

Our Weekly Newsletter

News for our Families and Friends
In This Newsletter
Dates To Remember
Zany 2011
The Scrip Store is Open
WSOC on Facebook
Board of Trustees
Board Corner
Our Condolences
Twice Upon A Time
Big After Care
Private Music Lessons
Steiner Study Group
Teacups Wanted
Parent Association News
Dedication Ceremony
High School Poetry Evening
Company of Angels Needs Help
Parent Handbook Updates
Parent and Child Program
Parent Education Events
Festival of Children
Teacups Wanted
Teacups Wanted
Craft Group Schedule Announced



9/22 at drop-off

Parent Association Meeting

In Company of Angels Garden



5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Dedication Ceremony

Campus Expansion Site  



7:00 p.m.

High School Poetry Evening

Meadows Hall




7:00 p.m.

Parent Education  Event

with Daniel Bittleston 

 Eurythmy Hall



8:30 - 10:30 a.m.

Painting Workshop  

with Angelika Kolbe 

Company of Angels Garden


ZANY 2011 

Saturday, November 5

5:01 p.m. 

Arroyo Trabuco Country Club  

Grand Ballroom

Scrip Logo Transparent

From The Scrip Store:

SAVE MONEY...BUY SCRIP! Yes, that is unbelievably true! We all have a chance to SAVE MONEY by BUYING SCRIP & this is how:

  • All families (you!) started with $275 in their 'scrip bank' (AKA scrip deposit).
  • You (and your friends, extended families and neighbors!) may buy gift cards (scrip) to businesses where they normally shop. We aren't asking you to shop outside your norm~just look at the extensive list offered (online at
  • EVERY scrip purchase creates a profit, whether is it an Arco $250 (2.5%) or LL Bean at 18%.
  • These profits are recorded & added to your families 'scrip bank.'
  • When your family profit total from this year's scrip purchases reach $275, balloons & whistles will be sent to your home (just kidding!)~you will receive a phone call from me, congratulating you.
  • Your 'scrip bank,' now at a $550 balance ($275 deposit plus $275 earned), has earned enough to be applied to next year's $275 requirement~so you have saved money & you won't receive an invoice!
  • ANOTHER great benefit: all subsequent scrip purchases will earn $$ for WSOC & your child(ren's) class(es).
  • This means that you are donating money to your class(es) WITHOUT COSTING YOU ANY EXTRA MONEY (yes, shouting is occurring!).
  • Bottom line: SAVE MONEY...BUY SCRIP!

We are open every school day from 8AM to 3PM and we hope to see you soon.


Thank you,


Sandy Meadows, Scrip Coordinator 949.574.7775, ext. 204




Check out our Facebook page!





  Paul Conolly - Board Chair

Gabe Frisby - Treasurer

Gina Illes - Administration Rep.

Holly Richards - College Rep.

Rebeka Castro - College Rep. 

Brooke Tomblin

Steve Pope

Rainer Doemer 

David Tabone

Anthony Lazzara

David Burnett

Cynthia Sandoval-Dardis

Carol Sudbeck 



Miriam Whiteley

Ingrid Feck

Kimberly Telfer-Radzat

Nancy Mitchell

Barbara Cubanski

Rebeka Castro

Chris Bennett

Masami Inoue

Robin Theiss 

Elisabeth Beck

Holly Richards  


Please meet our newest member of the Board, Carol Sudbeck. Carol is mother to Riley, age 9, grade 3; Reyan, age 6, grade 1. She is married to Kent Kerbs, also a dedicated WSOC volunteer.


Carol and Kent are both CPAs and met at Price Waterhouse in Kansas City.  They moved to California 17 years ago and

now reside in Newport Coast.  


Carol grew up in Omaha, Nebraska and is the oldest of five kids.  She has 14 nieces and nephews! 


Carol is senior vice president, Human Resources and Facilities at Pacific Life where she has worked since 1994. Carol recently completed the two year Foundation Studies Program and is currently enrolled in 4 classes within the Teacher Training Program.


"Both Kent and I are committed to having our children at this school and are also committed to doing whatever we can to support the school and the community. I hope my Board service will add value to our amazing school."


The Board, Faculty and Administration look forward to working with Carol and the many talents she brings to our school.



Our condolences to Felix (Gr. 9), Calvin (Gr. 8), Ms. Andrea (Gr. 2 teacher) and Martin Hubert.  Martin's father passed away last weekend. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.


We have a recycled clothing store outside the CoA which is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!  We will gladly accept little girls party dresses and black and white performance concert clothes and any nice clothing articles.

These are made available to the community for a donation which helps fund the Company of Angels garden and craft group expenses!!!


At the moment we are buying the sprinkler system for the garden and we keep the area full of beautiful plants!   

If there are any volunteers who would like to help to sort and hang up the clothes, please call Rachel Skelly at 949-496-2615.


After a month or so,the clothes are taken to a shelter so they are put to good use in the community!


 Interested in another year of  

Academic Chess?  


Click here for more info! 


 Daniel Pitts and Katie Scavone are offering their expertise in piano and voice lessons.  For more info, click here.


Rusty Vail is also offering her expertise in piano, guitar, voice and singing lessons.  If interested, please  

click here. 


Are you interested in finding out more about the teachings of the man who founded Waldorf Schools?

On Monday mornings at school you are welcome to join us for a study group of Rudolf Steiner's teachings.

We meet from 9 - 10.30 am usually in the daycare trailer but if the weather is good we will meet outside by Company of Angels.

This month we will study one or two of the lectures on Michaelmas from 'Festivals and their Meaning'.

For more information about this group please contact  

Helena Gorka at


Daily Pilot 

Take a look at today's Daily Pilot for a story on the Green Award we received for our innovative campus expansion project.  Click here to view!




Our kick off meeting for Service Group chairs and any other interested community members will be held September 22nd at 8:30 (after drop off) in the Company of Angels garden.  Please contact us directly with any questions or if you would like to get involved!


Jaime Stahl


Trae Diede


Friday, September 23

5:30 - 6:30

On the campus expansion site


To This 


The whole community is invited

to this heartfelt ceremony followed by an open  

house of the new buildings.

This is an important milestone event in the life of our school, as it is the first time we have complete facilities to accomodate our Parent & Child Group through 12th Grade Program. 


A separate invitation was emailed yesterday with more complete information.


Sunday, September 25, 7:00 PM

Open to the Public!

As a highlight of their course on "Poetics," a group of our High School students will share their original poetry with the greater community.  Join us for this opportunity to hear what moves our students to express themselves in verse.


 WELCOME BACK!! Where has our summer gone? We are back and what a wonderful year we shall behold!


For those who know the store well...we're back!

For those who do not know us yet...

Come in and introduce yourself to any of us "angels."



  1. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult in the store.
  2.  NO eating in the store...ants, ants, ants...they love the children's honey sticks.
  3. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE watch your children at all times...there are little items that would fit nicely in their tiny mouths. 
  4. THE STORE IS NOT AN EXTENSION OF PLAYGROUP OR KINDERGARTEN or your home. I truly hate to be so strong here BUT any items that become soiled/tired/dirty are not saleable. I DO want children in the store...they are THE COMPANY OF ANGELS...just keep a watchful eye on them...please.

Our STORE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.


Our WISH LIST ready to be filled with your wishes and delights. Birthday wishes are so helpful for friends invited to your child's party and at a loss for a gift...we are here to help you out.


SLICE OF HEAVEN, our little caf�, is available with tasty treats and snacks at a nominal charge. These snacks are available for one and all AND for our school-age children after the end of the school day.


Items are slowly BUT surely filling our shelves...


Keep in your thoughts that we HAVE remained in business for 20 YEARS due to the communities patronage. We can ONLY STAY in business with your continued patronage. Please extend invitations to family and friends to visit and shop in your store.






COMPANY OF ANGELS is in URGENT need of a volunteer either Monday or Friday afternoon - shift schedule 12:00-3:30.  Please see Nona in the store for details.



 All Electronic Devices on Campus:

  • All electronic devices (including but not limited to: cell phones, ipods, gameboys, etc.)  will be confiscated if heard or seen and must be picked up by the parent in the front office. 
  • If you have a need to contact your child/children during the school day you must call the front office and the information will be relayed to the student in a manner appropriate to the urgency of the call.  For students in aftercare they can be reached by calling the main phone line and entering the extension:
    • Little After Care - 106
    • Big After Care - 214 


Tell your friends with little ones!


Beginning the week of October 3, we will welcome families with our youngest students, ages 18 months to 3 years and 8 months, to our brand new, private garden and spacious classroom behind the Company of Angels.


These classes are offered from 9:00 - 10:30 am


Tuesday: Ages 18 months to 3 years

Wednesday: Ages 18 months to 3 years and 8 months



Thursday: Ages 3 years to 3 years and 8 months (Bridge)  

Friday: Ages 18 months to 3 years


Our Thursday "Bridge Class" provides the children the opportunity to play independently while parents meet close by for an activity.


For more information and registration, please visit our web site or stop by the front office.


If you would like a flyer to distribute, click here.



Painting Workshops with Angelika Kolbe

October 3 - October 7, from 8:30 - 10:30

In the Company of Angels Garden


Angelika will lead adults in an engaging painting workshop. In addition to being a Waldorf class teacher for 16 years at the Waldorf School in Marnburg/Germany, she taught drawing and painting to high school students. Trained at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University in Hamburg/Germany, we are lucky to have her with us for an entire week. Please take the opportunity to join Angelika for these painting sessions.

To cover the cost of materials, each session is $10. Cash only please.


Parent Education Event

with Daniel Bittleston

 "Rudolf Steiner and the Waldorf School"

October 3, 7:00 p.m.

Eurythmy Hall


We are fortunate to welcome guest speaker, Daniel Bittleston, who will lead us in an engaging workshop. Please plan to be there for a lively event.

For more information on Daniel Bittleston, click here.



Through September 27th, the Waldorf School of Orange County will be a featured non-profit on the CAROUSEL OF POSSIBLE DREAMS website to raise funds for our school.  Every dollar raised, up to $10,000, will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous donor. 


This is an incredible opportunity.   We are using this as a great vehicle  to raise funds from outside our already-devoted WSOC families.  


So what can you do if we are not directly asking YOU for a donation?  You can help us by forwarding this link to your friends and family, or you can even put it on your Facebook.  Ask your friends and family to visit the Carousel of Possible Dreams website here and click Waldorf School of Orange County!  Every dollar is being matched (up to $10,000), which means EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS.  $10,000 is a lot of money.  We're going to need all the help we can get to reach that amount.  Thanks!


If the link doesn't work for you, use this website address: 


It's time for the next session of adult eurythmy! Join us on Wednesdays from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. 6 sessions for $90. Everyone is welcome to participate in this evening of movement. It is fun to experience a small taste of what our children are learning!


Teacup Turtle 

Do you have a stray teacup, saucer, hankie, doily, or even one of those tiny spoons?  We have an excellent home for LOTS of them at ZANY2011.  We are collecting them in the office.  Just place them gently into the basket with their new teacup friends.  Thank you.


Needle Felting 


We meet each Wednesday from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the gazebo outside Company of Angels. Please join us for a cup of tea, and a simple craft.


Sept. 7 -- Needle-felted rainbow sheep

Sept. 14  -- Sun printing

Sept. 21 -- Needle-felted rainbow sheep

Sept. 28 -- Batiking (alternative process)  

Oct. 5 -- Knitted bag (please sign up ahead of time)  

Oct. 12 -- Simple felt bags for Kindergarten Autumn Festival Oct. 19 -- Table top puppets for WSOC Auction (nativity scene)  

Oct. 26 -- Table top puppets


Contact Rachel Skelly for more information, or to be added to the WSOC Craft Group email list.