Compassion Evangelical Hospital

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In This Issue
National staff highlights
New laborers
Government and Elections
Material blessings
Travel and building plans

Building Health

Building Hope

Woman with Child
Giving the best medical and surgical care possible according to the means that God provides, with compassion, and  sharing the gospel of Christ clearly with everyone who comes.
April 2010 Update

Dear Friends and Partners,


God orchestrates everything to His Glory!  It is a true pleasure to share all He has accomplished as we labor with Him and for Him.

National staff highlights

Dr. Jean Paul graduated in 2000 from the Guinean medical school in Conakry and received training in OB/GYN in the African apprentice style in the town of Kindia. He testifies that God was purifying him in those formative years.  In 2006 and 2007 he served as an elder in the local Kindia church (EPE/CMA) and preached frequently.


Dr. Jean Paul came to us in October of 2007 during our first wave of national staff recruitment.  He enthusiastically plugged into the CEH clinic work and competently consulted many patients though this was not his primary training. His leadership style showed in his willingness to train the two younger national doctors.  He now serves as the Chief of Staff and has done this well for 18 months.  He is well qualified to represent CEH in medical conferences and reports to the government medical administration. Later this year when the construction of the surgery is complete he will perform the surgical procedures he trained for.  In recent months he has personally suffered with typhoid fever and several parasites. Will you assist him in his very broad responsibilities through your prayers?

Dr. Jean Paul sharing with the crowd

Dr. Jean Paul sharing with crowd
Dr. Jean Paul with patient

Dr. Jean Paul with patient

Please use the list below to guide your prayers for Dr. Jean Paul.

  1. That his personal walk with God remains strong.
  2. Power in his witness on the veranda to the crowd of patients coming to be consulted followed by his private witness and prayer with patients in the consultation room.
  3. Godly wisdom and compassion in medical judgments.
  4. A strong and mutually supportive partnership with Etienne and Dr. Kristen on the Administration Committee, guiding the hospital decisions monthly.
  5. Blessing, guidance and protection for his family.  He has a wife and four children.
  6. Continued health and total healing from his recent illness.   
New laborers for the harvest

In October of 2007 when we began the hiring process of national workers at CEH we hired seven medical staff and three housekeeping/translators.  Since that time three have left from this first group, however, God has grown the staff to 21 people.  We have been praying for additional nurses to serve at the hospital.  This additional staff is needed for the inpatient wards now in use and the surgery which will be operational by the end of the year.


Current staff at CEH
Current Staff
On April 28, 2010, 18 candidates came for interviews and a screening written test to assess what their current medical abilities are. We hope to be able to hire at least 10 people from this group of applicants. Pray that the Lord of the harvest give us just the right people.

Government and Elections

Etienne made contacts with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He received documentation to support our contract with the Ministry of Health to be exonerated from taxes on CEH.  This includes medical purchases, vehicles and the equipment we bring in for the hospital and for our missionaries. We certainly praise God for this!

The expected visit from a delegation of the US Embassy was mutually encouraging as they witnessed our competent compassionate care for the 70-80 patients we are seeing daily (we had a record of 110 consultations on April 6).  They complimented us even to the point of stating that as our facilities continue to expand they would recommend us for care of their own embassy personnel rather than expatriating them to Senegal or Europe. The human words are encouraging, but the Glory is all God's!

Elections have been scheduled for June 27, 2010, with a run-off election scheduled for July 18.  Public political campaigning will be allowed starting May 15 and running through the elections. The military has taken self disciplinary actions to restrain political frictions. The cost of fuel has risen by 30 percent which has an effect on all aspects of life. There have been some strikes for pay raises including the banking system. Pray for peace in these days.

Material blessings

With gratitude we purchased a Nissan Pathfinder to replace the worn out Honda CRV as an administrative vehicle for Etienne.  This vehicle became available from an embassy official who left the country and will not be returning.  Etienne has chosen to nickname this car Percy II (Perseverance) after Debbie's and my own first car in Africa, which we bought 22 years ago in 1988.  That car (Percy I) is still being used for service to Christ in Ferke, CDI. 

Perseverance (Percy) II
Nissa Pathfinder

Etienne with new Nissan Pathfinder
Etienne with new vehicle

The final parts of the most recent IDA order of pharmaceuticals were received in April via air shipments from Holland. As you can imagine, this is both a necessity and a blessing!


We are currently preparing container #9 in Detroit and #10 in Minnesota to be shipped within the next two months.  We are praying for safe passage and protection of the contents of these containers.

Travel & building plans ..."If the Lord wills"

The planned trip for Becky, Beth and Patrick from ARC/Mayo was canceled due to the Iceland volcano interrupting all travel through Europe. God is sovereign in these natural disasters; we will try to reschedule the trip in the near future. Electrical and construction teams are forming for a trip in late summer. Ulli, the COO of CEH, and I are planning to travel to Guinea in September to assist in government contacts and the progress toward opening the Surgery.


The building contractor started construction of the surgery this week. Pray for the completion of its funding, safety in working, harmony, and a job well done as multiple teams work on different aspects of the task.

Raymond in the foundation trenches.
Raymond in foundation trenches

Thank you for your partnership in prayer and giving that makes this all happen!


Your fellow servant,


Dwight E. Slater, MD

Chief Executive Officer

Compassion Evangelical Hospital

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you. 

Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 
I Corinthians 15:58


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Compassion Evangelical Hospital
P.O. Box 870
Southfield, MI   48037 

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