 Super School Contest. From August 1st to September 14th, school Administrators, teachers, PTA and PTO leaders nationwide are encouraged to submit 3 essays, digital photos or videos to NFL Play 60. These may explain/show how their school is celebrating its NFL team pride and/or describe their current PE environment and how their school is prioritizing health and wellness. The 34 winning schools will be named NFL PLAY 60 Super Schools, receive an NFL team celebration, and be awarded a $10,000 NFL PLAY 60 health and wellness grant. MORE 

2012 Henkel Helps Get Kids Fit Contest
September 16, 2012
Henkel Helps and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation are working together to get kids fit. Nominate your school in the 2012 Henkel Helps Get Kids Fit contest to win $25,000 to improve fitness, inspire self-esteem and build teamwork at your school. Nominations open August 1st-September 16th. MORE
Target Corporation Field Trip Grants
Target Logo
Deadline: October 1, 2012

Field Trip Grants - Target Corporation Deadline: October 1, 2012 Target Corporation is offering to fund school field trips that connect school curriculum to out-of-school experiences to K-12 schools nationwide. Three awards of up to $700 will be given to select applicants. Education professionals who are at least 18 years old and employed by an accredited K-12 public, private or charter school in the United States that maintains a tax-exempt status are eligible to apply.

Please contact the Target Corporation ( ) for more information and to apply for this funding.
Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play 2012
October 6, 2012

On October 6, the 9th annual Worldwide Day of Play, Nickelodeon turns off all programming to inspire kids to get out and play. Join the movement and host a local Worldwide Day of Play event and enter the I Wanna Play! Giveaway to win a custom Nickelodeon Playground worth over $100,000 or $10,000 to help enhance a play project. MORE 

Big Help Grants
October 15, 2012
The Big Help Grants program is dedicated to the development and implementation of ideas, techniques, and approaches to addressing four key concerns - health and wellness, environmental awareness, students' right to a quality public education, and active community involvement. Multiple grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to select applicants. Public school teachers or public school education support professionals practicing in the U.S. are eligible to apply. MORE
Healthy Habits for Life
October 15, 2012

Healthy Habits for Life is a major grant-giving program of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas Foundation. It is offered to help schools address a current major health issue in Kansas and the nation: childhood obesity.

The Healthy Habits for Life program is offering a total of $150,000 in grants to assist schools in promoting healthy lifestyle choices to their students. School nurses, physical education teachers, principals, health or family and consumer science teachers, or other administrators are encouraged to apply. MORE

Help NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS and Let's Move in School set two Guinness World Records!
Oct 26-27, 2012

Do something good for your health and the planet. Between noon ET October 26 and noon ET October 27, you and your school can help break two Guinness World Records:

* Most people running 100 meters in 24 hours (You can walk it, too!)

* Longest chain of shoes (They'll be recycled into athletic surfaces!)

Pledge to participate and receive a FREE downloadable Super-Awesome Fun Pack! .Plan a RUN FOR THE PLANET 100-meter event to be held between noon ET Oct. 26 and noon ET Oct. 27. Participants bring a pair (or many pairs) of old athletic shoes to the event. Participants do their 100-meter event.Pre-provided Run for the Planet documentation and shoes are sent to NGK. Total 100-meter numbers will be tallied; shoes will be tied into a chain, counted, then recycled. Guinness World Records reviews all documentation and approves the records! Want to organize an event? MORE

Rite Aid Foundation Grants
Deadline ongoing

The Rite Aid Foundation funds programs that focus on health and wellness in the communities in which rite Aid operates. Grants are awarded for one year at a time and no organization can receive a grant from the foundation more than two years in a row. Proposals are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed after July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1. MORE  

Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation (R01)
Deadline ongoing
The National Institutes of Health recently released a new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) supporting time-sensitive research to evaluate policies or programs expected to influence obesity related behaviors (e.g., dietary intake, physical activity, or sedentary behavior) and/or weight outcomes in an effort to prevent or reduce obesity.

All applications to this FOA must demonstrate that the evaluation of an obesity related policy and/or program offers an uncommon and scientifically compelling research opportunity that will only be available if the research is initiated with minimum delay. For these reasons, applications are eligible for only one submission. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact one of the scientific contacts listed in the FOA before applying.

It is intended that eligible applications selected for funding will be awarded within 3-4 months after the application submission/receipt date. MORE

The Fuel Up Breakfast Grants
General Mills and National Dairy Council

The Fuel Up Breakfast Grants program  is sponsored by General Mills Foodservice as part of a partnership effort with National Dairy Council� to help improve student access to high-quality, nutritious foods at school. This grant specifically targets breakfast, providing funds to help schools improve or expand their breakfast programs with an emphasis on alternative breakfast options that are sustainable. MORE


Professional Development Events

Fitnessgram Trainings for In-service Days 

NJAHPERD will provide Fitnessgram training for your staff at your site. Fee: $650
Please call/email the NJAHPERD office.


Events Listing:

  • Regional Workshops Fitness Education
  • Lake Conference
  • Teacher of the Year Conference
  • Communities and Schools in Motion: Working Together for Healthy Active Kids
  • Engaging Strategies for Teaching Adolescent Health
  • Adapted Health & Physical Education Conference
  • NJEA Convention
  • Mary Jo Young Hands on Health Conference
  • 2013 Annual Convention
  • Pre-Convention Workshops

Details are available on the NJAHPERD website for all professional development events.

Additional Professional Development Events...Save the Dates

2012-13 Health Observances Calendar of Events

Plan Ahead for the New School Year



Communities and Schools Working Together for Health 

October 25, 2012
Robert Wood Johnson Hamilton Center for Health & Wellness
Mercerville, NJ
Communities and schools across NJ are concerned with rising rates of childhood obesity and declining options for daily physical activity in youth. Join the NJDepartments of Education, Health, Transportation and other statewide, regional and local leaders in this conference to empower communities and schools to implement policies that foster healthy active youth. Click here for the day's agenda and here for a website with more information.  Waitlist available at this time.


Obesity Prevention in New Jersey. The State of the State: Important Next Steps 

December 11, 2012
East Brunswick, NJ 
Sponsored by the Office of Nutrition and Fitness, ShapingNJ, NJ Partnership for Healthy Kids, The NJ Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health and Family and Community Health Sciences, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, this conference will provide information about actions that can be implemented in New Jersey to accelerate progress in obesity prevention. MORE

Generation Fit: Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle 

Through December 30, 2012
 Newark Museum Newark, NJ 
The Newark Museum is featuring an interactive family exhibition that explores issues of nutrition and exercise. The exhibit includes animation and exercise challenges to learn about a healthy lifestyle.





SPARK's Upcoming Webinar: Staff Wellness -- YOUR Health Matters Too!

Wednesday, August 15th at 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern

Duration: 45 minutes   Cost: Free
Attend this Webinar and learn about "teacher specific" health issues as well as authentic and effective prevention strategies. We'll focus on three key topics: Physical activity, healthy eating, and stress management, and how they relate to YOU. We know teachers who achieve work/life balance have more energy, sleep better, and serve as healthy lifestyle role models for their students. Sound good? Air pop some healthy popcorn and don't miss this webinar! MORE 


McGraw Hill Logo
Health Education Lessons

Flaghouse Logo


HFH Logo
Find out how your school can participate in a Jump or Hoops Event and raise awareness of Heart Health!
Coordinators are offered a 1/2 price NJAHPERD membership as a THANK YOU for running an event.

ShapingNJ Logo
Shaping NJ is the state partnership for the Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity program focusing on environmental and policy change. NJAHPERD is a coordinating partner in the school setting workgroup.

Let's Move in School logo

The goal of Let's Move in School is to ensure that every school provides a comprehensive school physical activity program with quality physical education as the foundation so that youth will develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime

Project Adventure

Your NJAHPERD membership expiration date is

P.O. Box 2283
Ocean, NJ 07712
732-918-2211 fax








Disclaimer: The ideas in the FYI do not necessarily reflect NJAHPERD's official position on the issues. NJAHPERD assumes no responsibility for any statement as fact or opinion presented, nor does acceptance of advertising imply endorsement of any products or services by the Association.