Elder Law Update
A Monthly Newsletter of the
Senior Law Resource Center

February 2011
couple 1
Elder Law Update is a monthly newsletter that provides useful, Oklahoma-specific information about legal issues affecting seniors and caregivers.

Please feel free to share your comments and suggestions by emailing info@senior-law.org.

Legislation May Affect Seniors

Changes to Medicaid, Alzheimer's Information System, & New Protections for Vulnerable Adults Proposed

The 53rd Oklahoma Legislative Session has begun, and there are several bills that could affect seniors, caregivers, and healthcare providers. In this issue, we highlight three new laws being considered. 
Senate Bill 249 would expand who could qualify for Medicaid to pay for long-term care. The law would allow people whose monthly income is more than $3,000 to qualify for Medicaid (currently they cannot in Oklahoma). The bill would also raise the minimum resource allocation for the community spouse from $25,000 to $101,640. The spousal resource allocation is the amount a person who continues to live at home is allowed to keep when his or her spouse goes into a nursing home and qualifies for Medicaid.

Senate Bill 889 would make it easier to prove undue influence when an elderly or disabled person transfers property to a caregiver or other trusted person for less than it is worth. The law would create a rebuttable presumption that such a transfer is the result of undue influence. This means the person who received the property would have the burden to prove it was not a result of undue influence.

Senate Bill 167 would require OKDHS to establish a statewide Alzheimer's Information and Referral System to help patients and family members access information about the disease and connect with service providers.

These and other proposed bills can be monitored on the Legislative Service Bureau's website.

Senior Day at the Capitol

February 28, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Seniors are encouraged to visit with their legislators at the State Capitol on February 28th. 
The program will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the House Chamber and will conclude at 11:30 a.m.  Scheduled speakers include Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb; Rep. David Dank; Rev. George E. Young Sr., a member of the Oklahoma Commission for Human Services and pastor at Holy Temple Baptist Church in Oklahoma City; and Lance Robertson, director of the OKDHS Aging Services Division.
Exhibits will be on display on the second floor of the Capitol rotunda immediately following the program. For more information, contact the OKDHS Aging Services Division at (405) 521-2281.
About the Senior Law Resource Center
The Senior Law Resource Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to empowering Oklahomans to age with independence, dignity, and security by providing high-quality, affordable legal information and services. 

Senior Law Resource Center
600 N.W. 23rd Street, Ste. 106
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103
(405) 528-0858

FAX: (405) 601-2134



In This Issue
Legislation May Affect Seniors
Senior Day at the Capitol
Affordable Legal Services Available
Our attorneys provide affordable assistance with basic estate and incapacity planning, probate, adult guardianship, and other elder law issues. We have no income or age requirements. Call (405) 528-0858 or email info@senior-law.org for more information.
Support the Senior Law Resource Center
If you value the information and services provided by the Senior Law Resource Center, please consider making a donation.

Make a Donation

New Advance Directive Videos
The Senior Law Resource Center and the Oklahoma Association for Healthcare Ethics have partnered to produce three training videos on advance directives and medical decision-making.

All three videos are available on the Senior Law Resource Center's website. DVDs are also available at no charge.

To order, or for more information, email info@senior-law.org or call (405) 528-0858.