Waldorf School of Orange County 

2350 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa, CA  92627 

Playgroup - 8th grade: (949)574-7775

High School: (949)574-7754 


Our Weekly Newsletter

News for our families and friends

October 4, 2012   


Mustard Flowers


In This Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Back to School Night
High School News
Craft Group & COA
Accounting Dept
Conference for Teens
Dates to Remember
October 10 7 PM
Early Childhood Lecture with Ruth Ker
Ms. Terri Parent Evening 6:30pm

October 11 7PM
Grade 12 Parent Evening 7 PM

October 17 - 7PM
Early Childhood Info Mtg. (for prospective enrollment 2013/2014)

October 20 - 10AM
Morning in the Kindy (for prospective enrollment 2013/2014)

October 22
PIcture Day: Kindy, Grade 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th

October 28 - 2PM
High School Open House (recommended for all community, espeically parents of 6th grade +)


October 29
Picture Day: Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th, 12th

Grade 5: Diwali celebration 6:30 PM in Eurythmy Hall


Oct 31st



November 1 & 2
No School - In Service Day

WASC Logo  

 Fully accredited by the Schools Commission of Western Association of Schools and Colleges

College of Teachers
Catherine Averett
Elisabeth Beck
Chris Bennett
Christiane Bohr
Jenell Carlson
Ingrid Feck
Masami Inoue
Angie Meier
Nancy Mitchell
Holly Richards
Kinberly Telfer-Radzat
Robin Theiss (Chair)
Deborah Waring
Miriam Whiteley 
Board of Trustees 
Elisabeth Beck
Russ Bermejo
David Burnett
Joe DeMichele
Chris DeRosa
Rainer Doemer
Gabe Frisby (Chair)
Gina Illes
Anthony Lazzara
Holly Richards
Jamie Stahl
Carol Sudbeck
David Tabone 
Abril Turner
Thanks for a Memorable
Back to School Night

We appreciate everyone's attendance last night. We had full attendance and apologize to those of you who had to stand.  It is our sincere hope you enjoyed yourself and gained some insight.  Whether it have been through:

  • Learning some unusual or humorous fact about one of our faculty or staff
  • Being inspired by the parent perspective of Elizabeth Shier-Burnett and David Burnett
  • Admiring the wise perspective of WSOC alumni, Alexis Meadows
  • Or, by witnessing the joy and cooperation of your children's participation in Michaelmas through the slide show, with musical accompaniment by the beautiful voices of our teachers
    Congratulations to the Lazzara family, the lucky winners of the reserved parking space! 


High School Musical Outreach


This is short-notice, but a nice opportunity if you're looking to experience some great music tomorrow evening. 


WSOC High School student, Stephanie Burritt, is a member of an outreach youth ministry group which provides musical experiences for at-risk youth in O.C.  In fact, Stephanie's abilities on the cello and volunteer efforts earned her a full scholarship to the month-long summer program at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. 


Stephanie is part of the entertainment group playing Friday, October 5, 7:30PM at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church.  The program is titled "A Musical Journey through the Americas featuring Latin Lazz, Orchestral, Tango, and R&B."  Tickets are $7.  For more information or to purchase tickets, visit http://www.sapres.org/concerts/ 


Congratulations on your efforts and scholarship Stephanie.




The Scrip Store is OPEN!!

We are happy that so many families, new & returning, are getting into the "Got Scrip" habit!


It's easy, saves you money AND is a huge fundraiser for WSOC, bridging the gap from the rich curriculum that your student(s) receive & the amount of tuition paid.


Besides the gift cards & gift certificates available in The Scrip Store DAILY, we offer other ways to earn scrip credit for your family:


  • Register your Ralphs club card: On their website Ralphs.com, go to Community Partners. Our school enrollment number is 80234.
  •  Register your Vons/Pavilions club card, credit & ATM cards: at eScrip.com. Our school enrollment ID is 141583183. 
  • Box Tops: bring them into The Scrip Store~most Box Tops earn a dime/Top.
  • Fresh & Easy: bring your receipts: Dated from September 12, 2012 to December 31, 2012 with a total amount of $20 or more & receive $1 for EACH $20 on the receipt. Please put your family name on each receipt & drop them into the Fresh & Easy box in the Front Office or The Scrip Store.

SUPER SCRIP TIP:  Ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers, family members to also participate with Ralphs, eScrip, Box Tops and Fresh & Easy...becauseYOUR FAMILY WILL EARN SCRIP CREDIT FROM THEIR PURCHASES!! (just please let me know their name(s) to accurately credit your family scrip account).

It's that simple!


See you at The Scrip Store!

Sandy Meadows, Scrip Coordinator

949.574.7775, ext 204



Click here for the order form!

Join the Craft Group!

We meet every Wednesday outside

the Company of Angels  8:45 to 11am.


Each week we have a new project from knitting to batiking, no prior experience necessary just a willingness to try something new and learn.


Over the school year we will touch on our handwork program from grades 1 thru 9, this will give you an inside look at what your children will experience.

So far this year we have made gnomes, dry felted, crocheted and marbleized paper. Next week we will felt pictures and mount them into frames that will be mosaic the following week.  We also ask that each participant make a small picture that will be donated to the Elves Workshop for the Winter Festival.


Christine Newell (Handwork teacher) is offering a 16in Heirloom Waldorf Doll workshop for 4 consecutive Mondays (October 8th, 15th, 21st, 28th) again no experience necessary. Total cost including materials $85.

Sign up sheet in the COA.

The Company of Angels
Dressed in golden amber hues, with bits of black for Halloween; you'll "Fall" in love with this seasons decor for your home
  I Am Happy to Announce .  . .


That Shauna Forsum has accepted the position as Finance Coordinator. She will be starting on Monday October 8th.  For those of you that do not know Shauna, she has children in grades 8 and 6 and has been a longstanding member of our community.


I look forward to working with her so please join me in welcoming her! 


We we also like to extended our gratitude to Judy Reis, grandmother to Isabel and Gael in offering her assitance over the summer.


Thank you,


Kim Sava 

Business Manager

 Social Initative Forum Conference
 created for grades 8th-12th
  Held by Truus Geraets, with guest speaker Robin Theiss.
Wednesday October 31, we welcome the children in grades 1 to 12 to dress up in creative costumes. Please refrain from costumes that have toys or simulated weapons, scary masks, gory make-up, and are skimpy or revealing. Costumes should not interfere with regular schoolwork and activities (keep in mind Strings and Games classes). These are the general rules; you may receive more specific instructions from your child's teacher
School Calendar Note
As already noted on the master calendar, we will have school on Monday,  October 8th (Columbus Day).  We will not have school on November 1st and 2nd, which are teacher in service days. 
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