Announcing the AAUP Ad Auction!
AAUP members can get a great deal on advertising space while helping a good cause. AAUP will once again organize a silent ad auction at the 2011 AAUP Annual Meeting in Baltimore.

All proceeds of the event will help the Sabre Foundation continue and expand their book donation programs.

Silent bidding will begin on Friday, June 3 at 10:00  a.m. and end on Saturday, June 4, at 6:15 p.m. Winners will be contacted at the conclusion of the meeting. Winners must contact the publications directly to reserve their space. Payments should be sent directly to the Sabre Foundation (AAUP will provide an invoice).

If you will not be attending the  Annual Meeting, please delegate a representative to bid for advertising on your behalf, or fax or e-mail your bids  to Susan Patton at 212-989-0275 or by 3:00  p.m. on Friday, May 27.

Auction Details
Participating Publications
About Sabre
Participating Publications

1/2 Page B & W or 4 Color


Minimum Bid: $1,100
Maximum Bid: $ _____

Contact: Rachel Fine,

To run in any 2011 issue



1/3 Page B & W or 4 color

Minimum Bid: $1,200
Maximum Bid: $ _____

Contact: Cheryl Vawdry,

To run in any 2011 issue

1/6 page B & W 

Minimum bid: $ 625
Maximum bid: $ _____

Contact: Ellen Bollinger,

To run in any 2011 issue. Special issues excluded.

The New Republic 

1/3 page (vertical) B & W
Minimum bid: $800
Maximum bid: $ _____

 Contact: Julie Kettell,

To run in any 2011 issue (subject to availability)

1/2 page B & W
Minimum bid: $ 3,000
Maximum bid: $ _____

Contact: Mike King,

To run in any 2011 issue. Special issues excluded.


About the Sabre Foundation

The Sabre Foundation of Cambridge, Massachusetts, has made international book donations its largest program area. For 20 years, Sabre has sent millions of dollars' worth of donated books and educational materials to more than 80 countries. Focusing on developing and transitional societies, Sabre's Book Donation Program took root first in Central and Eastern Europe and countries in the former Soviet Union, and has since expanded to Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

More than 200 American publishers, including an increasing number of academic presses, participate in Sabre's book program through ongoing donations of new and unremaindered educational materials.

Since 2002, the Annual AAUP Ad Auction has raised over $110,000 for the Sabre Foundation. The proceeds have been used toward shipments of medical, science, humanities and social science books to Afghanistan.  

Contact Susan Patton with any questions.