Compassion Evangelical Hospital

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In This Issue
Patient Care
Construction Update
Hospital Staff
Guinea News
Short Term Trips

Building Health

Building Hope

Woman with Child
Giving the best medical and surgical care possible according to the means that God provides, with compassion, and  sharing the gospel of Christ clearly with everyone who comes.
June 2010 Update

Dear Ministry Partner,


The ocean separates us from the door step of Compassion Evangelical Hospital but in a breath of time your prayers to our faithful God spans the gap and helps the work He has given us get accomplished.  Never underestimate the value and need for your continued prayers on behalf of this ministry.  For those working on either side of the ocean the progress is slow and useless without His power and guidance.

Patient Care

On an average day, care is given to 70-80 patients.  Twice we have recorded crowds of 110 served.  On the quieter days, 40 patients are seen.  The reputation of the hospital continues to grow and patients are coming from all parts of Guinea.  Occasionally we see patients from three surrounding nations.  Many anticipate the surgery opening later this year.  We will be able to serve a new dimension in the health care needs of the population when the surgery is completed.
Autumn Ridge Church (ARC) and Mayo Clinic are assisting in coordinating an unusual form of compassion care for at least one exceptional case annually to be served outside of Guinea. Such patients are approved by Mayo Clinic to come and be operated on as a charity case. We assist in obtaining a visitor visa from the U.S. Embassy and making travel arrangements.  The patient is hosted by ARC during medical care at Mayo. Certainly this requires a high intensity effort but it is a visible expression of compassion from our staff, Mayo Clinic, ARC and ultimately glorifies our God.. The young man we are helping through this program is pictured below with a benign tumor of the jaw.

Mayo Clinic Exceptional Case Patient
Special Care Patient

Construction Update

Construction of the Surgery Building is advancing well.  Because of the slope of the land, considerable back fill into the low end was needed but the foundation is sound and the walls are growing brick by brick.


Foundation Wall of the Surgery Building
Foundation bricks

We are grateful for ARC's participation in funding the surgery building. Other more minor but important projects have been the painting of all of the buildings, pharmacy upgrades to give more security, ward cabinetry and connecting walkways and ramps between the buildings. Finally we are building an off-load dock to receive our container shipments. Container #9 is being shipped with a Caterpillar Skid Steer and basic electrical materials for the infrastructure. Surgical plumbing and electrical materials will be shipped shortly. Medical supplies accompany each shipment.


The well that we drilled three years ago is serving the hospital needs but with the increased load of patients and a very hot dry season we ran out of water on some days.  Upgrading the water infrastructure by drilling another well before the next dry season is an upcoming need. The cost for a new well is approximately $9,500. Please pray with us for this.

Hospital Staff

Hospital Staff

The Administrative Committee in Guinea composed of Etienne, Dr. Jean Paul, and Dr. Kristen, make the administrative decisions from month to month.  They receive input from the Medical Committee, composed of four doctors and four nurses establishing medical protocol with which the patients are served. 

Etienne gives weekly updates on all CEH activities.  He recently did an analysis of the monthly costs and income of the hospital which is very helpful to the CEH Finance Committee. A monthly subsidy check in the amount of $6,000 for hospital and construction operational expenses and MIAPE is sent to Guinea. Thank you for participating with us financially.  Each gift, unless otherwise designated, helps meet this monthly subsidy, which is our first operational priority.  We welcome contributions from churches or individuals who may desire to take ownership of a month of operation.

Our personnel on the field now consist of 20 people who serve as construction/guardians, and 30 serving as medical/ administration staff. Six of these are MIAPE missionaries, with two associated spouses who do not serve directly at CEH.  We anticipate one more MIAPE couple joining us this fall. Dr Kristen is our only CEH full time missionary and we are grateful for her faithful service. Both Kristen and the MIAPE missionaries currently need regular financial support.

It is a priority to maintain good communication between the staff both on the field and here in the states.  Unity in work and purpose is necessary for harmonious service together and quality care for all of the patients.  As the staff grows, so does the need for the working relationships to be strong and supportive.  Little things like a vacation calendar posted to coordinate times away from CEH are proving to be helpful.

Specific field personnel prayer needs are:
  • 2-3 Guinean nurses for the wards (5 were recruited last month)
  • 5 Operating Room Crew
  • 2 U.S. registered nurses
  • 1 U.S. construction leader
  • 1 Pharmacist (U.S. or Guinean)
  • 1 Administration (U.S - 1 Guinean recently recruited)
  • 1 Surgeon
  • Short Term Medical Teams
  • Short Term Electrical and Construction crews (including plumbing)


(Mission Internationale Africain Pour l'Evangelisation - English translation:  International African Mission for Evangelization)

The staff at the hospital is primarily involved in two evangelical churches in Mamou.  One is the EPE Church associated with the CMA mission and the other is the new MIAPE cell group which is planting a church, now numbering close to 60 persons for worship and prayer.  The work in the church goes hand in hand with the work at the hospital and we are grateful for the way that we see God at work.
We rejoice together in TG's salvation about six weeks ago and are thankful that she is being discipled by two of our staff.  Others in her family are showing interest in the gospel.  Medical and evangelism outreaches are touching two villages (G, M15). Free clinics were offered and now community health teaching is given in follow up visits. We have been very gratefully received in these villages.
A corner of the land at the CEH site has been ceded to MIAPE to build a Welcome/Discipleship Center and a Chapel.  The land has been cleared and preparations are being made to build the buildings. Several supporters from CDI have pledged support of this project.  This will remain entirely African in financial support which shows their maturation in Christ and desire to serve Him with their resources.  The contractor who is building the surgery will help them build these buildings soon.
Last fall MIAPE missionaries Lacina and Martine were blessed with baby Grace and just recently Moise's wife Deborah gave birth to Anne.  These lives are truly gifts from the Lord and the families are rejoicing as they dedicate these children to Him.

Dwight holding baby Grace (Fall 2009)
Dwight holding Grace

Guinea News

Politics in the country are closely followed by the mission leadership and we are all praying for the national elections scheduled for June 27where there are 14 presidential candidates and many for other elected posts through out the government. Campaigning was limited to May 17 through the elections. If there is no single majority winner, run off elections would be held July 18. Our missionaries and CEH staff currently feel safe and we try to steer clear of political involvement as we are there to serve everyone.
Recently the Guinean government gave a salary increase of 40% to all government workers which put pressure on private institutions to also give raises. Prices have also gone up for many things. Pray that we will have wisdom to navigate these troubled financial times in Guinea and be fair with our workers.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is sponsoring HIV training courses three times a year in Guinea. We were invited to participate in this training. We will be sending one doctor and one nurse to the first session June 7 - 16.
Procuring medications has been a challenge in Guinea but we have now located six sources in Guinea, as well as IDA Pharmaceuticals in Europe.  We have our best medicine supply stock ever. We hope to donate $20,000 per year for several more years until the hospital is self sufficient in maintaining adequate supplies. CEH established a revolving fund in separate bank account on the field to manage these purchases.

Short Term Trips

In light of the current election process in Guinea, short term U.S. missionaries are advised to travel after July 20. Ulli and I will be traveling in late August or early September, for an administrative trip. This trip will include contacts with government offices and with CEH staff. We desire to send construction teams in August and September, specializing in electrical and plumbing to contribute to the completion of the surgical building.
Skilled volunteers are welcome to contact Norm Moran or Debbie Slater through our web site.  A pre-field orientation is required for those who want to serve with CEH, helping us to serve God together better. The first session will be held at Highland Park Baptist Church (28600 Lahser, Southfield, MI   48034) July 16 and 17for those going late this summer.
We are grateful for the prayers and financial support given through individual giving, churches, matching gift programs, foundation gifts, memorial gifts like the recent the John E. Slater Memorial Fund, and estate gifts like the recent Lankton Estate gift. All of these funds are being well used to advance the work more rapidly. Thank each of you for your partnership in CEH with us. It is God's work to His glory!
Your fellow servant,
Dwight E. Slater, MD
Chief Executive Officer
Compassion Evangelical Hospital

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you. 

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 
I Corinthians 15:58


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Compassion Evangelical Hospital
P.O. Box 870
Southfield, MI   48037 

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