eFlourishing Masthead Outlined

 Published Weekly by Family Wealth Management, LLC 
          May 19, 2011                                                                                     Issue 57

Ours is not a philosophy for getting by.  We believe in living with purpose.  We believe in values, in goals, in achievement, and in the joy of living.

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Family Wealth Mangement, LLC
108 W 9th Ave
PO Box 728

I mentioned to you last week that Linda, my wife of nearly forty-five years, will be retiring on June 1.  How precious is time, especially with those you love?


Last Friday afternoon, I received a call from the nurse at Augusta Middle School, where Linda is a Special Education teacher.  Linda was experiencing chest pain, and the nurse was having difficulty keeping her awake.  She had already ordered an ambulance.  "If there's time," I said, "get her to Via Christi St. Francis."  (I've spent a little time there myself, and in my experience, there is no better medical team anywhere.)  There was and they did.


Friday's episode was a heart attack, but Linda is at home now, getting used to the idea of rest and relaxation.  Her retirement has arrived two weeks ahead of schedule.  She's looking forward to spending the many remaining years of her life drawing, painting, and writing; and of course, spending lots of time with her grandchildren.


Gratitude! For that Augusta Middle School nurse, for Butler County EMS, and for  Via Christi's outstanding ER team; for Dr. Lyle Zepick, Linda's cardiologist, and for the nurses in Via Christi's cardiac intensive care unit.


And, for Janelle.  Despite having four young children of her own to care for, Nelle drove from Salina to Via Christi - and then to Winfield - to reassure and care for her parents.  For Nelle's husband, Danny and his parents, Karen and Ron, all of whom looked after our grandchildren in Nelle's absence.


We are truly blessed. Until next week,



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The opinions voiced in this newsletter are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.  Opinions represent those of Michael Harvey and not necessarily LPL Financial.  To determine the investment(s) that may be appropriate for you, contact your financial advisor prior to investing.  All performance referenced is historical and is no guarantee of future results.  International and emerging market investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuation and political instability and may not be suitable for all investors.  Union State Bank is not a registered broker/dealer or affiliated with LPL Financial.

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