Do you use a journal? I have written in a journal off and on since I was 10 years old. Over the years these journals have varied from a little green book with a lock and key to keep my brother out, to spiral bound notebooks and even journal software so I can write on my computer.
Writing is a powerful tool to express our emotions, organize our thoughts and even work through grief. Today's email and video link talk about some of the benefits of grief journaling. Join me next week for a free teleclass to expand your journaling skills...
Grief Journaling Free Teleclass
Grief Journaling Teleclass Invitation
Journaling has many Benefits:
Processing emotions
Even if no one else will listen, your journal will
Space for personal reflection
Reducing stress
Understanding the past
Spiritual growth
Increasing gratitude
Releasing painful emotions
Evaluating progress
Clarifying feelings about the present or the past
Identifying personal goals and dreams
Making meaning out of painful experiences
Self discovery