Issue #10 - May 2, 2012   

Debbra Bronstad, MS    

Marriage & Family Therapist Intern IMF 62480 

Grief Recovery Specialist

Supervised by Sandra Sawyer LCS 12477 


Helping you transform grief into renewed purpose and personal growth.   

(805) 242-3569

Grief Recovery Counseling


  Take the specific steps needed to heal your broken heart.



(805) 242-3569


Offices Locations:

First Presbyterian Church of Grover Beach




Atascadero First Assembly


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Do you use a journal? I have written in a journal off and on since I was 10 years old.  Over the years these journals have varied from a little green book with a lock and key to keep my brother out, to spiral bound notebooks and even journal software so I can write on my computer.

Writing is a powerful tool to express our emotions, organize our thoughts and even work through grief.  Today's email and video link talk about some of the benefits of grief journaling.  Join me next week for a free teleclass to expand your journaling skills...

Grief Journaling Free Teleclass
Grief Journal Teleclass Invitation
Grief Journaling Teleclass Invitation

Complementary Call on Friday May 11 at 9 am PDT to learn more about how to best use journaling in your grief journey for reducing stress and personal growth.

Journaling has many Benefits:


  • Processing emotions
  • Even if no one else will listen, your journal will
  • Space for personal reflection
  • Reducing stress
  • Understanding the past
  • Spiritual growth
  • Increasing gratitude
  • Planning
  • Releasing painful emotions
  • Evaluating progress
  • Clarifying feelings about the present or the past
  • Identifying personal goals and dreams
  • Making meaning out of painful experiences
  • Self discovery


    Click here to Register for the FREE Grief Journaling Teleclass Friday, May 11 at 9:00 am.

    Check out links to other tips for dealing with grief and counseling  on Facebook and Twitter:

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    I look forward to meeting you on the call.  If you can't make it for the live call, you can still register and receive a link to the recording that will be available for 48 hours so you can listen over the weekend..



    Debbra Bronstad

    Debbra Bronstad, MS  (805) 242-3569

    Marriage & Family Therapist Intern 

    Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

    Supervised by Sandra Sawyer, LCS12477