AAUP 2010 Wrap-Up Newsletter
Updates and Highlights for Attendees
AAUP 2010
June 17-20
Salt Lake City

Meeting Program

Meeting Evaluation

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In This Issue
Thank You
Meeting Evaluation Survey
Annual Meeting Wiki
AAUP 2010 in the News
Facebook & Twitter
2010 AAUP Constituency Award
AAUP 2010-2011 Board & Officers
AAUP Ad Auction
Next Year in Baltimore!
Thank You: Issue #6 of the AAUP 2010 Registrants Newsletter
Thank you all for making the AAUP 2010 Annual Meeting such a resounding success! Almost 530 members of our community--members, partners, and friends from across the scholarly communications world--gathered in Salt Lake City last week for a packed agenda of panels, speakers, workshops, and (an old-school social networking platform) cocktail parties. In this final issues of the AAUP 2010 Registrants Newsletter, we'll cover a few of the highlights, but more importantly, point you in the direction of the continuing conversations and communities of interest from which future meetings and resources will grow.
Meeting Evaluation Survey
Please complete the meeting evaluation online by July 12. These surveys help us to plan future meetings and are a great way to pass along ideas for next year's program while they are still fresh in your mind.
Annual Meeting Wiki
Conference knowledge from AAUP 2010 is being posted on the AAUPWiki. Panelists and speakers may choose to share their presentations and talks here--by adding their text to the Wiki page, linking to a talk posted on a personal or institutional site, or linking to presentation files at SlideShare or elsewhere. Learn more about how to join the Annual Meeting Wiki. Attendees are also welcome to share notes and tips from the sessions. Already you'll find presentations from sessions such as "XML for the Rest of Us," " The University Press as Digital Publisher," and "Assessing the Market for E-Books."
AAUP 2010 in the News
Jennifer Howard of The Chronicle of Higher Education filed several reports from Salt Lake City:
June 20: "Scholarly Presses Confront an Increasingly Digital Present"
June 19: "AAUP 2010: A State of 'Perpetual Transition'"
June 18: "AAUP 2010: How Did University Presses Do This Year?"

Sarah Gold summed up the meeting in Publishers Weekly:
June 22: "Facing the Facts: University Presses in the Digital Age"

Robert Townsend interprets the meeting for history scholars in AHA Today:
June 21: "Is There an E-book in Your Future? A Report from the University Presses"
AAUP 2010 on Facebook and Twitter
The AAUP 2010 Program Committee lit a fire for the Salt Lake City meeting back in March when they launched a Facebook page for the meeting. It's been burning bright for a growing community ever since and is still a location for recaps and highlights. The page will remain active for a little while longer, and perhaps transmute into an AAUP 2011 page. Stay tuned!

Throughout the meeting a small but active group kept a Twitter buzz going from various sessions, broadcasting the Salt Lake City events to followers unable to join us in person (or IRL, if you prefer). Still fresh, you can follow the tweeted meeting by searching the hashtag #AAUP10.
2010 AAUP Constituency Award: Will Powers
It was with bittersweet pleasure that Betsy Litz, Production Manager at Princeton University Press, announced the 2010 Constituency Award. Will Powers was posthumously honored for his years of service, both formal and informal, to the association. Powers, Design & Production Manager at the Minnesota Historical Society Press for 11 years, served on the AAUP Design and Production Committee and was its chair in 2008. He shared his expertise with colleagues freely at meetings and over the email discussion lists, and mentored a new generation of university press designers. The AAUP Constituency Award honors staff at member presses who have demonstrated active leadership and service to the association and the university press community.
AAUP 2010-11 Board and Officers
A new term for the AAUP Board and Officers begins at the Annual Meeting. President Richard Brown (Director, Georgetown University Press) stepped into his role with a luncheon address on Saturday, June 19, that focused us all on an "orientation of hope" for the mission and work of university presses. Past-President Kathleen Keane (Director, Johns Hopkins University Press) had delivered a valedictory address the day before. Both talks will be available online soon. Newly elected officers for the AAUP Board also include President-elect MaryKatherine Callaway (Director, Louisiana State University Press) and Anna Weidman (CFO, University of California Press), Treasurer-Elect, joining current Treasurer Russell Schwalbe (Business Manager, University of Wisconsin Press.) New members-at-large for the 2010-2011 term are Meredith Babb (Director, University Press of Florida) and Darrin Pratt (Director, University Press of Colorado).
AAUP Ad Auction
The 2010 AAUP Ad Auction raised an impressive $10,427 to benefit the international book donations of the Sabre Foundation.

Thanks go to the following publications for donating space:
The American Prospect
The Chronicle Review
Inside Higher Ed (online ad)
The Nation
The New Republic
The New York Review of Books
Poets & Writers
Publishers Weekly (online ad)

Winning presses included: University Press of Florida, Temple University Press, University of Wisconsin Press, Cambridge University Press, and Princeton University Press.
Next Year in Baltimore!
We hope to see many of you and your colleagues at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront next June 2-5 for AAUP 2011. There is already a buzz building for the 2011 meeting, and AAUP Annual Meeting Program Committee Chair Gita Manaktala (Editorial Director, MIT Press) is collecting  ideas for session topics and speakers. Please use the AAUP 2010 evaluation form to submit those. Until then, we'll look for you online--at the Wiki, on Facebook pages, and in the lively conversations that last year round.
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Thank you for registering for the AAUP 2010 Annual Meeting! This newsletter is a periodic resource of updates and highlights for attendees preparing for the conference. An option to unsubscribe is below.

Photo: Eric Schramm; Copyright: Salt Lake Convention & Visitors Bureau